What people are saying about "Handicapped"
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almost 11 years ago
I'm a lefty and use the standard right handed configuration. Maybe because I grew up learning to use standard keybinds.
almost 11 years ago
About keybinding.... I know it's more convenient if the game can do it for you...

But I'll just leave this gem here
almost 11 years ago
Wait, you cant? I'm a leftie, and i have no problems using WASD.. I just control the mouse using my right hand.
almost 11 years ago
Why do so many lefties not learn to WASD? My right hand controls mouse movement, scroll wheel, and 5 buttons, while my dominant left hand regularly controls 16+ buttons. Greater complexity goes to dominant hand ...
almost 11 years ago
As a Leftie, I can tell you right now. WE LEARNED
almost 11 years ago
I gotta say as a guy with one hand, games that don't support changing the keybinds are a real obstacle for me. But this is funny anyway.
almost 11 years ago
I'm left-handed and I can play PC and console games which were designed for right-handed people without a problem.
WASD & mouse on the right hand is like bread and butter to me.

But I can never EVER play Legend of Zelda on the Wii.
They made Link right-handed because of it too.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340841]@Vulpis[/url]: I disagree, ambi mice are perfectly fine for most of us. Obviously it's a very personal preference, but I would never EVER use one of those silly ergonomic mice. I like the ambidextry possibility.
almost 11 years ago
ESDF master race reporting in, I couldn't play it either ... I wouldn't stoop so low.
almost 11 years ago
Actually, I can do WASD despite being left-handed, it doesn't really matter if it's my right or left hand on the keyboard since the usual keys are in range either way. XD
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340811]@Undying3132[/url]: DAWS maybe?
almost 11 years ago
Just as a note, the problem in the combination comfortwise tends to be the *mouse*...righty mice are very uncomfortable when placed on the left where it belongs, ambi mice are only so-so, and unfortunately Razer has the only actual lefty mouse that I know of. Hardware's good, but the software sucks.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340786]@ZakD[/url]: The idea is that your mouse hand and movement hands are 'supposed' to be wide apart so all the keys in between can be used easily. This is why almost all WASD games also allow use of the cursor keys.
almost 11 years ago
As a lefty who uses WASD and mouse just fine, I'm completely with Demo-tan on this one. Not to mention that in many games, the cursor T and the numpad work just as well as WASD (I only finally switched to WASD because I got tired of having to switch settings for each new game).
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340835]@DannyUfonek[/url]: AZERTY keyboards are selled in all the Europe, not only France.
almost 11 years ago
You know, I REALLY like these four a lot more than the one cynical Engie, even without the fanservice.

They show much more personality :D
almost 11 years ago
I'm left handed. I play with right handed keys. I just don't see the point in a left handed setup.
almost 11 years ago
@Arlmando Garsedj: Y, French ppl have a strange, original keyboard setup (like names of anything else related to technology)
almost 11 years ago
What the hell is wrong with WASD? I use my left hand on the mouse and use my right hand for WASD. Never had any issues blue plating fools in tribes ascend...
almost 11 years ago
Nice) That game just captivated me.
almost 11 years ago
So many left-handed people here. I'm too. But I always used the right hand to move the mouse. Didn't even think about possible troubles for left-handed gamers, lol.
almost 11 years ago
Left-handed here. Been using WASD since I started using PCs. Morgan confirmed casual.
almost 11 years ago
@Rainbow Dash: You don't have hands.
almost 11 years ago
I'm left-handed too, I feel your pain Jo.
almost 11 years ago
Oh, Jo' is left handed too *-*

And I don't play WSAD ! I'm just too... emm... *kicks Jane*

I use Glovepie, it remaps the controllers on the fly, and I'm perfectly fine with it ! Go try it, left-handed fellows ! \o/
almost 11 years ago
Have to agree with the comments.
Who didn't grew up (and got used to)
using the Mouse & Keyboard combo the
way the control-pattern demanded?

