What people are saying about "Mail Box"
Mail Box
Comments have been closed for this comic.
about 11 years ago
I was told there was cake.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291989]@Vulpis[/url]: Makes sense...
Benny Tops
about 11 years ago
Heh, hey Jo. Maybe put Toad or Peach in the next one.


I could see wonders with that and your work.

See you at the Tops.
about 11 years ago
so yeah jo, please turn off the comment section and the the photonotes for a week, see if people calm down.
about 11 years ago
if you guys would just shut up there would be no reason for all of this drama. do not mention dota, THIS comic has nothing to do with dota.
yet you guys complain about dota when its not even here, in turn encourages the trolls to ask for dota to keep it up.
about 11 years ago
we're only responding back to your hostile threats. if you guys didnt keep on whining about dota comics we wouldnt bother trying to defend it. and you guys are just keeping the flames up by pretending to be dota fans as well.
about 11 years ago
and to continue, please show which comments are forcing "you" or anyone else to play dota? they're not the ones who 'STARTED' to tell people to leave the site, its you guys who keep on saying gtfo and stop dota comics.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292207]@Bindal[/url] are you even reading them properly? its pretty clear that the people who keep on asking for more dota are trolling, just check out the way they're saying it and their own names. you think a guy with the name lelele is serious? or did you not read the /sarcasm from tom641?
Liro Raeriyo
about 11 years ago
Todays comic rates a 3/10, low score because of failed oportinity!

Registered users would be a good thing, then we could go /ignore any dota/tf2 fag and be done with it
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292206]@ssss[/url]: it's the dota fanboys swarming this place like cockroaches throwing a huge shitfest in the comments, forcing their shitty game on everybody. of course people get pissed and start disliking dota when that happenes on every comic.
about 11 years ago
joe, you really ought to get rid of the comment section. maybe the photo notes once the trolls and haters use it as their substitute.
about 11 years ago
its pretty clear now that most those guys claiming for more dota are actually the dota haters. the names speak for themselves that they are trolling, while the rest are exaggerating.
so... in the end you guys are just attacking each other lol... and not listening to joe's request *sigh*
about 11 years ago
about 11 years ago
not dota dont get it
about 11 years ago
about 11 years ago
*Insert obligatory appreciation that this page is not Dota-related here*
about 11 years ago
@Grammar Nutzi: You are retarded.

Jo making grammar mistakes, can improve his english via people telling him. Good for Jo.

It was never about making Jo feel bad about it. Just to help him get better.

You are wrong, wrong, wrong. Go cry to momma.
( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
about 11 years ago
dota 2.
Grammar Nutzi
about 11 years ago
For those that keeps picking on Jo's grammar or spelling or such.

I want you to write in Brazilian Portuguese and see how well you do.
Still can't login
about 11 years ago
"Sorry, Mario, but your nigerian prince is in another email.
Narukami Yu
about 11 years ago

*Izanagi No Ookami crits everyone for 9999 damage with Myriad Truths and destroy everyone plus the comment sections*

*The world is now at peace*
about 11 years ago
Even though there's no changing it now though, I think it might have been a little bit more funny with a more accurate mushroom from the game and 'Un-natural Male Enhancement' on the box. Would have probably elicited a bit better reaction.
about 11 years ago
Well I enjoyed the comic, got a good chuckle out of me. Might not have been the best comic on the site, but at least it brought on a reaction more then a groan.
about 11 years ago
Jo, you need to nerf your comments section. Bazang.

about 11 years ago
this is the reason why super mario bros. sucks
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291799]@Giant_Hat[/url] I'm with you on this. If they complain all the time for the lack of variety (which isn't true realistically) why don't they go to other gaming comics? Just block the comments for a few days or force it to registered users and see how the views go.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291954]@Raxyz[/url]: I blame some of it on the fact that he's got the comment button labeled 'Troll Now'--people seem to take the request entirely too seriously, and actually troll instead of making any useful comment.
about 11 years ago
Excuse me, I need to vomit.

Also, kinda unoriginal joke, don't you think?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291799]@Giant_Hat[/url]: yo should make an off-site free forum and send people there. and actually ignore it.
about 11 years ago
Wow, a comic that's not Dota 2 yet people still complain about it? Hmsigh, can't please anyone anymore..
about 11 years ago
Lucky Mario! Now he's all set for the last part in world 8.
about 11 years ago
Wow... What hapenned to NerfNow community? It saddens me really...
You can't have a gaming-related site nowdays that's 100% free of trolls and idiots.
about 11 years ago
I'm glad that I could immediately get this one, as opposed to the very specific scenario reference in the previous comic.
about 11 years ago
This wouldn't have happen if Mario had an Adblock suit.
about 11 years ago
Mario, you went to the wrong site!
about 11 years ago
this wasn't a dota 2 comic, so it was good
about 11 years ago
Then leave.
about 11 years ago
I feel like I am the one of the minority who enjoy almost ALL aspect of video games...even the bad ones.

