What people are saying about "Balance"
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over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351473]@Geary[/url]: lol nope. it is what most pro games at LCS looked like for the most part of s4, compared to more agressive style of s3. At low elo it is still about early domination
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351450]@Sotonya[/url] I mean, if you're shit at LoL that might be what it looks like, yeah.
over 10 years ago
Welp, dota now moves the same direction lol started to move in s4. All in all it means that matches would loks like this: 40 mins of careful farming with little to no succesful ganks then one general temfight will commence and outcome of this fight will decide outcome of the whole match
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351438]@Raxyz[/url]: Could this guy have been right all along? And we all thought he was trolling.. #sadTinker..
over 10 years ago
Reading these patch notes.....It's harder now to end a game quickly under 30 minutes due to the new death system rewarding a team that's behind with more exp and gold.

Therefore the winner is usually decided by which team has more carries.

SO support heroes are pretty much Useless this patch.
over 10 years ago
Huh? Did they removed the 'lose gold on death' mechanic?
over 10 years ago
haha right in the middle of navi.us vs Sna they added patch 6.82 :D the 2nd game will be the first competetive play on new patch !
over 10 years ago
orchid sheep aghs, suddenly decent late game damage.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351433]@Suspicious[/url]: ...per level of Hand of God. Read the patch notes... BTW, Warlock is still a beast. Just try the max Upheaval build which will go untouched this patch.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351437]@arbitrarytext[/url]: Last 15 comics 4 Dota 5 Hearthstone 3 Misc 1 TF2 1 Smash Bros 1 Destiny 27% Dota in Nerf Now. Shows what you know... Crybaby.
over 10 years ago
Every comic is a Dota comic now.
over 10 years ago
Is it possible to sproink sadly? Because if so, Enchantress will be doing it.

(Chen already had an edge over Enchantress before this; anything he charmed stayed in his control until it got killed whereas with Enchantress there was a countdown clock, if I recall correctly.)
over 10 years ago
@Karl Wilson-Wolfe:
Actually, Chen can only charm a maximum of 1 Ancient creep with Scepter. Read the patch notes.
over 10 years ago
Don't forget warlock. I really don't see any reason to play warlock anymore.
That said I had dreams about walking ancients into lane, it can now be a reality.
over 10 years ago
Remember how OP Lich and KotL ASUs were...

over 10 years ago
Great comic this time, just a shame it doesn't have a reference to "How to tame your dragon" or Elder Scrolls, like enchantress could be exclaiming: "What in oblivion is that!?"
over 10 years ago
Yeah, this update basically nerfs the deathball push strat Newbee used in the TI4 finals into the ground.
over 10 years ago
You're right, Jo.

Every time I play Ench, I can't help but do stupid voices.
over 10 years ago
Have to agree with you there Jo, I don't pick Enchantress for her gameplay, I pick her for her cute voice lines.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351417]@dealwithit[/url]: For once, I agree. This was a patch no one asked for...
Col. Hathi
over 10 years ago
Just look at that facial expression ^^
over 10 years ago
You're forgetting something Smarag. Just consider how easy it will be to push high ground with 3 magic immune ancient creeps, each of which has ~2000 health, and each of which gets healed to full every 30 seconds.
over 10 years ago
I think unlike Chen her pushing becomes more stale and she begins her late game "snipe-carry-mode". She has some slight support abilities, and survivability, but Chen is mainly a support, his main damage spell is randomized, the ancients are nice to push but not unstoppable as many led to believe.
over 10 years ago
You are pretty much wrong about Chen. These are just Ancient creeps with no great abilities. You get creeps like Centaur for their stuns etc. During late game most people farm multiple stacks of them at once, they aren't really useful when it comes to fights late game.
over 10 years ago
Enchantress got a buff though, her Impetus now goes through BKB. (Spell piercing, pure damage)
over 10 years ago
I just hear it in my head. That guy's shouting sounds just like "HEY KOOL-AID!" from the old commercials, and just as arbitrarily sudden. I really like it.
over 10 years ago
AWwww... you missed oportunity to show ench running in fear with +5ms bonus
over 10 years ago
At least they removed rat tinker offlane dire.
Random Dude
over 10 years ago
Poor Enchantress :(
over 10 years ago
Chen, you congregation of squirrels and chipmunks can't ... YOLY SHIT A FUCKING DRAGON!
over 10 years ago
Hoi, we are right in the middle of Worlds of League of Legends. Now is the time to makes jokes about:


If you want to be saved from the research yourself. :P
over 10 years ago
Chen can be the farm support now, poor Crystal Maiden
over 10 years ago
Nerf Now Agh Upgrade: Be the first to post a comment