What people are saying about "Who sent all these babies to fight!?"
almost 16 years ago
I think it was Valve's way of trolling us by "leaking" the Meet the Spy video.
I mean, it IS the Spy we're talking about.
almost 16 years ago
And now he's here to F*** US!
almost 16 years ago
Dude meet the spy is leaked and you still haven't even updated your comic that's a bit of fail there.
almost 16 years ago
Maybe it would be a good idea to list updates as being on Wednesday/Saturday. Just an honest suggestion.
almost 16 years ago
now I'VE been shown who is the boss. VALVe Wankers, this was supposed to by MY update
Real Misterio
almost 16 years ago
Sniper update... I MEAN SPY UPDATE COMES HERE- Razorback was too lame to be a serious weapon xD
almost 16 years ago
I'm pyro. Thats my name. Spreading chaos is my game.
Nothign a little backblast cant fix
almost 16 years ago
Good pyros can use the airblast to turn an enemy rocket into an impromptu rocket jump to cover distance and wipe out half a team.
Bad pyro hold W + M1 charging in a straight line and getting hit buy everything coming their way. Don't be bad pyro, baby pyro.
El Jay
almost 16 years ago
olol I guess I'm a TROLLAN' PYRO. I love my Airblast and my Axtinguisher. And my flares.
Idiots With Shrapnel
almost 16 years ago
According to WERD's list, I guess I fall under the catagrory of Combat Pyro.
almost 16 years ago
Combat pyro: uses shotgun more than flamethrowers.
Ambush pyro: backburner Trollang pyro: Axeburner + airblast (U MAD)
almost 16 years ago
I hope we will get to see a baby demoman... come on! i'm sure you can make him cute.
almost 16 years ago
Well, it took a bit of another meaning after b||oodsire released his http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7_SKpZssjE pyro n00b video >_>
almost 16 years ago
W+1 means w=move forward and mouse 1=fire. It's a term used for 'noob' pyros, (I am a pyro myself), who essentially move forward while firing. Not a good strategy, generally ends in being killed quickly.
almost 16 years ago
W+1 is w (which you press to walk) plus mouse button 1 (which you press to fire).
You can commonly spot the nooby pyro when he run around the map, flamethrower blazing, cackling maniacally, dying every other second.
almost 16 years ago
I like those TF2 comics, but I've never played this game.
What does W+1 mean?
almost 16 years ago
It may be a rant about noobs but it might alos be a rant about good players ragequitting instead of going on and helping out the team.
almost 16 years ago
I'm suddenly starting to think that this is all a comic rant about how to play TF2 to noobs
almost 16 years ago
What the Heavy doesn't know is that this Pyro is actually a Spy pretending to W+M1 in front of the team.
And now hes waiting for the heavy to turn to chalk him up a kill.
almost 16 years ago
Baby Pyro reminds of a scene from an old cartoon. He even looks exactly like the guy pulling a Leeroy in panel 2.
almost 16 years ago
I'm starting to think this is a thinly veiled attempt to stop "babies" from doing these things.