I started from TF2 skits which hooked me, then came in for Dota ones which is also cool and other random stuff which keeps it interesting and enjoyable.
about 11 years ago
Never played halo, don't plan on it either. Mario is my god, now Jo, please a TF2 Comic about Pyro's new Skullgirls look <.< >.>. Or at east have a week of Engie posing in various Skull Girl costumes and DoTa2 ^,^ That way we all win
about 11 years ago
But MailBoxBox is still not geyed out, it means there i something else there! Hit it again for your chance at millions!
about 11 years ago
Oh my god jo i'm so sick of Notdota Now every week it's another fucking comic about something that's not Dota 2 i'm never reading another comic again /sarcasm
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291818]@tehpanda[/url]: Mein gotte, he's right. Jo, quickly! Draw a comic with Engie that involves both DOTA and Not-DOTA, it's the only way to please everyone!
about 11 years ago
I actually enjoy the variety in these comic, since I don't really play any game exclusively. Also love the occasional jab at current gaming news/mess ups.

My only grievance is, that it has been over 2 weeks without Engie :<
umop apisdn
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291780]@FUCKINGBULLCRAPPPL[/url]: You sound like you need some of Vagina, the Anti-Rage.
about 11 years ago
I wouldn't blame ya if the comments section was to... disappear for a few strips until commenters settle down and learn to behave again.
about 11 years ago
Lol, random joke that makes no sense. Stop making Mario comics, nobody understands the obscure jokes in them.

Draw Halo comics or something, Halo is easy to understand and everybody has played Halo at least once.
about 11 years ago
This is why Mario sucks. More Alex Kidd comics or I never read again!!!111!!eleven!!!

On another note, that must be one very rich nigerian prince. I've gotten his request to give me free money a few times already.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291780]@FUCKINGBULLCRAPPPL[/url]: Y U SO BUTTMAD BRO?
about 11 years ago
go fuck a goat, you 30 IQ animal fuckers.
about 11 years ago
Now Jo made a real effort the last few comics so people could get the jokes and you guys fucking spit in his brazilian face even though I'm sure he bothered to think things through so your fucking 30 IQ brains could understand the jokes.

you don't deserve to read his fucking work.
about 11 years ago
Oh, stop your fucking whining. Dotafags cry when it's not DOTA, and othergamefags cry when it's DOTA.

Shut the fuck up. As long as JO MAKES IT EASY TO UNDERSTAND THE COMIC (please keep it up Jo) everything is fine.

The only problem with his previous DOTA2 comics is that jokes were too obscure.
about 11 years ago
@Your Friendly Nintendofag: haha, are you serious?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291696]@Inb4[/url] lol, nice one
about 11 years ago
@Your Friendly Nintendofag: They were trolling you fucking idiot.
about 11 years ago
Problem is that penis enlargement pills don't actually work. My incredible small penis cries at night because of that.
about 11 years ago
Not funny. Would've been funny in 2005 or so, but not now.
about 11 years ago
Your Friendly Nintendofag
about 11 years ago
>Hurr who plays one of the first revolutionary console games ever to come out in existence?

Drink bleach. Please.
Anonymous Troll
about 11 years ago
Wow, a good comic. Been a while. Thought it would just be Moba junk from now on.
about 11 years ago
Tf2? Skullgirls? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=144616840
about 11 years ago
Who ever plays Mario? Nobody understands you. Is it. now Mario comic?????

AntiMage sucks!
about 11 years ago
I don't get this joke at all because I don't play Mareo. Please go back to DOTA comics because I found this joke rather dry.

Oh, and magic sucks.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_291696]@Inb4[/url] You beat me to it, and Kbra has become the first horseman of the hurp-ocalypse.
about 11 years ago
Finally a freakin' comic that is funny and unrelated to bad games!
about 11 years ago
Well, gonna post on whats probably gonna happen as always on the comment section

about 11 years ago
Sorry Mario, the princess needs a plumber named Ron Jermey
about 11 years ago
Oddly enough, the weight loss poison mushrooms actually work.
about 11 years ago
"He could got millions"
Interesting grammar.
about 11 years ago
Sounds about right
about 11 years ago
aaaaaaaand now he's got a virus.