What people are saying about "No"
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over 11 years ago
wat? squigly and elise are superior anyway, be glad we get those!
over 11 years ago
Stay positive. She got really close.
I wanted Annie and Minette to win and neither got in but they got so so close that if the game is successful and the fanbase of those two manages to remain strong, they are guaranteed to be the next in line with the next DLC.
How cool would that be?
That guy
over 11 years ago
Yeah its super sad... I wanted Minette D:
Would it really be so bad for the game to have ONE cute non super creepy ass character yet is still interessting?
over 11 years ago
You'll always have DLCs.
over 11 years ago
Can anyone shed some light here? Who's Minnete?
over 11 years ago
Oh dear, Engi-tan is jealous.
over 11 years ago
Give Minette a home here at Nerf Now!!... right NOW!!!
over 11 years ago
Close enough
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_317660]@KarmikCykle[/url]: SHe was either 3rd or 2nd place, competing against Annie fan base, but those two fan bases were so decided to battle each other that always a 3rd slipped in and took the place(Eliza and Beowulf). If those two fan bases had work together then maybe Minette & would been the winners.
over 11 years ago
She was SO CLOSE to winning. Didn't she come in second in the final round?
do it, Jo
over 11 years ago
Minette FTW !!!
over 11 years ago
We want Minette ! <3
over 11 years ago
we want minette!
over 11 years ago
Jo, take minette please. I would really like for her to show up in your strips! I'm surprised you have not done so already.
over 11 years ago
Minette could be nice in strip. I don't say that she should strip. Damn, I hope you know what I mean
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_317477]@MattoMatteo[/url]: I'm from Russia and sign in. She could be nice character. Take her at home, Jo.
over 11 years ago
Jo, i'm writing from Italy to say: save the poor abandoned Minette, take her at home!
Crom Hellsgream
over 11 years ago
@Mr.E: Nope. Half Life 3 is on a whole different level of myth...ness.
over 11 years ago
It's not like Minette will never be added, she's still scheduled as a DLC character, it just depends when she's added in.

Considering she was in the top 4 both times, I think she'll be put in after the current batch of DLC is done (If they don't go belly up)
over 11 years ago
@Tyrant Belial:

Erm, she was meant to be a joke character, in terms of having a weird and humorous fighting style. Not a joke character in terms of having a weird and USELESS fighting style.
over 11 years ago
Minette is fine too.
over 11 years ago
Man, if it was Panzerfaust I would have been okay, but it's a Big Band. Why him? WHY???

Anyway, Squigly if fine, maybe next time Minette wins. Someday...
A Gray Phantom
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_317168]@Gamesman[/url]: I'd like to see her make a cameo here and there, like an Easter egg. Maybe Jo can make real subtle hints like having bags of sea salt in the background that are for Fishgirl's aquarium.
over 11 years ago
I could see a plotline about Jo sneaking her into the garage or outside shed like a lost kitten and Engie later finding her hiding wearing old clothes with holes in them (strategically placed?) and neglected by a distracted Jo.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_317064]@Serathis[/url]: You are either a troll, or just pathetic, maybe both. Also, this isn't a comic about DotAlikes.
over 11 years ago
Please. Anything but DOTAlikes. Savage 2. TF. SC. D3. PoE. CoH 2 with the russians using american slang. ANYTHING BUT THIS PLEASE *breaks down crying*
Bill's Beard Talking Here
over 11 years ago
Hey, it could work out, seeing as Jo is a tentacle while she's part fish...or is a fish...they're sea buddies or whatever the fuck you'd call them.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_317027]@NONE[/url]: But i guess its the matter of taste so no hard feelings Jo.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_317025]@JustAGuy[/url]: I shall agree on that. There are lots of other characters that are more interesting, psychopatic and having tanks on their hands also or being anvil with fists. And shes just the fish girl.
over 11 years ago
Don't be an emo, Jo. Minette is just going to be lame and useless.
over 11 years ago
Half Life 3? Isn't that a myth like Portal 3,Left 4 Dead 3 ,Team Fortress 3, and Shenmue 3?
over 11 years ago
nobody yes door: they're working on a desync issue for online in the PC version- when that's done the beta should be out, according to their weekly stream.

And yes, Minette should stay.
Tyrant Belial
over 11 years ago
She was meant to be a joke character anyways, the only fish who should've gotten in is Stanley. Though Beowulf was one of the outright best possible chars to get in.

Can't say I'm not butthurt about no Panzerfaust fisting though.
over 11 years ago
Dammit, Jo, you can't just go around picking up every stray girl you find. It's bad enough you forgot all about the poor Argonain Maid. You're an irresponsible harem keeper. Feel shame, dammit.
Dude bro
over 11 years ago
Come on Jo put minette in there with ya. See a bunch f your fans want we her in your strip. You took the argonian maid for crying out loud and you created her as she has no in game model but minette.

There should be no excuse here
nobody yes door
over 11 years ago
when is Skullgirls comming PC - Steam?
over 11 years ago
Employ her at your house like the Argonian Maid. Two fish/lizard people should get along great.
over 11 years ago
I'd love to see Minette here. Maybe I'm a whimp but the strip made me sad.
over 11 years ago
I don't see why it's that big of a deal.

Unlike MANY of the characters who didn't make it in, she's still in the game as an NPC, appearing in the story and stages.
over 11 years ago
Oh don't forget about her, none of my favorite character made it in, but there's still hope for future updates.
over 11 years ago
Jo doesn't have the right to complain if he didn't support the IGG campaign.

