What people are saying about "Almost Real"
Almost Real
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Flandre Scarlet
almost 11 years ago
Well, I've always sort of wanted to make a voodoo doll of him, but never quite felt the effort was worth it... so if they decided to release one themselves... <3 :D
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_345981]@tsartomato[/url] if it were cheap like their games a gaben sex doll could be modded and turned into a chubby girl doll.
almost 11 years ago
That's not the scariest part of Valve fanbase for sure...
almost 11 years ago
Volvo gib Gaben doll pls.
almost 11 years ago
i would buy this gaven doll as a pocket pal it tf2 and he will come with a free hat
almost 11 years ago
Things the Gaben doll would say: "Worth the weight." "I'm...Gabe Newell!" "Uh, no." "I can be reached at gaben@valvesoftware.com" "Uh nope, it's just me, Gabe Newell!" "This isn't working."
almost 11 years ago
no, the scary thing is that if valve release gaben sex doll some people would buy it
Witch Hunter
almost 11 years ago
Don't say that! I'm still waiting for a Witch Plush.
Valve never delivers ;'/
almost 11 years ago
Are you kidding? Of course people would buy it. I might. Especially if it was as cute as yours.
almost 11 years ago
OH NO! YOU STARTED THE GabeN! Alright, emergency procedures. I was taught that, to stop a GabeN, take control and press the GabeN, in addition....
almost 11 years ago
Has anyone noticed that there are THREE dots in the second panel's text bubble? Wake up, sheeple! HL3 is confirmed in probably never....
almost 11 years ago
Magic Gaben Doll, will you ever release Half Life 3?

"Maybe someday..."
almost 11 years ago
And here I was expecting him to say "Valve time"
almost 11 years ago