What people are saying about "Russians"
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over 10 years ago
I thought russians are more racist than you
and everytime I see noob they say "you are fucking rus retard"about him
but i never heard "fuckingEUnoob" or smth even when they ruin it
i know dat feeling when noob in team - dat ok, but racism is not, i have rus friends who play rly good u know
over 10 years ago
I'm rus and I have good ping on eu/us, but bad on ru. That's why I play on eu, as LOTS of russians do, but due to fine skills in english, you can easily mistake them for europeans. So, only near 1/3 ru players are stupid enough to speak rus on eu server.
Regards, rus hard support 4100 MMR player!
over 10 years ago
It's funny because it's true.
over 10 years ago
@Yuno Gasai: I said I wouldn't be suprised "if" their connections were crap. I didn't say they were crap.
over 10 years ago
if the law also prohibits anything Stalin they either fight it or ignore it, because Historical Accuracy. Toss in that the Russian and Chinese tanks in game are consistently, though occasionally marginally, more powerful not only than history, but also than other tanks in their tier...
over 10 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Ah. Because the Russians are not just playing the game, but dictating the game to the devs, who are Belorussians, but seem to have a hard on to return to the glorious days of Comrade Stalin (no I'm not joking, they flatly refuse to have any real world German emblems, because laws, but
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341920]@Mags[/url]: That turns out to be your child by a woman that drugged you and stole your sperm....
over 10 years ago
the worst online nightmare : an 14 year old half russian half brazilian brat.

over 10 years ago
For those unfamiliar:

In many online games, certain ethnic groups have gained terrible reputations for being bad and ruining the game. For Dota it's Russians, for LoL it's Brazilians, etc.

The joke is that Sniper is winning but then because a Russian person sneezed, he's now losing.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341910]@Guyver01[/url]: I work in Russia (I'm a translator) and I don't know your criteria for a connection to be “crap”, but I'm using a 100/100 unmetered line that costs me $14/mo; the ping times to Sweden are around 4-6 ms, to Frankfurt 17-20 ms, to New York City 90-100 ms.
over 10 years ago
This is you doing it wrong
over 10 years ago
It is sad when we create a scapegoat for our own lack of skill and ability.
over 10 years ago
People think all players in South America are brazilians. Brazilians are usually better players than peruanos, argentinos and chilenos, but these 3 call brazilians noobs because of the 'meme', without ever noticing they were placed in the same bag when the meme started.
over 10 years ago
Considering the state of Russia's economy (not that the US's is too much better) I wouldn't be surprised if their internet connections were crap.
over 10 years ago
War Thunder... A game created by Russian team in Russia with a large Russian player base.

Damn I love that game!

Also planes.
over 10 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: As am I, considering 'Russians in WoT' could refer to Russian players, or to Russian *tanks*, depending on how broad their lineup is.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341906]@Demango[/url]: It's just because 3/4 of polish players in LoL are kids between 10-15 years
over 10 years ago
Back in LoL EUNE server we have polish people to replace russians :3
over 10 years ago
I find it pretty racist=(
over 10 years ago
Just find a team and enjoy, moaner.
over 10 years ago
you don't get it.
Managing the foreigne devils is part of the challange.
If they are ruining your game you are just lacking skill.
over 10 years ago
fucking noobs it's alchemist
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341898]@AIOkay[/url]: Sven with Refresher
over 10 years ago
Maybe the last panel is showing sniper ganked by warlock golem? ===
over 10 years ago
That moment when the Nerfnow community utilizes an anti-racism strip to bash russians... ^^
over 10 years ago
Lets play DoTA2 together sometime Jo.
over 10 years ago
I never played DotA, but I played WoT on european and russian servers. Difference is very noticeable. Very easy to noticed russian player on EU server.

????????? ?? ??? ??????????. ?????? ?? ??????. ?/
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341870]@TheBaron[/url]: I haven't had any problem with Russians in WoT. I haven't even actually noticed any.
over 10 years ago
I dont mind russians, if they communicate, but just talking and me not understanding is rude, but ok, I will manage, just like any other non english speaking player. Now, if said player keeps diving, speaking to himself and blaming lack of support... saddly, it's mostly russians in my case...
over 10 years ago
@D.D.Mining Co: Russians in Dota are synonymous to the "butterfly effect": one sneeze in Moscow affects the player on another continent.
@Ryoko Tadao: "?????!", which can be pronounced in English as "Apch-hee!"
over 10 years ago
Russians dont sneeze in english, obviously. Change it on "?????".
over 10 years ago
So... I'm severely out of touch; what's the joke here?
over 10 years ago
And the way TF2 players are racist towards Koreans. And everyone.
over 10 years ago
So are Dota players racist towards Russians the way League players are racist towards Brazillians?
over 10 years ago
I make the same comments about Brazilians playing tanks (a complete and total lack of communication). Also, it would be just ruin, Jo. :P
over 10 years ago
Unless it's eve, Russians actually make the game more interesting.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341870]@TheBaron[/url]: Now I'm curious...
over 10 years ago
On russian server you can lose with 85 kills.
over 10 years ago
Dota has it easy. Want to see Russians ruin something? World of Tanks.
over 10 years ago
@Cley Faye: And then Turgenev got scared and the very same night took a train to Baden-Baden. (obscure references yay!)
Cley Faye
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341857]@Ermak[/url]: no. When someone mentions you, you don't hiccup. You take the first train to another country.
over 10 years ago
Isn't this Brazilians? Huehuehue
over 10 years ago
Fun fact: in Russia you hiccup instead of sneeze when someone mentions you.