What people are saying about "We Have A Winner"
We Have A Winner
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almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339882]@11monkeys[/url]: Nope. Zone-tan is a girl. Zone isn't
almost 11 years ago
WAT noooooo my Spyet T_T .... at least there Fan-service :3
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339881]@Marabunta[/url]: Nope, Zone-Tan is a girl. And a half-demon. Look her up.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339876]@Chesthead[/url]: Pretty sure Zone is a guy... So is the Shadling... The Shagling on the other side...
almost 11 years ago
It was clear from the beginning that Heavy was destined to win.

-She's cute
-Shows leg
-Shows cleavage
-Offers sandwiches

The other girls never stood a chance.
almost 11 years ago
Ironically enough, although is she straight and in a relationship with the Medic (expecting a mini-arc of her visiting his home in Rottenburg), she still manages to get the role... probably BECAUSE she has plot importance...

And big tits.
almost 11 years ago
By the way Poor Soldier-tan still hasn't gotten her own mini arc like the other tans have :<
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339874]@mrttao[/url]: HER mascot. Zone-Sama is a she.
almost 11 years ago
But for a year or so now he has been making a monthly news report with her as the announcer, about 10 min each ep, look amazing, fully voiced by an actress with a lovely voice...

He also gives full blanket permission for other artists to use her.

The tentacle monster is her boyfriend, Lemmy.
almost 11 years ago
@Taesung Jung: Zone is a very prolific pornographer that makes very high quality long interactive porns using flash
Zone tan is his mascot, originally she just appeared as part of his logo at the begining of each flash
almost 11 years ago
@Taesung Jung: Basically a well known porn character. Whos animators have done a lot of tentacle and various other animations.
almost 11 years ago
Missimg out on major context. Who is zone tan?
almost 11 years ago
So the winner was XUXA?.

Next: UFO. ;-)
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339865]@Marabunta[/url]: It would have been hilarious if Jo made a gag strip before this one proclaiming that the Sandvich was Engie's temporary replacement.
about 11 years ago
HOLY SHIT! There's something missing!

Where's the SANDWICH! The sandwich is gone!

about 11 years ago
also i loved her arc which was abruptly abandoned
about 11 years ago
i wanted demowoman
my vote do nothing
about 11 years ago
Why is my vote wearing a dress?!?!


about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339838]@Marabunta[/url]: It would be a perfect world if that was considered fat.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339854]@Snoipah[/url]: I only like consensual tentacle sex.
about 11 years ago
the losers are going to the tan zone
Filthy Casual
about 11 years ago
Still disappointed about no FemScout.
about 11 years ago
Sure, HWG has the largest tits and showed the most skin, but her super friendly and bubbly attitude I think was what turned the tables. The other three were quite rude.

Also, if you voted for the other three, don't tell me you don't like that ending for the ones you picked.

about 11 years ago
So zone-tan is the new girl.
about 11 years ago
Continuation of panel 3 plz...?
/god spyette is cute in that outfit
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339842]@Gamesman01[/url]: I appreciate the "off-topic" but, what do we care. Yes, it is HIS choice, but you don't have to go around publishing it. (Plus, who ever mentioned it?)
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339834]@Troqu[/url]: Ignorance is bliss.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339824]@Naumhagatos[/url]: This won't be fair!
about 11 years ago
Totally off topic. :)
TotalBiscuit has picked his top 10 games and DOTA 2 is in the list. His choices are interesting and valid. Deal with it.
about 11 years ago
(part 2) And Spyette... the cute, quiet, innocent looking girl with the face of an angel, but actually is a malicious manipulative tactician - the perfect candidate ! I hope Jo will understand HWG won't be enough as a character, too bland... We'll see :P
A Gray Phantom
about 11 years ago
Yeah, I knew Demo-tan wasn't getting picked. It's a shame, really. I was hoping for a little more diversity. I bet HWG won because she was part of that one story Jo told a while back.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339835]@Only_one[/url]: Heavy Weapons Gal is fat.
about 11 years ago
aww :C Heavy Weapons Gal is the generic big breasted blonde girl, all the others were better: Soldier-tan had that "proud military" style (plenty of room on comedy and take-that on 'murican patriotism), Demowoman had that strong personnality/tsundere vibe (take that Jo !) and Spyette...
about 11 years ago
Heavy weapons gal is so humble about winning. Shame she doesn't know what Zone is going to do to the rest of em.
about 11 years ago
about 11 years ago
Uuuuh.... Where do i have to register to stay with the rejects?
about 11 years ago
Why oh why was Sniper-tan left out? She would have been my pick....
about 11 years ago
Bah. HWG's victory needs an *, given how Sasha and Natasha skewed the first day of voting.
about 11 years ago
I've seen enough hentai to know where panel 3 is going...

