What people are saying about "Gift"
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over 12 years ago
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Josué Pereira
over 13 years ago
cool i'l try to fit in more engy-tan
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
this is the downside of unusual hats, although incredibly RARE, the average hat that is unusual is basicly like lighting your head on fire (sometimes you really do) and attracting every sniper in the map to your position, great to wear when playing medival mode, most snipers cant aim with the bow
over 13 years ago
@Josué Pereira
I like 'em, but i'd like to see more of TF2 comics. Y'know, like Engie-Tan, all that stuff. Or a Chibi-like comic.
A Bag of Doubt
over 13 years ago
@Josué Pereira: ...uhm, yes Jo. I always enjoy reading your comics and I expect that you'll keep making them at your utmost potential...

...keep up the good work.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55495]@Sach1el[/url]: It never did. The core gameplay is solid as it ever was.
over 13 years ago
umm pyro you have some blue stuff on yo- "gunshot noises" oh now its red
over 13 years ago
@The Anon known as Ivan: It is also danish for poison.

But I don't know where Jo is from.
over 13 years ago
leave the game over hats?

If you dont like it IGNORE IT. the hats arent stopping you from gibbing fools.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55480]@Starpilot[/url]: We Dutchies have the currency, but we simply choose not to spend it ;-) On the TF2 forums they are called poor and Irish. (Don't ask me why.)
over 13 years ago
Am I the only one who imagines baby Medic having the same voice as Lucy from the Charlie Brown animation specials?
The Anon known as Ivan
over 13 years ago
Did you know that "Gift" is German for Poison?
over 13 years ago
I stopped playing TF2, when the hat´s became more important than solid gameplay. :-/
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
Keys, crates and unusual hats just killed this game for me. I hate the slot machine mentality they create.
over 13 years ago
Technically the gas tank is on the pyro's hitbox... it just wouldn't one-shot him.
over 13 years ago
Unusuals are dumb exactly for this reason, they're all big fucking 'SHOOT ME' signs you wear on your head.
over 13 years ago
I can think of another joke for this, instead of being on fire, the hat smells bad and pyro can't smell due to his gas mask.
over 13 years ago
The Towering Inferno
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55426]@Twib[/url] You mean Vintage Sammich
over 13 years ago
I think it would still be an amazing gift.
You can sell that hat for hundreds of dollars.
You can also unequip it whenever you want to.
over 13 years ago
@A Bag of Opinions: We are...middle class and dutch?
over 13 years ago
Knives? Check.
Rope? Check.
Dagger? Check.
Chains? Check.
Locks? Check.
Laser Beams? Check.
Acid? Check.
Body Bag? Check.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
If Jo ever branches out into merch, may I suggest a mini-medic plushie?

I'd buy one.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
(unusual) Stout Shako for two (hundred) refined!
A Bag of Opinions
over 13 years ago
...you and your talks of unusuals! What about us common folk with our non-effect hats, huh?
over 13 years ago
also, my red flame shako is an eyecandy
over 13 years ago
i like apple pie
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55461]@Serathis[/url]: No, but it's harder to hide in low cover with tall hats. Also, speaking of unusuals, I've seen a Heavy's Hard Counter sporting green confetti. It seemed ironic that a hat designed to keep one's head dry was raining paper scraps.
over 13 years ago
This is why I want a Flies or Confetti Unusual for my medic.

They're rare, they're cool, and they don't scream "SHOOT ME IN THE HEAD!"
over 13 years ago
Do hats increase the headshot height?
over 13 years ago
Fire trophy belt, check.
Regular rifle, check.
Jar to pee in, check.
Hide in corner of map, check.
Get dominated by other sniper, check.
Ragequit, check.
(this really happened, although on 2fort so I'm not surprised that he sucked at choosing hiding-gear)
over 13 years ago
At least in Mass Effect I always aim for the gas tank. Gotta love it when they retreat to their group, only to explode there :-)

Perhaps add it as a bonus death-animation, only if you hit 1 specific spot on the gas tank with a weapon capable of headshots?
over 13 years ago
Fail sniper aims at air tank?
Must not explode from the pressure then.
Curse you game physics!!!
over 13 years ago
I like the one fail sniper aiming for the air tank.

*anyone else hear the real sinpers voice when they read "Not Really".*
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
@ Mr. Wise Guy

it's the dots from the blue snipers' snipers! they appear as soon as you scope in (and get bigger every second)!
Mr. Wise Guy
over 13 years ago
I hope he's sweating because of the heat.
Then again, how can sweat go outside his helmet?
It must be condensation or somthing, isnt he flame retardent?

I must be thinking too much of this
over 13 years ago
Clearly only BLU Pyros speak in NERF NOW!
over 13 years ago
well, i guess people who wear such items know the risks, since it really is supposed to get everyone's attention.

anyway, at least he died happy :p
over 13 years ago
Poor Pyro,

never get a break in nerf now
over 13 years ago
Hell, I'd take that gift. Fuck da Snipers!
over 13 years ago
I blocked a sniper's view by crouching in front of him with the towering pillar of hats.
over 13 years ago
and a week old sammich