Geez. Trigun isn't THAT old... is it? But yeah, that's Vash's revolver from the Trigun series. I heard more recently that a weapons manufacturer in China made REAL working revolver from that model. It uses .45 rounds x_x
almost 16 years ago
That gun in the link you gave in the description, is (i believe) the gun from TriGun (old anime series) where the main character Vash used it.
about 16 years ago
lol the demo has 6 slots, not 4...
I has an idea...
about 16 years ago
I have a feeling that she'll get engie-tan next, and then the scout will surprise bat sex her.
I <3 Teresa!
about 16 years ago
Demo is missing his bottle. It's probably stuck in her face. Demo Face Bottle.
about 16 years ago
Scout will come in with the Sandman, hit her with the ball, she gets stunned and batted to death, and then she makes angry topics in the Steam forums, complaining that Valve should nerf it. It's all the same story, over and over again.
about 16 years ago
Engineer is the only one left.
about 16 years ago
Scout will stun her with the new bat, right?
about 16 years ago
I'm waiting for her to forget to disguise or something and walk into a sentry. Or something to that effect.
about 16 years ago
That gun you linked to looks like a replica of Vash the Stampede's custom pistol from the anime and manga series Trigun.
about 16 years ago
The Spy's a Hacker, I want the random Engie admin to come ban her.
about 16 years ago
She's going to get Bonked, isn't she?
about 16 years ago
nice to see someone else who doesn't like playing scout. I got tired of playing scouts and started playing as solder/spy. WAY more fun and I actually help the teammate than I would as a scout.
about 16 years ago
Masterfrog, there ARE good spies that go on runs of 20 or more with backstabs and height advantages. For goodness sake, it should be an extraordinary spy or SOMEONE that finally gets the better of the BLU team after all of the times they've been owned.
How does she cloak though?
about 16 years ago
She could have thrown it while getting up? it's not too hard to throw a knife with a backhand throw, but i don't know about needles. lol i thought he got cut in the other eye on the 2nd to last panel. that must suck, losing your last and only eye.
Negative Zero
about 16 years ago
about 16 years ago
This spy is a serious Mary Sue.
Sure yeah, it's a story, he can do whatever he wants. But it's stupid since any spy in a real game would be dead long ago.
I think someone's just making the spy look cool in his comic since he dies so much as that class in the game. I wonder who that would be?
about 16 years ago
Hah. See? Since momentun and inercia doesn't exists in TF2, you can actually run circles around some enemies and backstab them, even if you first attacked them from the front.
about 16 years ago
I wonder if everybody forgot about the blue engie that is still alive?
about 16 years ago's everyone doing with their scout achievements? I'm working my way up to 3rd milestone here :D
about 16 years ago
Well, he'll respawn. Right? ;_;"
That's what they want you to think!
about 16 years ago
oh god oh god oh god, he landed ON the pin sticking into his head...
about 16 years ago
Well, he'll respawn. Right? ;_;
about 16 years ago
You used the gun but didn't know a thing about Trigun? Surprising.
about 16 years ago
Facestabing is not fixed at all lol. Just today I just facestabbed an enemy spy and he facestabbed me back lol.
about 16 years ago
Demo forgot that during all that fighting, spy had built up a level 3 super combo meter......
She's a raging demon, that one.
about 16 years ago
Demoman never gets any love D:
about 16 years ago
about 16 years ago
The gun you posted the link for is a replica of Vash's gun from the anime Trigun. So, not real, but cool looking nonetheless.
about 16 years ago
@Kittenykat/Leoexe/others: You're kidding, right? Yes you CAN facestab, valve can say they fixed it all they want, they didn't fix it and it cannot BE fixed because it is a lag issue half the time.
about 16 years ago
Back and to the left.
...and to the left.
about 16 years ago
Yeah... and then the gates RESET and you have to hack them AGAIN.
That killed it for me. (Glad I didn't pay for it >.>)
Me post-a'-scrumpy
about 16 years ago
demo should have won that fight.
about 16 years ago
The revolver is a replica of the gun Vash the Stampede had in the trigun manga. Yasuhiro Nightow (The mangaka) actually based it on Mateba revolvers. Mateba Model 6 looks almost identical to his gun, save for the barrel.
about 16 years ago
Wait...What? Facestabs aren't possible now. Valve fixed it.
about 16 years ago
She's probably forgotten about Engie. This could be interesting.
about 16 years ago
I thought it was a second pom pom
Blood Agent
about 16 years ago
Wait wait wait... She has two in her hands in the epic passing where they supposedly struck each other, after they passed, she still had both. But, there is clearly one stuck in his head, which must be a different, apparently magical needle.
about 16 years ago
Same revolver as Vash Stampede had in Trigun anime...
about 16 years ago
Cute, but you can't facestab anymore, and as it was a glitch in the first place, this comic really doesn't fit... :/
about 16 years ago
Engie-tan, spy incoming !
Anon pt2
about 16 years ago
Actually upon doing a little research the gun has turned out to be a fake Mateba produced as a rant in a gun blog.
about 16 years ago
On the revolver you posted. Notice that the barrel is aligned with the bottom of the cylinder instead of the top? I'm willing to say that this is probably made by Mateba. Very innovative and high end (re: expensive) revolvers.
about 16 years ago
the revolver looks exactly like the one from Trigun. Look it up.
about 16 years ago
Dear, Josue, PLEASE show the Scout some love, so far, he has only been the arsehole of the comic, I'd really like to see him have a moment to shine/not be portrayed as a jerk.
about 16 years ago
anybody else cant add photo notes?
the demomans barrel has 6 holes for the bombs=)
about 16 years ago
Stupid female spy. I liked Spah and BLU Demoman, Heavy and Medic more.
about 16 years ago
>Yup...Last Night On TF2 I proved that the Facestabs havent been fixed yet...
Yeah the hit boxes are messed up more than ever right now. I get back stabs from attacking the face and the back, ANYWHERE near the sides and it doesn't register.
about 16 years ago
Oh snap! Can no one defeat Spy-tan! 0__O
about 16 years ago
Yeah I don't think that's a real pistol...I've never seen a break-action revolver. ;P
about 16 years ago
Not S&W, Dan Wesson, and now I don't even know if it's a ,50.
Still real though.
about 16 years ago
It's a real gun, a .50 Magnum.
I think it's the S&W 500 revolver. Saw it on Manswers, shit was so gun.
about 16 years ago
Yup...Last Night On TF2 I proved that the Facestabs havent been fixed yet...
Aaron Le Nite Owl
about 16 years ago
What a shame, he was a good man.
What a rotten way to die
about 16 years ago
Well, supposedly backstab detection got fixed in the Scout update, so that female spy won't be doing these sort of shenannigans any longer.
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