What people are saying about "Sniper Weapon"
over 13 years ago
For me achievements go more like:
1 - Do action 2 - Achievement get 3 - Conclude action was correct (except for the getting stabbed achievement for the sniper o.0)
almost 16 years ago
Why does this comic say "Sonic - Sniper Weapon" in the Archives? This ain't a Sonic comic, it's Team Fortress 2 :o
almost 16 years ago
If it makes you feel better i can tell you that i got the Pyro's Beanie! Muahahaha!.
almost 16 years ago
they deleted all teh links again(((
i think i'll make my own nerfnow, with blackjack n' hookers
almost 16 years ago
He didn't rule34 Engineer himself. Those pictures have been around for a long time now. And, yes. HWGirl would be a good R34 candidate ... maybe put some use to that big head of hers. *Wink wink*
almost 16 years ago
Well obviously. You rule 34'd nerfnow. That was just wrong, next thing we know you'll be posting nude pics of Heavy weapons girl...................wait...would that be good or bad?
almost 16 years ago
Have you played World of Warcraft, Ezekiel? An example: http://i.thottbot.com/ss/o/4604.jpg
almost 16 years ago
So I'm guessing Red Soldier is now a boss.
lf tank 24man ctf_2fort then g2g
almost 16 years ago
What happened to the Medic's arms? If you were worried about the comments that might have been made if he was seen grappling the Heavy, you could have just put his arms about her waist to hold her back.
Scaled one
almost 16 years ago
Bind, when applied to equipment, tends to mean you cannot trade it after its been worn. This is good for keeping people from using reasonably good gear, then passing it on to their lowbie alts. its still annoying when somebody ninjas the good stuff.
almost 16 years ago
one ore more WoW Player, or (in my case) guys with friends who play WoW and always talk about it ;D
almost 16 years ago
Actually BoP (Bind on Pickup) items are not even tradeable :D They become "Souldbound" when someone loots them and as it says, it is bound to the sould and cannot be separated (well, it CAN be sold to vendors or disenchanted) Looks like we have a WoW player here :D
almost 16 years ago
refering to HuskyPandas Comment, your comic says something wrong, jo.
because as you may know, valve already said, there will be a trading system ^^
almost 16 years ago
@Gamegeneral's photonote: "Binds when picked up" means that permanent ownership will go to the first person that picks up the item, and only he/she can use the item. If it is traded to someone else, the item won't work because it is not the original owner using the item.
almost 16 years ago
What does this comic have to do with SONIC??
almost 16 years ago
One would think that with those flaming shoulders and propeller beanie that the Pyro would gain flight capabilities.
almost 16 years ago
@ BlazinH: Take note of the artist's comments on this comic: "Interlude". The baby arc's just on hold for a sec to post this commentary on the Sniper VS Spy update.
almost 16 years ago
There was a bonus page on the TF2 blog, and people already took the models from teh .GCF files and looked at them.