What people are saying about "Engineer Evolution"
almost 16 years ago
Best times to be had as Engie are in Turbine. First spawn wave, build entrance, pick up 100 metal to your left as you run out the main door, head straight for the wall underneath their balcony and build lvl 1. Equip shotty. Kill people and upgrade/ build your other stuff. Win. Rinse/repeat.
about 16 years ago
Hey hey hey, engy can be really exciting if you play it right.
Protip: 2fort intel room = Doing it wrong. 2fort courtyard in full server = doing it right.
about 16 years ago
I would love to see a wrench alternate that builds things 3x as fast but can't upgrade. A series of "surprise" level 1s can be really effective in a contested area.
about 16 years ago
Some times the TF2 Forums spill gold instead of crap: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=791846
I'd go nuts with that thing.
about 16 years ago
Well, it's not like I leave em alone out in the open. I put them somewhere where other engies are around. Highly populated areas, ya dig? Constant spy checks everywhere.
about 16 years ago
I Play offenseive enginy, Its really fun on 2fort and granery. Also offenseive is a CHALLENGE.
about 16 years ago
Wow... Just in time for the new Female engi skin(http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/61230)
about 16 years ago
Gotta at least use your Shotgun! :< ... (why is it that I always always always typo 'shotfun' at least once)
I would love to see DS unlockable though :D
about 16 years ago
It might not be best for your constructions to simply leave them lying around, but if you don't go out to have a ball every so often, you'll go insaaaaane o.o
Or simply switch classes.
about 16 years ago
Once I'm done putting everything up, I just run around looking for people to take out. This one time I was bored on a 2 fort server and I went to the sniping area and I practiced pistol sniping. I took out about 2 snipers and a scout.
about 16 years ago
Well I'm having loads of fun as an offensive engi.
Putting up teles and dispensers JUST behid the battleline, then move up with some teammates and make a sentryflanking.
mr flibbles
about 16 years ago
"what about offensive engineers?"
Doesnt exist outside of public payload. And only after the teleport buff.
about 16 years ago
Yeah, walk away from your sentry, dispenser, and tele. I'll be the spy watching you go and sapping your sentry.
about 16 years ago
Any Engineer that's merely sitting there, whacking their fully-healed sentry is wasting their time and that of their team. You have a pistol and a shotty for a reason.
about 16 years ago
Engi should get a beacon bomb gun for his pistol unlock. You could direct a burst of sentry fire by shooting it, but it'd have a slow reload rate like the flare gun.
The guitar should be for his shotgun. :P
about 16 years ago
I think the Engi should have a guitar as a pistol upgrade. As long as s/he plays it, players around them regain health or increase damage. That way, they can join the front line and have some sort of fun.
about 16 years ago
also, second frame could be assumed to be just pre-building-buff engie.
Battle Engie
about 16 years ago
Battle Engie is sad because he's a freshman in the eyes of Nerf Now, maybe Graduate depending on the situation...
about 16 years ago
True as this is, I do love the new teleports. 2 engies get an entire team to the front line in less than a minute.
Dr. Taco: Surgeon at Law
about 16 years ago
Should've been a level 2 sentry in panel two, hehe. But regardless, that is EXACTLY how playing Engie feels for me... Though I can't seem to get enough of it, ha.
about 16 years ago
I think Qba is onto something, heres hoping for a powerdrill that speeds build time at the expense of damage.
about 16 years ago
I wish they would give us a screwdriver or something. All that ding noise from wrench gives me ringing in the ears ;-)
about 16 years ago
Offensive Shotgun Engys who throw down a Dispenser for their big HWG buddy.