Well, Russian version of "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky" came with thousand bugs, that render game unsolvable and every patch was not compatible with old saves, so you need to start over every time! What do you know of pain? ;)
over 13 years ago
You meant difficulty, not difficult. Lol.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_69265]@Derpadoo[/url]: X-Com had a famous bug which made it impossible to play in any difficult but the easiest one.
Also, it was possible to not finish the game if you researched some stuff too early.
There was also the "big green text bug" which crashed the game and sometimes, the OS.
Good ol times
over 13 years ago
Yes games have always had small bugs slip past testing at launch, but nowhere near as bad as games that ship today; Borderlands, Magicka, and most EA-server run games just to name a few.
Denilson Sá
over 13 years ago
Games that were very buggy at the launch? Worms Reloaded anyone?
Heck, it's buggy even long time after launch.
Good old times of Worms 2 on Windows 95 on 33600bps modem...
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_69226]@Mashakosha[/url]: Games in the past had bugs too.
However, given the games at that time were less complex, the number of bugs were also smaller.
And there was no internet too, some people may never knew his favorite game were bugged until someone pointed it.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_69219]@Derpadoo[/url]: There's always bugs and glitches that goes past playtesting that gets discovered by players in the public. In fact, it was harder back then to get patches for games since you had to prove you purchased the game.
over 13 years ago
Yeah, we probably aren't.
over 13 years ago
Just preorder it on greenmangaming for $28, you'll have to wait a long time for it to get to that price anyways.
over 13 years ago
Batteries included?
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Nope. Pretty much all of them had some kind of bug or glitch, usually several.
over 13 years ago
Remember when games couldn't be patched, and actually had to be done right at launch?
over 13 years ago
What a shame.
over 13 years ago
Remembering earlier videos with dickhook augmentation (allows to drag bodies with both arms holding a gun) Im pretty sure that guy has already got his hands on the penis aug AND I think he got his arms auged so he could use more of the previous aug...
DeuSex 3: 2 cyberhands and the mysterius aug...
Harley Filben
over 13 years ago
I don't have much of a business.
I think I'll take your weapons.
Trolling Nerd
over 13 years ago
Why don't you just Preorder it to get the discount, and play it after the first patch?
over 13 years ago
And in GITS, augmented body parts had their nerves connected to their brain, and it can be adjusted, the sensitivity that is.
So imagine where you can adjust your sensation, making you orgasm 10X stronger than the normal one.
over 13 years ago
Well, let say some people just want to enjoy the sex without receiving a letter to attend the Maury Show.
Contd' on the next post--->
over 13 years ago
Wouldn't having this augmentation be counter-productive? Since the balls can't produce sperm and you can't feel anything in the crotch itself.
over 13 years ago
I played the press build of HR and I gotta say it's solid stuff. Very few bugs and, seeing as they gave it out to so many journos, they'll get them fixed. The guys making HR know what they're doing, it will be as good as it can be on day 1. Yes, there will be bugs, but it will be very much playable.
over 13 years ago
I am disappointed by the lack of Sealab 2021 quotes.
Dr. Quinn would have something to say about the Metal penis.
over 13 years ago
This video made all my concerns about Human Revolution go away.
jaded empath
over 13 years ago
Yeah, Jo; I have the same policy of "wait and buy the GOTY edition" that has all the patches and DLC all in one tidy package.
Let all the 'early adopters' be *paying* "Gamma Testers" & actually finish production for me.
I just gotta be patient & strong-willed enough to avoid spoilers.
over 13 years ago
Even in the future, the upgrade version of peni is black! When will we get our white models?!
over 13 years ago
But it's SOOO interesting to swim through sea of bugs and glitches! Always enjoed the games which provide that sort of challenge.
over 13 years ago
Because there are no boobs
over 13 years ago
play the 2 others, playing like a ninja, but with a gun. Shotgun x)
So let's play ninja-metal-mario again :3 or not...
over 13 years ago
Engie-tan like steel penus.
over 13 years ago
I preordered it for $28 at Greenman Gaming, and at that price, I can't think of a reason NOT to preorder.
over 13 years ago
Worry not, the leaked demo was completely bug-free.
over 13 years ago
I've played the leaked preview build, and it's amazing. Pretty bug-free from my experience and better than any game shown at E3 this year. If I had to pick between this and BF3 or MW3 I'd get Deus Ex no question. I say pre-order to show the industry we want more games like this and then wait.
It's a bomb!
over 13 years ago
I said screw it and pre-ordered. Deus Ex was amazing, Deus Ex 2 was good in its own right (don't compare it to the original though..). I can't possibly be more disappointed than DNF.
Bob Page
over 13 years ago
Lime Soda
over 13 years ago
Gentlemen may I present to you the Mark VII Skull Gun. 270 degrees of freedom and 300 pounds per square inch for when you need to swat down pesky agents in trenchcoats who wear sunglasses at night.
over 13 years ago
Don´t forget about the built in glue cannon. For those sticky situations.
over 13 years ago
A distinct lack of "mine" here. Why is that?
Also, the mecha-penis comes with built-in shotgun and cutting laser.
SF Legend
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
it looks like my hauler in eve =P penis lazer engage!
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