Isn't that because too many people are bitching that their precious comics isn't "real" enough?
almost 12 years ago
Why the hell did the comic just get edited?
Angel C.
almost 12 years ago
Wait a second... (Looks at the list)
Where the hell is Supergirl/PowerGirl & Starfire?! XD
almost 12 years ago
Great joke.
almost 12 years ago
Deadpool. 'Nuff said.
almost 12 years ago
I'd get this game if I could play as Scarecrow.
almost 12 years ago
I know what comic is coming soon :3 (Congratulations, Beowulf)
why must i waste bullets on stupid people.
almost 12 years ago
Jo. stop fixing your comics. if the idiots dont get it. then fuck 'em. let the nerds explain or make them wiki.
dont let them tell you what to do. i almost never comment on webcomic but man idiots. someone has to voice their opnion. and yes i know, im wasting my time complaing about idiots.
almost 12 years ago
I may be in the minority, but I preferred this particular comic when it had no words in the 3rd panel. Wordless glee is funny to me.
almost 12 years ago
This comic am HORRIBLE: No make Kupo cry to self!!
No make more injustice comics, they terrible!
almost 12 years ago
Bizarro's just grateful he doesn't need to be in that game.
almost 12 years ago
Why the emergency backup speech bubble? Are your readers really that stupid?
Overused meme
almost 12 years ago
Handwaves everywhere
almost 12 years ago
If Alan Moore has taught us anything, it's that incredulity can go hand in hand with sobriety.
almost 12 years ago
RE: Superman wearing glasses.
How do you know that Superman IS your co-worker?
The only thing that's odd about Clark Kent is trying to be meek despite being well over six feet tall and having a chest as broad as two barrels strapped together.
Somebody Else
almost 12 years ago
Bizarro am hated by all! Bizarro am very unhappy! Yay!
almost 12 years ago
i actully was hoping for BeastBoy. He could be glorious character for fighting game )
Some Dude
almost 12 years ago
No, wait, I missed the speachbubble. Forget what I said, that's what every crap-tier comic artist feels like almost every day XD
Some Dude
almost 12 years ago
I know Bizzaro's reaction pretty well - that's what every crap-tier comic artist feels like when his webcomic suddenly gets a 33th position in a top-100 rating, even if for a little while XD
almost 12 years ago
To be fair, if you noticed your co-worker looked a bit like a dead ringer for, oh, Obama, would you automatically assume he's Obama in disguise? Probably not. The disguise is mostly expectations; Superman is a legend, Kent is just some guy.
Punny Message
almost 12 years ago
What an injustice toward Bizarro.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292604]@Arikado[/url]: yeah the real dealwithit uses "this is the reason why dota 2 sucks" and not "this is why dota sucks" and he also only posts on dota related comics.
he also only replies by the phrase "@name Deal with it." (note the capital letters and the dot in this sentence)
everybody else is fake.
&????? BUG
almost 12 years ago
GJ JOE now not only you made grammar mistakes you forgot a whole fucking bubble.
&????? BUG
almost 12 years ago
HEY wtf
On comic it has no speech bubble
On comment with photonotes it has speech bubble
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292623]@wurtwurt[/url]: In Bizarro-world, Jo always writes with perfect grammar.
almost 12 years ago
i'm suprised no one has pointed out yet that Bizarro isn't talking in Bizzaro speak. shouldn't he be saying "Bizarro am first place" or "Bizarro am in lead" or something along those lines?
Bizarro Superman
almost 12 years ago
Bizarro in last place, Bizarro is worstest choice ever and am winning!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_292347]@dealwithit[/url]: <--- FAKE
the true dealwithit does not use capital letters in his posts
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
And telepaths can learn Supe's secrets easily! His secret Super-Baking recipe, his secret Super-Knitting pattern....the guy's got tons of useless information to cover things up with.
almost 12 years ago
Actually, the citizens of Metropolis are playing along (even the villians) so as not to drive him over the bend with broken self esteem (The villains know how powerful he can be--last thing they want is for him to *snap*). Either that, or they're Just That Stupid.
almost 12 years ago
Jo, keep an eye out for the upcoming Scribblenauts game--it claims to have *every*--and I mean *every* DC super ever in it.
almost 12 years ago
Bizarro am pleased with comic. Destroy computer now.
almost 12 years ago
He trained to learn to create these mental blocks to prevent telepaths from learning his secrets. (Action comics 775) or Superman vs. The Elite (DvD)
almost 12 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!
It's assumed it is the kryptonian mind as a younger teenage Clark kent did not want the powers and wanted to be normal. He inadvertently created a series of mental blocks that would lead him to unlock the rest of his powers for the rest of his life. (Cont.)
almost 12 years ago
In cannon it's said he studied some kryptoinan mind defense martial arts so telepaths can't read his mind kind of like Batman's studies have for him
[url=#user_comment_292511]@Winnosh[/url]: Yeah, but different from the real world, one telepath can just read his mind and know the truth, but I'm sure the writers will say he has kryptonian mind block or something.
almost 12 years ago
People kidnapped his family and Superman had to come and save them.
almost 12 years ago
As to Clark looking like him. Well haven't you ever run into someone you swore looked exactly like a celebrity? You don't go on trying to prove that it's secretly Bruce Willis in disguize now do you? One of the recent issues had this guy who looked a lot like Superman. cont
almost 12 years ago
Yeah with Superman no one goes looking for who he really is. To the general public He's just Superman. What's his real name. Kal El He told us already. What does he do when he's not Superman? He's always Superman isn't he?
almost 12 years ago
I fully agree with you Jo.
