What people are saying about "Peer Pressure"
Peer Pressure
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about 11 years ago
I doubt Bowser sent any of his koopas to school. It could be that English is a second language for all koopas? And as amusing as it was too see people correct each other, it is sad that it takes away from the comedic illustration posted here for our amusement.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337012]@EnragedFilia[/url]: Yeah yeah whatever.
about 11 years ago
Since we got Enraged Filia Spam: notes for Jo SG-related. They did make a Minette shirt last week, and introduced a Brazil color palette for Cerebella this week with a special Cerebella's cat.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_337012]@EnragedFilia[/url]: +1
about 11 years ago
And *that's* how you grammar nazi!
about 11 years ago
While this particular choice of preposition does, as ever, carry the potential to draw attention from certain readers owing to the differing usage among regions of 'towards' as opposed to 'toward', it would still seem to represent most closely the act in question...
about 11 years ago
In addition, "march straight to him" poses a similar issue, as the verb phrase "to march to" implies that the koopas in question are attempting to reach Mario's vicinity and then stop. In this case, the preferred phrasing would seem to be "march straight toward him"...
about 11 years ago
Practically speaking, however, in order to maintain the sentence's cadence and focus attention on the following phrase "like he always does" (as seems to be the speaker's intent), using "jump on our heads" would seem to be preferable...
about 11 years ago
To indicate the action actually being referenced, namely stomping on the koopas, with an equivalent level of specificity would be possible with the prepositional phrase "bounce on our heads" or possibly "bounce off our heads"...
about 11 years ago
@Cenera Farmas: Amateur

Now the more subtle errors here are with the usage of actual prepositions, firstly the usage of the verb phrase "to jump onto our heads", which by the use of 'onto' instead of the more general 'on' would normally imply that Mario intends to remain on the koopa's heads...
Citric Thoughts
about 11 years ago
@Cenera Farmas:
Actually, this is a quite common thing in English, and I'm not entirely certain that this is an improper use of grammar in this case. I believe the 'of' is actually optional there, as a preposition isn't always necessary with clear context. Also you're a jerk.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336989]@Gamesman01[/url] I would say a language learned mostly in games and internet. I learned more English with games and internet than anywhere else.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336961]@ShadowlessWanderer[/url]: http://www.mariowiki.com/File:ParaT!.PNG :Ahem:
about 11 years ago
Sadly, some people also have this lemmings mentality in real life...
about 11 years ago
Gotta love these classic strips. They never get old and great humor too!
about 11 years ago
@ Cenera Fatman I think he does very well for a non-english speaking writer. I'd like to see you do as well in a second language leaned mostly in school. Hell, your english could use some help.
about 11 years ago
What if they don't die when they jump off a ledge? What if they are just returning tot he sea?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336966]@Swagner[/url]: I like nazis and I capitalize whenever the hell I want ;) confusing some very different words is something completely distinct from lack of capitalization. Go back to your cave smelly troll. I'm at least trying to teach people how to write properly,unlike others who don't give a crap.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_336966]@Swagner[/url]: I like nazis and I capitalize whenever the hell I want. Confusing some very different words is not the same as the lack of capitalization, you silly troll. Go back to your cave please. I'm trying to teach people to write correctly instead of not giving a crap, like the rest of the internet
about 11 years ago
@Cenera Farmas:
If you're going to be a grammar nazi, capitalize correctly. On top of that, make sure everything you type is a word.
As they say in one vernacular or another: "Chill out, dude."
about 11 years ago
No photo notes? what is this?
about 11 years ago
I think the green one reproduce a lot. That's why they still around.
about 11 years ago
"if they jump OFF a cliff", not "OF". Learn some fucking basic English already. Make the difference between a preposition and a verbal phrase ffs. Also, "Mario will just jump onto our heads like he always DOES". I do, you do, he/she/it DOES, we do, you do, they do.
about 11 years ago
The red ones never get wings though. Although they never walk of ledges, they never fly. Keep up the great work Jo