I mean, I can't say I'm using aControler like this just because I'm lefthanded.
almost 11 years ago
I'm left handed and pretty much gotten used to living in the world where every little thing is made worse for us on purpose. I actually prefer to play with my right hand on the mouse and can use normal scissors. It just took most of my life to get to that level...
Rainbow Dash
almost 11 years ago
I'm ambidextrous, so it's not a problem. ^ ^
almost 11 years ago
@What The Hell: Give me a piece of paper, I'll give you a autograph.
almost 11 years ago
Well, I'm left-handed too, never actually seen left-mouse-handed people.
almost 11 years ago
Poor Anne-marie can't wasd, she have to zqsd :'(
almost 11 years ago
I can't even play most computer games due to my left handedness so BLECK XP
almost 11 years ago
Hmm so Jo's version is A-W-S-D. I always say it as WASD. anyone else with different ways of saying it?
almost 11 years ago
I'm left handed, but it's awfully uncomfortable for me to use the mouse with left hand. Maybe I can teach myself, but I probably got used to the old-school layout over the years from old games (we are talking about the ones on Amiga and Win 98 here), where you didn't need a mouse.
almost 11 years ago
I am left handed, but I learned to use mouse with my right hand from the very beginning.
I guess the way I use a PC is right handed, then?

Also: Pants? Why, Jane? Why?! Show off your legs again!
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340770]@Troqu[/url]: What you smoking, bro? Jane would clearly pick up Arma or maybe a military RTS. She's a Soldier not a Scout.
almost 11 years ago
For some good time I had to use mouse at my left hand, as I had my right wrist immobilized, it sucked so mutch, but after around a month later when I was more used to it I started to think about try to become ambidextrous.
Later I had my right wrist working again and just forget about all that XD
almost 11 years ago
Man, I'm lefthanded and I've never had issues with WASDing.

I mean think about it. Your dominant hand is just on movement as opposed to aiming. And in Starbound, aiming is less important than movement anyway.
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
During the family outing Engie was surprised to learn that Sniper's father was a soldier in a war and met his mother who was a nurse there. Sniper's father was always of ashamed of killing. Engie was learning that sometimes your past can hold you back. {lemme know if anyone cares about this tale}
almost 11 years ago
I signed on for the very first time just to be the first one to note that Morgan's flipping her off with her right hand.

That is all.
almost 11 years ago
Honestly! I laughed so HARD at today's strip, that my poor stomach still hurts!

Btw, I used to be in the same boat as Morgan, then I learned to play with both of my hands...and somehow I think that sounds weird. 0_o
almost 11 years ago
Unrelated note, I wonder where the girls sleep. I mean, Engie's room is now vacant... so they all sleep together in the same bed?
almost 11 years ago
fuck you, jo!
i AM lefthanded and wsad is the way to go.
Unless you trained yourself for ESDF.
almost 11 years ago
@Alberto José Uzcátegui: You can't change keybinds on Starbound, that's the whole point.
almost 11 years ago
C'mon, you could just switch places the mouse and keybind WASD to 5123 (NumPad)
almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Fair enough.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340782]@ZakD[/url]: Games should be a fun passtime. I could play with mouse on the left hand, right hand on AWSD, but why should I? I'd much prefer play games which remember lefties exist.
almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Yeah... I do. Poor Sniffles, you didn't have to eat that pill :'(

(Srsnote: I still don't get it? A bit more uncomfortable I guess, but it should still be okay as long as you have enough space to move the mouse)
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340780]@ZakD[/url]: You're missing the mouse.
almost 11 years ago
...Uhh, I don't get it.
Surely, the keys on the LEFT part of the keyboard (wasd)are easily available to LEFT-handed people?
Or is there something I'm missing?
almost 11 years ago
I may be left-handed, but I can still play WASD Videogames! Muahahahahhahahahah
almost 11 years ago
I'd have like to see Jane's Pick. Then again we all know it would be cod.
almost 11 years ago
i can WASD as a southpaw just fine, jane-tan.
almost 11 years ago
100% true!