Does anybody else remember when comics used to be, you know, fun?
almost 12 years ago
Superpowers other than Money can go get fucked. The Boys is the best way they will ever be portrayed.
almost 12 years ago
for a guy who wants less dota, you keep on mentioning it.
almost 12 years ago
Has anyone read "The Boys"? Best superhero comic EVER, it shows the real face of superheores if they existed
almost 12 years ago
(cont) It doesn't hurt that he's friends with several shapeshifters who know who he really is, which has resulted in multiple Clark/Superman sightings... at least before the current reboot.
I dropped Marvel and DC comics for Japanese manga a while ago. Just as expensive, but just one artist.
almost 12 years ago
(cont) Clark slouches considerably when not in his Superman costume, which makes him look both shorter and heavier than he really is. Combined with subtle padding to the suits he wears on the job, he doesn't look like a tall, chiseled adonis out of costume.
almost 12 years ago
(cont) while Superman has an East-Coast accent and has a different speaking pattern. Second, are the mannerisms. Clark is a pretty good actor, and his Superman persona acts differently than he does in real life. Finally, is posture. (cont)
almost 12 years ago
(cont) Second, for most people, Clark Kent is a byline, so nobody knows what HE looks like. Third, there is a lot of elements to the "Clark Kent" disguise besides slightly tinted glasses that dulls his eye color. First, he raises his voice an octave, and uses his midwest accent, (cont)
almost 12 years ago
@Clark Kent: There are a number of reasons why nobody recognizes that Clark Kent is Superman... at least since the Silver Age, no "super-hypnosis" is required. First and foremost, is that Superman was the first superhero that didn't wear a mask, so everyone assumed he had nothing to hide. (cont)
LoL is for faggots
almost 12 years ago
Hah, you'll get your chance Bizzaro.
Bill's Beard Talking
almost 12 years ago
Well, at least his happy.
I dont understand
almost 12 years ago
where the sexy bat-dog ? And the FanService ?
Benny Tops
almost 12 years ago
Liking the look on the face. Would love if they were to have included Bizarro with a move set derived from Superman, but twisted in comic, disturbing, and cruel ways.
And while the Greatest Heroes/Greatest Threat line is great, some awesome villains can shine from this.
See you at the Bottom!
Sylvester Ink
almost 12 years ago
Meanwhile, Carl Barks, Don Rosa, William Van Horn, etc, have somehow managed to create amazing works out of simple Disney characters. (The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck won an Eisner, for goodness sake. And I highly recommend it to everyone.)
Sylvester Ink
almost 12 years ago
I didn't read superhero comics when I grew up, I read Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge. And I'm glad of it. When I look at most superhero comics, even many of the best ones have dialog and plotlines that are lacking.
A Gray Phantom
almost 12 years ago
I don't like Batman. He's terribly overrated and unrealistic.
(Ducks a million batarangs thrown by angry Bat-fans.)
I was just telling a friend I wish that Injustice Superman had a Bizarro skin :-D.
almost 12 years ago
Bizzaro have 2.71% of vote, that means only 2.71% of people voting dont want Bizzaro in-game.
( °͟ ʖ͠ °)
almost 12 years ago
Bizarro number 1
almost 12 years ago
Hah! Bizarro should win by default if he 'loses' in the polls. :D
almost 12 years ago
I think I read in one of the comics that Superman uses a trick he learned from the Flash where he makes subtle facial movements at high speeds blurring his face as Superman just enough to not be recognized.
almost 12 years ago
@Philips the Hillips
But half of the traffic of this site is from "mines", people complaining about the comic, people complaining about the people complaining about the comic and ponies. Shitstorm is actually profitable!
almost 12 years ago
So if Bizzaro #1...oh god he's had serious depression all these years and has been begging for help, but noone noticed.
almost 12 years ago
in bizzaro world dota is actually good... jk it's still shit even there.
almost 12 years ago
In Bizzaro World, 2.17% is the top!
Also continuing to show my appreciation for non-Dota strips.
almost 12 years ago
@Clark Kent: yeah, heard that one too... they say that superman is capable of some kind of hypnosis: he can create some sort of illusion to others, so that both his identities appear diffent to others.
however, like Jo said, it does not explain how it also fools people with special powers, too.
@Clark Kent: And than you get stuff like photos, or people with telepathy or enhanced senses (smell, hearing, aura vision, etc)...
( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
almost 12 years ago
Clark Kent
almost 12 years ago
Actually, the "nobody recognizes Clark Kent without glasses" has a good explanation (heard/read once, don't remember when/where).
The same way he has to take off his glasses for the eye-laser to work, if he takes them, he unconsciously (or consciously) "hypnotizes" people into not recognizing him.
almost 12 years ago
In Bizarro's mind, that's actually a 71.2%, he's doing well.
Philips the Hillips
almost 12 years ago
Also in before dotafags/antidotafags
Philips the Hillips
almost 12 years ago
HEY JO! Please turn off the comments & photonotes next week, just to see if people calm the fuck down because they're getting annoying.
almost 12 years ago
right. sometimes silly/childish villains can be more compelling than a political villain who spouts morality speeches and equality nonsense.