What people are saying about "Undetectable"
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about 11 years ago
@Familiar Heavy: sorry! ):
about 11 years ago
@Familiar Heavy or it is a bitch slap!
about 11 years ago
That's not a 'Pow! Haha!',Shareazu, it's a 'See?'.
about 11 years ago
Where is Engie in the poll?
about 11 years ago
I could totally see nobody getting chocolates because Anne disguised herself and received everything in their place.
about 11 years ago
Well, Jane again, same vote as last time...
about 11 years ago
Okay, not quite true. Just checked the archives, and Anne-Marie has face time one panel less than Alek (though Anne-Marie could be disguised in others!) Jane beats Alek by 9 panels, while Morgan has been shown the most, beating Alek by 12 panels!
about 11 years ago
Well, since voting for Alek in the first poll apparently meant she'd be shown the least, I'm voting for Anne-Marie this time. That means if she wins, she will be the only one NOT in the special comic.
about 11 years ago
> No Valentine on poll
Jo, you'll be seeing the doctor soon.
about 11 years ago
... well, close enough to a CS:GO comic, i'm happy now :)
about 11 years ago
No Engie in the poll, I am disappoint :(
about 11 years ago
Where is Engie? I like Engie the most...
about 11 years ago
>No minette option on poll
jo pls
about 11 years ago
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about 11 years ago
Hey, Jo, there's some issue with your poll. Despite the fact that anyone smart enough to press the buttons would be smart enough to vote for Morgan, some weird glitch happens where it gives values above 0% to the other characters.
about 11 years ago
Should be Engie, I think she's falling for you.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_342286]@Dinonick[/url] maybe this all was part of Anne Marie plan?
about 11 years ago
We need Alek. We voted for her and yet the black one (not racist, just cant remember the name) and the french one have been getting the most panel time.
Most of us voted for alek because of her....fashion sense.....
Mister Jay
about 11 years ago
A vote for Tentajo is a vote for Jo to include all the girls and then have Engie crash the party with sentries dressed in 1920s gangster costumes and reenact The Saint Valentines Day Massacre.
about 11 years ago
Voted for Alek because even though we voted her #1, she's hardly used, and is wearing more and more clothes.
about 11 years ago
You fools, why are you voting for Alek. She'd be the most ordinary valentine. You have some amazing choices. Think of the personalities at play here! Vote Morgan!
about 11 years ago
Why can't we pick Engie for Valentines day T________________T
about 11 years ago
Judging by the Poll, you might as well add every single character.
about 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Oh, please don't tell me it's another milestone like this one!

about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_342274]@Ninj77[/url]: The tentacle guy.
about 11 years ago
Okay, I actually had to go back several strips, but couldn't find anything.

So, who the heck is "Tentajo"?
about 11 years ago
Okay. Okay. Therese no one here say sum thing witty... secont.
about 11 years ago
Why is my machine suddenly running so slow or all these windows keep popping up??? What do you mean now we can't even trust the "safest" trainers? Unbelievable!!!!!