[url=#user_comment_340603]@sjosten[/url]: He did not, though he clearly could see my support arse killing the alchemist in like 5 hits, the alchemist was just using it for sight. Couldn't believe it.
LoL yeah... I just love players who think they can make a realistic determination of your skill level by what items you buy within the first 10 seconds of the game. This still happens a lot in League of Legends. Oh and, by love, I mean hate.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340599]@Rothide[/url]: Yes. Unless he manages to kill the actual opponent while you're typing that.
You see, that's something fun about Valve games. They're balanced to a way that there isn't a "right" way to play. There are safe ways, sure, but if people already won with Dagons and such, it's all down to team coordination. No matter how good you play, when you whine, you lose.
a big fag
almost 11 years ago
Thank you so much for this fanservice of Enchantress' ass. Honestly one of my favorite parts of Dota 2 is the way she shakes it in her walk animation. Mmm...
[url=#user_comment_340571]@Calamity[/url]: She's a great jungling support.
If you get to play her, make sure to coordinate with your safelane for a gank: she rivals Visage in her first blood potential with a good creep (centaur/ursa/troll).
[url=#user_comment_340569]@Demotechies[/url] and[url=#user_comment_340570][url=#user_comment_340570] @ChaZcaTriX[/url][/url]: Thanks! I never really played her, despite being on DotA for six months or so. Think I'll give it a try sometime.
[url=#user_comment_340569]@Demotechies[/url]: However Enchantress is one of the few heroes who can actually go boots and a couple clarities first without repercussions if another support buys wards and courier. Her healing spell is great, and she is really hard to kill without nukes.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340565]@Calamity[/url]: Because it doesn't give HP/Mana/Damage/Regen unless upgraded, which is important in early game. The movespeed bonus isn't that important unless you're aiming for first blood and have the teammate to help you(E.G: Juggernaut boots first with Crystal Maiden.)
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340565]@Calamity[/url]: Because it doesn't give survivability, or regen, or damage, which is important in early stage of the game, and the movespeed bonus is not that useful unless you're aiming for very early first blood and have the teammate to support you(E.G: Juggernaut boots first with crystal maiden)