What people are saying about "Gotta Download Fast"
Gotta Download Fast
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over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341887]@T[/url]: "the decimal sign is either the comma on the line or the point on the line" As stated by ISO 31-0
over 10 years ago
@Raxys spaces are used in the international system for the thousands, millions, etc not for decimals.
999 999 999.9
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341810]@T[/url]: Plus, "a bunch of tiny countries in Africa", use dot. So the joke's on you. Congrats on making a stupid comment fully based on opinion instead facts.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341810]@T[/url]: The hell it is. International System uses spaces since comma/dot causes confusion around the world. Speaking of International System, i don't think US uses anything at all from it. Temperature, distance, area, volume...
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341808]@Marabunta[/url] I'm not from USA. The decimal point is used in English-speaking countries and most of Asia, and the comma in most of Latin America and in continental European languages. This comic is in English isn't it? If this were a comic in Portuguese or French the comma would be acceptable.
over 10 years ago
That has to be just about the most half assed lazy joke anyone could possibly make.
With all the other comics I'll like some more than others but I don't think they are bad.
This comic, though, is just awful.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341806]@T[/url]: You are a retard aren't you? A lot of countries in Europe use Comma. Do us all a favor and never leave USA and Tumblr.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341794]@Raxyz[/url] the dot is still more important. Who cares if a bunch of tiny countries in Africa use comma? Also the Internatinal System uses the dot.
over 10 years ago
Sonic may as well be trying to play a Playstation game.
over 10 years ago
This! I remember years ago, I was literally raging when I was trying to play online and someone was downloading some sh*t torrents all the freakin' time especially my brother or our neighbours who we split the internet and bill with. Luckily it's much better now, especially if I don't use the wi-fi.
over 10 years ago
Alternatively you could set the download speed of the torrent client to not the entire bandwidth and stream the video through VLC/MPC-HC. Even Utorrent/Bittorent of all things has this functionality last I checked.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341796]@TuppuP[/url]: Probably because half of Canada is French and France use commas.
over 10 years ago
Comma is the good old traditional continental way of doing it. Therefore the only right way! Purge the decimal point heretics!!!
over 10 years ago
Lol, seems like Canada is using both
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341792]@LainoftheWired[/url]: "comprise roughly 60% of the world's population." China is on the list. Since they alone are almost half of the world, i'd say comma is still more widespread. If you count the amount of countries using it, comma still wins.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341790]@Raxyz[/url]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_mark#Hindu.E2.80.93Arabic_numeral_system Actually, the dots are in the lead.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341790]@Raxyz[/url]: Actually, countries that use the . rather than the , make up about 60% of the worlds population. So most of the world uses the . instead. Most of this population comes from China and India. Other important countries that use it are American, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia.
over 10 years ago
Besides, whatever is Sonic wanting to download it's easier to take a pendrive and walk to any server, XD.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341785]@T[/url]: No. Most of the world uses comma, only a few uses dots.
over 10 years ago
Points are less awkward when the number is in a sentence with commas. I actually started using them in my own laguage for that purpose, but the commas between steps of 1,000 in larger numbers are still annoying. I just use periods for everything. XD
over 10 years ago
Hey Jo, most of the world used periods instead of comma in this situation, Brazil is one of the few countries that uses it inverted.
over 10 years ago
"What is Tails downloading?"

Naruto would be my guess.
Cley Faye
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341771]@Elyseon[/url]: he's not downloading. He's uploading new material from it's personal camera.
over 10 years ago
Coming soon: Nerf Now Sonac fanservice.
over 10 years ago
The Sonic Movie (anime)
over 10 years ago
This is almost exactly the situation I was yesterday. He's downloading "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas".
over 10 years ago
He's downloading Cream porn, of course!
over 10 years ago
I love that he's so calm and collected until he snaps.
over 10 years ago
Miles is downloading "two tails, one fox" obviously.
over 10 years ago
Gotta go fast. Even when trying to download something.
over 10 years ago
@Alberto José Uzcátegui: VGTW VGTG
over 10 years ago
over 10 years ago
Oh, I'm pretty sure it's nothing bad. After all, the 3 golden rules of the internetz still applies today:

1) Nobody dl porn.
2) Nobody dl illegal music.
3) Nobody, but I mean, nobody knows about that urban legend site called pirates cove or something like that.
Seductive Hobo
over 10 years ago