What people are saying about "Nothing Is Impossible"
Nothing Is Impossible
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over 10 years ago
These complaints against MS are pointless, in a year the Xbone will still lag behind the PS4 but not by more than 10-15% which means barring a few titles everybody will have the same games. They stopped selling kinect with it to try and get the price down to be more competitive. Simple as that.
over 10 years ago
It's pretty easy, isn't it? All they have to do is to sell their console significantly cheaper than Sony. Why would I want to buy a piece of hardware with inferior specs for essentially the same price?
over 10 years ago
If Microsoft keeps doing 180s like this, they're going to start causing the planet to spin the opposite direction...
over 10 years ago
I only care about the "next gen" consoles for one reason only; it'll mean that whenever a new Elder Scrolls, Fallout or similar sandbox title comes out, it won't be broken on PC so that it works on consoles too. Seriously, the PS3 and XB360 have a mere 512 MB of RAM (total!!).. ugh..
over 10 years ago
HolyDanna and Hyperstar96
Why worst, instead of NOGAMES? I could play some exclusives, what about them? And im playing PS2 too, but on PC. Couldn't find working console without laser damaged.
over 10 years ago
Damn it, first comment disappeared. [url=#user_comment_346193] @Hyperstar96[/url]: >worst games i though you would say NOGAEMS. I could play some exclusives, what about them? Clearly, not the drake adventure's. [url=#user_comment_346196] @HolyDanna[/url]: Im playing too, but on PC. Emulation, yes. Couldn't find a working console without laser damaged.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346196]@HolyDanna[/url]: and i can't play games on PC, instead of some MMO's. It's just seems not so fun to me.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346193]@Hyperstar96[/url]: >worst games i though you would say NOGAEMS. Well, it has some exclusives that i could play. Clearly not the fucking drake adventure. [url=#user_comment_346196] @HolyDanna[/url]: Im playing too, but on PC. Emulation, yes, i couldn't find where i can buy a working PS2 now without laser damaged.
over 10 years ago
*looks at comments*

Haters! Haters everywhere!
over 10 years ago
A halo paddle ball?
over 10 years ago
So sorry for Microsoft
over 10 years ago
I would stay as far away from MS as possible, my 360 got red ring of death and i did not get a refound, did not even play the console much, a few hours over 2 years. Felt scammed badly and will never look on that company again.
over 10 years ago
HolyDanna and Hyperstar96
"Perhaps the same could be said of all consoles"
The generations doesn't even have a whole year, there isn't good games in any platform, the preview though, looks more promising with PS4, we'll see when the real deal happens, until there, stick with your current consoles.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346193]@Hyperstar96[/url]: You mean, he should play on PC?
over 10 years ago
We want anything but Microsoft meddling into gaming. The first policy was a warning, of how they envision the gaming market, it's not because they failed that they won't try again. Plus, with the xbox cloud needed for everything, when they decide to take down the server, both SP and MP will be down.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346192]@Zeeck[/url]: In my opinion, if you want to have good games, and play with a controller, you can go for a PS2 (I'm still playing with mine, after more than 10 years), or get a good computer, and play with a usb controller, not a PS4 or so.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346191]@Vroomvroom[/url]: Except that no one bothered to do that. Beyond voice commands and Harmanex's Dance Central, no devs were chomping at the bit to do anything awesome with the Kinect. And look at the Wii. Everything that tried to be innovative and use the motion control to full extent bombed like a --
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346192]@Zeeck[/url]: That seems a little contradictory. If you want your focus to be on games, why get the system that has the worst games?
over 10 years ago
Got 360. After a year of 1-time-in-week gaming with this media station I got bored. Next time i buy console, i will pay attention to games that console provide, not to ERGONOMIC GAMEPAD or KINECT, BITCHES shit. Maybe i should buy PS4?
over 10 years ago
I agree with the general sentiment here. As long as Microsoft stuck to the Kinect requirement devs will make an effort to make games that can make use of it, but as soon as Microsoft drops this requirement, the Xbone is no better than an N64 with prettier graphics.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346189]@AckAckAck[/url]: Oh please, drop the entitled attitude. You have no idea how tricky logistics on this scale can be so don't talk like you have any idea as to the whats and why's here. If anything, it shows how rushed the Xbox was that they couldn't even establish proper logistics prior to release.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346178]@Aard[/url]: THIS. The fact that they only put 13 countries really killed sales. They treat other countries as "unworthy." Arrogant bastards deserve all those bad press.
over 10 years ago
"What more do you guys want??"

Games, some games sure would be nice.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346179]@Muuu[/url]: Even the 360 became disappointing. I want a game device, not a media center !
over 10 years ago
I knew console shooters had target-lock /aim-assist.
but literally tieing it to the controller goes to far,imho.
over 10 years ago
I want a console with games, not with stupid mandatory devices. I had a 360 kinect and it was disappointing.
over 10 years ago
Even then, I won't be able to buy it. Since you cheapasses will come to my ex-commie country around the time when the sun dies.

Selling your console in 13 countries only is a amusingly ironic, though?
over 10 years ago
Silly Microsoft, we don't want more. We want less! Less BS would be a nice start. Less emphasis on non-gaming functions that other devices do better would be another. Can we also get less extortionist policies for indie game publishing? Thanks!
over 10 years ago
Sony FTW