What people are saying about "Teach Me, Master"
Teach Me, Master
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Psychotic Beverage
over 11 years ago
I'd hardly call 2nd place failure. Her boss Yu-wan got 2nd to last, now THAT'S failure!
over 11 years ago
It would be nice to have a t-shirt of the last frame, and some text saying "Better luck next time!"
over 11 years ago
I could think of a few ways to give Minette more exposure...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339117]@Marabunta[/url]: With a line like that wouldn't YOU hate her?
over 11 years ago
Why does Minette hate Engie so much?
over 11 years ago
@My Name?: This reminds me more of valentine, you know, with all the knives and stuff. However, when you think about it, Knifemaster Minnette would be an interesting character to include in Skullgirls. Btw, SEVENTH!
over 11 years ago
lines were crossed
over 11 years ago
Diplomacy -1
Hilarity +99
My Name?
over 11 years ago
And so it was that Minette tried once again to be part of Skullgirls, by copying Peacock's techniques. Care for Undizzy!
over 11 years ago
Okay then...SECOND!
over 11 years ago
Take it easy, Minn Minn.

Also, FIRST!