I like everything about Lina there , the face and her look it is so beautiful , insecure and really fits , how her arms are positioned and how her legs are positioned , the whole clothes and hair , everything fits there. I know you want Rylai to be different but you can do that better.
[url=#user_comment_348620]@EnragedFilia[/url]: yep you right dude, this sisters need some boost. Rylai is a good suport, but her ulti is kinda useless, they need to do something with that so rylai can be more useful. and lina, well even tough she is a good nuker and disabler, but if ppl want nuker/disabler, lion is a safer bet
[url=#user_comment_348620]@EnragedFilia[/url]: I think these "pub-tier" heroes can have a decent win rate in competitive games too, but pros just prefer safer picks.
So is there a funny reason why it's called "pub-tier" instead of, for instance, "neverused"? And is illusion farm distinct from a regular farm in some meaningful way, or simply because illusion is a mechanic that becomes more useful lategame?
over 10 years ago
I find it ridiculous that last year naga was prevalent as a support, then she gets nerfed hard to the point where she becomes a rather sub-par carry and not as great support, and now teams want to use her as a carry! (I will say, though, it's hard to pass up that ulti.)
CM is fine, she just doesn't fit in the current meta. The teams are preferring Skywrath because he counters many trendy heroes with his silence, the burst damage from ult can't be interrupted and it's easy to inflict full damage if combined with Void, Tide, SK...
Crystal Maiden lost intelligence in a previous patch which made her 2 spell combo almost impossible now, and thus nobody wishes to use such a desperately on the border super UP hero anymore with garbage MS, attack speed, attack damage, stats, stat gains, half stun, super situational utli, etc.
[url=#user_comment_348610]@dealwithit[/url]: You mean that only 6 hero of 102 hero pull is reason why dota suck? Oh wow, for me it is enjoyable to watch diffrent heroes every game