[url=#user_comment_336305]@Mech__Warrior[/url]: Not trying to be funny.
Just stating my personal experiences with the same situation in both DotA and LoL.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336261]@Eddmario[/url] HHAHAHAHAHAAHH, hahahaah, aaaah, you are so funny. Really cheered me up. :')
DotA = When lag spikes cause you to die a lot, your own team accuses you of purposely feeding and your team loses.
LoL = When lag spikes cause you to die a lot, your team actually comes to your aid, and you have a chance of winning.
[url=#user_comment_336257]@Serathis[/url]: From my experience, that's only true for the DotA one.
DotA: Getting killed multiple times in a row because of horrible lag spikes. My own team keeps accusing me of purposely feeding the entire team and act like assholes to me.
LoL: Getting killed because of lag. Team actually helps.
Little known fact if you have 20 wards in your inventory it will let you one shot Roshan!
about 11 years ago
Hey Jo and everybody who is seeing this comment, take a look on this kickstarter, I bet you will like
about 11 years ago
Okay, I don't play DotA 2, but I'm guessing the second panel is someone else on her team deciding to use the courier?
This happened to me in captains mode,Idiots were requesting wards,but were intentioanly stoping the courier leaving the base,they also picked the damn heroes cause the guy that was captatning was not prepared of the outburst of SHIT and picked bad picks,IN THE END WE WON AND I RAGE QUITED
Jo, you spoke from my heart. This is SO true...I literally always have to be a support
(because obviously, who wouldn't want to be a carry...), and even then i usually get yelled at like
"noob ward more" or "lame feeder".
Even though, some matches are exceptionally fun to turn around
with supports, when the only reason your team won is your Mekansm/Urn of Shadows/Arcane Boots etc. spam
and well-timed use of supportive skills. My match today is a very good example: 318367184 (I'm Dazzle).
There is a sole reason why i "main" support heroes: if i don't ward, noone will ward. They will either not buy any wards at all or buy them way too late and wait minutes for the courier to bring them over.
Luckily i never reached the skill level where i have to deward as well.
about 11 years ago
Kinda reminds me of the problems Controllers have on DCUO. Idiots power-spam, then have a whine-fest at the Controller for not providing enough power *and* for actually fighting (which they need to do in order to raise their own power in order to power others). Learn to manage your *own* resources!
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336224]@Raxyz[/url]: Don't forget, they're strangers who 90% of the time don't even speak a common language with you (if they're not banned from chat entirely). Not a good recipe for cooperation at all.
[url=#user_comment_336209]@Ovnidemon[/url]: It's heavily related to the game, but it's more or less like this. When CM was about to get the wards some douche cancelled the courier she asked. So, ppl complain there's not wards while the fault is those greedy assholes who think they have priority over everyone...
This is the reason i STOPPED playing dota... It's a great game, but unless you have 4 friends willing to play it's a waste of time. Dota 2 depends solely on one thing, cooperation, add strangers to this formula and then...
Pinkie Spy
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336202]@Waswat[/url]: Happens in League all the time too. First two rules are 1. ward and 2. don't chase singed. People get it backwards.
This is where you point to the fact ward is on courier.
about 11 years ago
I'm probably going to get yelled at, but i only know crystal maiden and the red person in dota. . . .
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336209]@Ovnidemon[/url]: The purpose of wards in Dota 2 is to provide vision in areas of the map that allies aren't in. The reason to buy these is to prevent unseen enemies creeping up on friendly heroes. It's a common excuse for players to blame others for their deaths from no wards, and not their own mistakes.