And congrats to Heaving Weapons Gal! So cute in panel 2... Now give her vodka
about 11 years ago
Awww, I wanted Spy Tan to be new Engie. But her dress doesn't show any "curves".
about 11 years ago
Hey - I've seen those tentacles before! http://www.lfgcomic.com/page/726/
about 11 years ago
Okay, can I then have Demogirl? Need a roommate, anyway. Might as well make her a lady. :P
about 11 years ago
So no one tried cleaning the browsing data to vote infinite times? [url=#user_comment_339774] @AckAckAck[/url]: Well... Explains why they are both Purple...
about 11 years ago
Seems Heavy Gal won on fanservice after all ;D
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339816]@Marabunta[/url] see http://youtu.be/puY4Z1TXxYA Sorry for the spanish dub
Bill's Beard Talking Here
about 11 years ago
All aboard the rape train!
Joshua Thompson
about 11 years ago
I take back my vote, Heavy Weapons gal can be in this comic all she wants. I want to see Zone do something with Spyette
about 11 years ago
I'm for ZONE make a animation including these (Hopefully).
about 11 years ago
Aww. I wanted the girl spy... :c
about 11 years ago
Is it physically possible for Heavy Gal to lift a chaingun?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339774]@AckAckAck[/url]: Zone-tan owns the tentacles. They are her pets.
about 11 years ago
Even with Heavy's hips being completele alluring, I had my tokens on Demo-tan. Her tsundere path was certainly interesting.
about 11 years ago
Spyette had been have a plan in place and make a comeback. I'm 100% sure that if there had been a Finals between HWG and Spyette, Spyette would have won. We need the changeling, who is an Engie's natural enemy!
about 11 years ago
I'm guessing that's...Lenny? Lemmy? Whatever his name is, the tentacle thing from the ZTV shorts.
about 11 years ago
Is that heavy weapons girl... or is that spyette in disguise?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339801]@Dinonick[/url] She's still got to star in her own game, then she'll be back. I'd like to see the other three make regular appearances though (especially Spyette.). Of course Heavy would have the most screen time, or whatever the comic equivalence would be.
Mister Jay
about 11 years ago
Congratulations until Jo gets bored with you and throws you in the trash. As for the other girls. I can imagine Engie riding up in a Valve Logo van covered in sentries wearing sunglasses the van door slides open and she says "Come with if you want to live as the sentries blow that thing away.
about 11 years ago
=_= No Engie, and not Spy-chan? Lame...
about 11 years ago
Wait....so engie really isnt coming back?
What the hell jo?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339774]@AckAckAck[/url]: Green tentacle are Zone-Tan's pet tentacle friend.
about 11 years ago
Yay, Heavy! I'd be fine with the dress as it seems a bit more casual. But I did like her hat / coat / bra top combo we saw a couple of comics ago.
about 11 years ago
Please don't tell me thats going too be heavies outfit.. please let her wear her vest. :<
about 11 years ago
She could probably use a better outfit, though. She doesn't really look like a Heavy, other than her physical size.
about 11 years ago
Hmmm... Maybe Jo heard my suggestion. If he follows through, I won't be as disappointed that Spyette lost.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339774]@AckAckAck[/url] Actually I believe those are Zone-tan's love slaves, as she is one of the few known masters of reverse tentacle rape. Don't ask how that works. You're better off not knowing.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339785]@Keradi01[/url]: I wanted Spyet to win too. The company of Zone-tan is just as good for them. :D
about 11 years ago
Dang it! Not enough people voted Spyet. Well at least Zone-tan will keep her company.
about 11 years ago
Wait, those green tentacles belong to Zone-Tan or Zone-Tan is in that hole with that green tentacles? If the green tentacles belong to Zone-Tan does it means Zone-Tan and Tentacle Jo are siblings?

Also... I actually like DemoWoman more now. Can we just rotate their appearances more?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339770]@Chesthead[/url]: That's actually kinda cool idea.
about 11 years ago
Joe tries to get fan service outta her but Medic comes and rushes to her in a white horse. With a flowing mane and his sharp bone-saw he defeats the tentacle monster and gallops to the sunset with his lovely krasavitsa.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_339766]@Raxyz[/url]: Hey, at least they are not homeless like Engie.
about 11 years ago
No surprises there. But the other girls are in a better place now...
...for us