What people are saying about "Performance"
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Johnny the Hedgehog
over 12 years ago
And me being a good sniper, bet those girls won't pay any attention to that... T_T;
almost 13 years ago
"Did you ever saw a spy kill half the enemy team, sap all the sentries and bring back the intel?"

I've done that. D:
almost 13 years ago
I have, in fact. It was me.
almost 14 years ago
I swear to god. It was sudden death in gran. There was 3 engies lieft on my team. A spy had killed 2 engies and there sentry. Then, he proceded to cap the point. It was 3 vs 1.
almost 14 years ago
fuck you spy -.-
David D. Davidson
about 14 years ago
That spy is my brother. I hate his spy skills so much. Taking down teams of pyros (only dying due to burn damage), backstabbing scouts, laying waste to engi nests.

He's a monster.
about 14 years ago
why do the people on red team have blu eyes but the blu pyro has red eyes?

medics dont count!
about 14 years ago
entire team is full of babies... i did that, once or two... when it works you feel like a king XD
over 14 years ago
Addendum to my last post: the "it" I mention working every time is the kill-everyone-you-see-sap-everything-and-nab-the-intel plan, not the giant Sentry nests. Most times he forgot a Sentry and it nailed him, but he pulled off two captures (that I saw) and was definitely keeping BLU on their toes.
over 14 years ago
I've actually seen this happen - my brother plays a decent Spy, and at one point he was playing on a 2Fort map modded so that Engies could set up unlimited buildings, and both teams' "defenses" consisted of giant Sentry nests and little else. It didn't work every time, but it worked enough times.
over 14 years ago
lol guys, the point here is that in reality he got his ass handed to him, big time. He's lying his ass off to impress the chicks.
over 14 years ago
i have done most of this... the team were a bunch of retards who were engies with one heavy, they thought you shot sappers off, and didnt know how to spy check, so i managed to kill them all.
they were defense on a payload map, and were only at the last point.
got every building.
over 14 years ago
Thamk god none of the character cloths design were too hevily influenced by the game
Alex B
almost 15 years ago
Since when does a pyro's tank have a pipe running into his mask....
about 15 years ago
I once took out an entire enemy team... But there were only 3 of them
over 15 years ago
Although really late, but just to tell you, I've never seen a guy do it, but I did it myself :D (never did cap the intel whole way though. Killed half the team, sapped the sentries, brought the intel half way then died, so you can say i nearly did everything Lol.)
over 15 years ago
I would rather be on team RED. Way more hotties.
over 15 years ago
Yeah, the blonde is Red's heavy... you can tell by the Russian fuzzy hat despite looking decidedly more sweedish with the bikini.

I just imagined the visual of firing Sasha in a Bikini... counter-rotation was involved.
over 15 years ago
Is the blond one a heavy...? :0
over 15 years ago
i suck that's why i like so i can have sex
over 15 years ago
Spy: i am going to facestab u like a gornish game hen.                               Engi: **** U SPY!!!!
over 15 years ago
Ah yes, the dual-wielding crit-wrench-blocking unlock! Gimme!
a dood
over 15 years ago
easily one of the best conics here.
over 15 years ago
Is that engie a werewolf?!?!?!?!
over 15 years ago
My personal favorite =)
over 15 years ago
Oh, did i say "story of my life" back on "I, Spy"? Ahaha. Well what I MEANT to say was story of my REAL life! THIS is what always happens when I play spy in TF2! ALWAYS!