Also minette didnt win because her fanbase was so focused against the fan base of Annie that someone else won. If those two fan-bases worked together, then Minette and Annie could have been the selected characters.
over 11 years ago
this site is mine!
awwww :(
over 11 years ago
i wanna see more of her i feel sad she don't have a home :(
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_316448]@GuardianTempest[/url]: We do remember: http://k009.tumblr.com/image/53950794825
over 11 years ago
More minette in the comic! Jo! You know it must be done! higher relevence means higher chance she sees the light of day!
over 11 years ago
any more firefall stuff coming up?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_316682]@zzzz[/url]: go suck cock
over 11 years ago
Well, Minette is still in the game, just not playable.
over 11 years ago
comments section needs to go, Jo.
over 11 years ago
dota haters, please post those comments as well in the dota strips to the lazy and ignorant people who only whine.
over 11 years ago
funny how people can easily say "google about it, you need to be updated/not spoonfed on the trends" to these while if its about dota they easily go "cant understand anything, explain please, stop making this".

bunch of hypocrites. dont give advice you dont even follow.
or if your not one of the
over 11 years ago
@Fish lover: Yeah, that's right Jo!

Stop fooling yourself and adopt that poor lil gal...you know deep down you really want to!
Fish lover
over 11 years ago
You already adopted the Lusty Argonian Maid, may as well add to your collection of scaly humanoids.
over 11 years ago
I wanted the beastlike giant girl
over 11 years ago
Valve can't count to 3, idiots.

Half Life 3 will never happen.

One-and-a-Half Life, however...
Random Dude
over 11 years ago
"bundled with half-life 3"
Ahahahahha, yeah right....
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_316611]@Wut[/url]: Well it's quite obvious he's talking about Half-Life 3. But seriously, the artist shouldn't have to compensate for your lack gaming information. Go educate yourself on news outlets before you ask for spoonfeeding.
over 11 years ago
@I bet the jews did it: Magic! And i shall put and end to it! Fun ends here!
I bet the jews did it
over 11 years ago
Why does this website almost always have exactly 28 comments when I look at the new comic?
over 11 years ago
I really wish you would leave a note telling us which game you're talking about sometimes.
over 11 years ago
Three panels?
Half Life 3 confirmed
The Tubi4
over 11 years ago
pweeeeeeease jo,adopt her!!! If anone can save Minet is YOU!!!!
If you can use the fictional "lusty...umh...lisad maid" from Elder Scrolls,you can use her!!!!
over 11 years ago
Someone is jealous lol
over 11 years ago
Aeon was the most interesting character in history from a game design aspect.

Fuck everyone who voted.
over 11 years ago
Aww now I feel bad about the non-selected characters.. give her a job .. maybe a duo-maid job with Argonian maid ? :D
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_316514]@Wisknort[/url]: Besides it being mentioned in the comments a fair few times already, it only takes a minute to google minette and notice the Skullgirls wiki pretty high up?
over 11 years ago
nice tits
over 11 years ago
No "context: link"? I figured this one out fast enough, but it did give me pause for a little while. Can you make a habit of having a "Captain Obvious" commentary? (Maybe with spoiler button.)
over 11 years ago
I'd say keep her, she's still quite popular. Plus her cuteness could brighten up everyone's day.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
awww no, include her as a reoccurring or actual character here, keep her alive in our eye :<
over 11 years ago
It was(sort of) a close call, Minette did get 2nd in most recommended in the 2nd poll. Eliza's blood mechanic doesn't seem impressive to me, it just looks like a regular old blockbuster attack.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_316468]@tom641[/url]: personally i think eliza is creepy, though my votes were mostly going to paunzerfaust and molly because of a couple of the shows some of their moves were inspired by.
over 11 years ago
I say you take her on anyway. Yeah she might not have been voted in... but it's no reason to toss her into the garbage immediately!
Keep her memory alive! Don't be part of the mindless mass and ignore her!

After all... She's a person too!
over 11 years ago
She's actually already in the game, just not as a playable character. She appears in Miss Fortunes story mode and I think in one of the backdrops
over 11 years ago
I don't mind Beowulf so much but i'm so very salty that they chose Eliza over Minette or Stanley, and the only reasoning i gleamed from it is because "WHY WOULD U VOTE FOR THEM THEY DONT GOT TITTIES"
over 11 years ago
Cheer up Jo. She'll probably be implemented in the next Skullgirls game.
Mr. Smile
over 11 years ago
Damn it Jo put your foot down err... I mean tentacle down and take poor minette-tan in. Your comic, your house, your rules. I am sure I am not the only one here who wants to see your misadventures with minette.
Come now jo
over 11 years ago
Really Jo? Come on man minette art from you was nice. I wouldn't mind an arc with Minette for a while as a servant for you for a bit. Heck it may get some crazy shennanigans going on with you and Engie.

Unless you completely given up hope on her
over 11 years ago
How about Despicable Me? I watched the first movie for the first time and was like DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_316443]@skllzglz[/url]: Eliza and Beowolf. I do like Eliza (voted for her), but Beowolf over Minette? The world's gone CRAZY!!
over 11 years ago
@skllglz: Eliza for the first poll and Beowulf for the second poll. [url=#user_comment_316439] @Me[/url]: You don't have to, it's simply Engie-tan not allowing Minette to go back to the household. Hey guys, does anyone remember Juju? (RIP)
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_316439]@Me[/url]: Skullgirls kickstarter for the PC port. They showed a bunch (30 or so) characters and let backers choose 2 to make them into DLC.
over 11 years ago
Loli in a box :3
over 11 years ago
Who did win?
over 11 years ago
Well said, Jo.
over 11 years ago
I don't get it.