Oh jeez, I know this map now. That map's -evil- D: They're right at the end of it but that's the hardest part! D:
about 16 years ago
I'm calling spy gets backstabbed by BLU spy right as she's about to backstab someone else.
about 16 years ago
Kuiper, i think thats the hair. It just kinda matches the curvature of the face and all.
about 16 years ago
What the heck happened to the stocking covering the spy's head in panel 3?
about 16 years ago
I smell a chainstab! Come to papa!
Ding dong! Dinner's served! COME AND GET IT!!
about 16 years ago
scout will come out i bet
about 16 years ago
wait, and the Blu Scout, and the Blu Sniper, where are they?
Arc summary prediction
about 16 years ago
Female spy outdoes male spy. Male spy joins blu and ends up with former blu male heavy.
Gabe Puratekuta
about 16 years ago
The spy definitely does! XD
about 16 years ago
@Jake'm "I like this Spy. She looks so deliciously evil."
I think you summed her up perfectly ^_^
Troll NOW!!
about 16 years ago
I think if this isn't gonna star the blue scout vs the female red spy, I think it will be red spys trying to out do each other or the male spy trying to impress the female spy.
about 16 years ago
I guess she borrowed that stuff from the red spy..
about 16 years ago
Not the scout. He isnt there.Nor is the Sniper.
about 16 years ago
I notice that EVERYONE on BLU team in the last panel is in step, including the Engie.
That's not what I meant and you know it, Toasty. Every VISIBLE BLU member's in step. Bloody pedantic ass XP
about 16 years ago
I find it hilarious that they are walking in a single file line. I'm predicting a quadruple backstab
about 16 years ago
Velvet assasin?
about 16 years ago
I like this Spy. She looks so deliciously evil.
about 16 years ago
I definitely get the feeling that's our red Ex-medic. Poor girl, I wonder if Red Soldier likes girls in trechcoats.
about 16 years ago
i think demo's gonna turn around, see her pause than remove her mask, and than he will let her go and than she will slowly get infatuated with him, but thats me
about 16 years ago
i guess they fired the male spy
about 16 years ago
That....huh, that actually sound really plausible...
about 16 years ago
I predict Female Red Spy is actually Female Red Medic! She switched classes for revenge on Blu Medic.
about 16 years ago
I STARTED THE POMPOMS!!!! now i dont get any :(
about 16 years ago
I wonder if the pyro will notice in the end that way they both will guy fight which will be AWESOME.
Grumpy Gus
about 16 years ago
Wow she wears clothing, gotta admit I'm suprised with that.
about 16 years ago
@ Devillon
But spy's are faster then heavies and demos. Behind whom Heilenbot is standing and therefore keeping pace with
about 16 years ago
Awesome Badwater Basin :D. Weird needle in spy's hand. Japanese style, not french i mean.
about 16 years ago
Why does the spy have a pinkeye? ;p
about 16 years ago
I'm amazed she can run in the high heels
about 16 years ago
Anyone else remember comic #47 (if you count the first as #4)?
http://nerfnow.com/comic/47 - RED Spy is gonna get torched! - and then he'll backstab BoB... back to EVE!
about 16 years ago
Medics are faster than spys so he will have to move a bit slower to so she can stab him.
about 16 years ago
about 16 years ago
Someone needs to make a skin for Hat Pin on FPSbanana.
about 16 years ago
Previous red-team spy needs to convert to Blu and have an epic battle with the new spy.
It involves butterfly knives, Geisha pins, exploding barrels, and a very accurate depiction of a scyscraper.
about 16 years ago
Yes djspazy, badwater pl between points 3 and 4.
about 16 years ago
That's one interesting knife skin.
about 16 years ago
Wait Wait Wait! IS that a 4 way uber?
about 16 years ago
about 16 years ago
Is that Badwater?
about 16 years ago
The coloring in this comic is astounding.
about 16 years ago
I like the redesign of the female spy. She looks a little less sexy and a lot more evil.
about 16 years ago
Something tells me Spy-tan is going after Heavy-tan for betraying the RED team, time to smack a bitch >D
about 16 years ago
Need Blu spy to revolver duel the red spy.
about 16 years ago
Woo! More spahs! A shame no spies can be on BLU though. It's going to be a real kick in the balls though if she gets killed, and this was just a tease epic moment. Let's hope not :D.
about 16 years ago
@ Albatross: You're an asshole.
about 16 years ago
I'm more than willing to bet that you'd definately fall down as a ragdoll yourself if someone stuck a sewing needle through your spine.
about 16 years ago
Now the RED team has 2 spies, Spah and Spy-tan!
about 16 years ago
... Also, female spy is adopting the silly naturo-ish running style.
about 16 years ago
Nerfnow seems to distance its character cast from the internet tf2-tans.
Kinda sad since (up to the new russian-hat-heavy) nerfnow gave the internet well known tf2-tans life.... Also - Sewing needle is kinda very lame...
about 16 years ago
Awesome, Red Spy, but is diferent than the Spy-tan on deviantArt
but the pyro is the spy-checker, but he doesn't do it
about 16 years ago
Hmm i think there will become RedSpy <3 BluScout Arc :D
about 16 years ago
about 16 years ago
Male Red spy must be on vacation or is applying for Blu. But look a new spy weapon...Sewing Needle. :D
about 16 years ago
An operation?
Dr. Gray Phantom
about 16 years ago
What happened to the male Red Spy? You know, the fabulous one?
about 16 years ago
I'm guessing Spy will try to lure Medic away from the Lady Heavy with Engie-grade seduction. When that doesn't work, she'll feign death and Medic will use his Uber on Spy. Ms. Heavy will be crushed, and Medic will look for sympathy from Classic Mr. Heavy.
Great FemSpy design, btw ^^
RED Sniper
about 16 years ago
In the last panel spy's face kinda looks like Popeye's.
The Dancer
about 16 years ago
Conga conga conga!
about 16 years ago
Ooh, a comic in pl_badwater. I was wondering when we'd see one here. Also, liking the female spy design. I'm glad to see you didn't go with the flowing hair, red dress approach. Just doesn't fit with the whole "stealth" look that way.
I'm liking this arc already!
about 16 years ago
about 16 years ago
That's a good Medic: Buffing the whole team. That's also a bad medic, for not watching his back when his ubber is at 100%... I hate when your character yells for everyone to hear "I'M CHARGED", turning you into top priority target to spies and snipers (and pretty much the whole enemy team).
about 16 years ago
about 16 years ago
hmmm it seems like the spy is targeting the medic....waiiit a sec is the spy the ex-blu heavy???
also, what type of team runs in a straight line to each other, they are totally asking to get backstabbed
about 16 years ago
Spy stabbin my medic!
about 16 years ago
PlisK!n, I think it's meant to feel a bit like that, if nothing else than just for the serious nature of what Spy is about to try and do.
I'm sure the Lighter style will be back once the humour kicks in.
about 16 years ago
Bring back the old, cute style please, the Characters look way to real and serious.
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