What people are saying about "Official Fanfic"
Official Fanfic
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almost 7 years ago
Well, it may not be the best,but it's something, at least.. it brings a bitter taste, but at least it offers some closure on that matter.
almost 7 years ago
@T Half-Life 3 Confirmed to be cancelled.

Though maybe it's for the best that it got canned like this. Remember Did Not Finish?
almost 7 years ago
The point of the link isn't the story itself,it's the fact that the game is pretty much dead.

With almost all of the team gone,after more than a DECADE after halflife 2, and as people said HATS et al making so much money.
It's not about cannon, it's about it being the only story we'll ever get.
almost 7 years ago
I forget the name of the video. But it was one that went into great detail about why Valve hasn't released HL3.
Starting with the hat sales being better revenue. Also the your chose matters debacle of Mass Effect 3's ending
almost 7 years ago
It's well and all that he posted it, Valve is dead as a game developer anyway. Letting all of their writers go and announcing this dota 2 cardgame no one asked for? please just stick to working on steam if that's the content to expect from them now.

almost 7 years ago
"still a better story then twilight" lol. I just made that joke today and thought nobody makes that joke anymore, but here you are making it. nice.
almost 7 years ago
Half Life 3 conf... nevermind