What people are saying about "War Is Deception"
War Is Deception
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 10 years ago
@Better: Fair enough. It would have helped a lot with context if you made some of your recent comments earlier.

Ironically, Jo probably spent a ton of energy to learn English so that he can add speech bubbles.
over 10 years ago
(cont) However, there is a huge difference between an emotional post and "lol u suck".

I actually took the time to explain what I didn't like and how it could be fixed. Now it's up to the author to judge the worth of my feedback and see if he gives a damn about it or not.
over 10 years ago
(cont) Sadly, this saga was more similar to the former than the later.

Was my previous post loaded with my own disappointment at Jo's radical
change of style? Pretty much, Yes.

Could it have been less emotional? Sure.
over 10 years ago
@4tan : one of the greatest powers of comics is to convey ideas through images, "show don't tell".

Jo can do this very well [see his old strips].

Webcomics that use too many words tend to be fairly mediocre or sacrifice visual prowess for awesome scripts. (like xkcd)
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352130]@4tran[/url]: One of the best things comics can do is convey ideas through images, "show don't tell". Jo actually knows how to do that very well [look at his early strips]. Webcomics that use too many words tend to be fairly mediocre or sacrifice visual prowess for incredible scripts. (like xkcd)
over 10 years ago
(cont) Have you never read smbc/xkcd/girl genius/most other comics out there? Granted, you do point out a change in style. It's certainly a possibility Jo can consider for future comics. Remember, there's a difference between _useful_ negative feedback and "lol u suck".
over 10 years ago
@Better Nerf - go cry me a river. These girls are home, and how many homes have gothic architecture and tapestries? Sure you can say laziness about lack of posters or other decorations, but that's hardly necessary. Maybe it's standard among comics for "99% of the joke" to come from dialog?
over 10 years ago
@Mister Jay: Maaaaaaaybe :)
Mister Jay
over 10 years ago
Im gonna go ahead and ask. Jo who is the Dom and who is the Sub when Jane and Morgan have sex. My Lesbedar has never failed me yet. And they are off the charts.
over 10 years ago
@Andrew Hall: I liked the last arc fine, but if some people didn't then I don't blame them for saying so. I hope that the "bitching is not ok" warning doesn't mean that criticism gets you banned or anything, because unless you are being VERY obnoxious I think that would be a very bad policy.
over 10 years ago
Hire someone to make the "Now with more..." jokes, as your userbase seems to lack any amount of wit beyond making a box that say "MINE!"
over 10 years ago
@Andrew Hall: I have an opinion and provide feedback accordingly, "oh noez I be SO SPOILED!". Go suck a lemon.

If negative feedback is not allowed, all you get is an echo chamber saying HOW AWESOME everything is all the time (no matter the quality). There is nothing worse than that for an artist.
over 10 years ago
I enjoyed this arc very muchly Jo.
over 10 years ago
Some of you are SO SPOILED. "Oh, I don't like this, I don't like that, do this for me, blah blah."

Guess what? Drawing your own comic is ABSOLUTELY FREE. So is shutting your mouths and having some respect for the artist whose comic you are reading, whether you still love it or just used to.
over 10 years ago
Kabuto, shut up. Go read another comic if you don't like this one. Jo works his ass off drawing for us.
over 10 years ago
@Better Nerf Irelia: The comic went to shit ever since Jo killed off Engie and replaced her with these four boring bimbos.
over 10 years ago
(cont) You are working on a comic, a visual media... and yet 99% of the joke comes from long-ass dialogue ballons. Why?

I understand this is more streamline and gets you a bigger audience, but you shouldn't sacrifice artistic quality (of which you have a lot) for views quantity.
over 10 years ago
No offense, but this whole arc was really bad. The art was lazy (where are the backgrounds?), the dialogue very unnatural, and the characters' behavior unbelievable one-note. (why is Morgan even winking at the reader?)

I can't believe you are the same Joe that made those awesome TF2 silent-comics.
over 10 years ago
Jo why don't u make a five nights at Freddy's comic?
over 10 years ago
Yep, this has been great. :D
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352083]@4tran[/url]: The problem with comments as I see it is that there is very little space to write what you want to say.
Aldebaran IV
over 10 years ago
Just passing by to inform you guys: this week is happening the worldwide Settlers of Catan championship, which one have a brazilian as semi-finalist. Ty for your attention.
over 10 years ago
And thus Morgan continues to solidify her place as the best character in the comic.
over 10 years ago
I thought Jo mainly relied on comments for feedback? Anyway, I liked this little arc. A comic or 2 about the actual battle would have been nice, but I understand that Jo doesn't like long arcs :/
Morgan getting her revenge in settlers would be amusing though.
over 10 years ago
Heh, I've been following NerfNow ever since I first saw it. I didn't enjoyed it any less that I've ever did, that's my feedback. It was fun nevertheless, I just thought you could add more drama though. From pre-match to victory felt kinda rushed.
over 10 years ago
so she is going to get wood from sheep?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352072]@Insertnamehere[/url]: Who promised you that?
over 10 years ago
I was promised new Morgan picture in bunny suit with jane's evil idea of posing and a week of her walking around like that and you are going to make them do an other stragety game?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352067]@vonBoomslang[/url]: In all of her planning for the game, she realized that she actually does like this Strategy stuff, and that distracted her.
over 10 years ago
I kinda hope Anne wins... she IS the Soldier Expy, be kinda cool if she was a bit of an "idiot savant".
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352067]@vonBoomslang[/url]: Its not rigging the contest. Rules were simple - win. Its strategy :> Also Settlers of Catan <3 Also: Settlers of Catan <3
over 10 years ago
I've enjoyed, though I feel you dodged out of Jane's plot. She -did- rig the contest and then... nothing came out of it?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352064]@NotDrFrank[/url]: Here is the "Nerf NOW!!" Steam group if you're interested in that: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/nerf_now
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352060]@Twilightdusk[/url]: Thanks, cleared my browsing data for the last week and now it shows the newer version.
over 10 years ago
Make a forum, yours will be the first I'll have ever joined.
over 10 years ago
I liked it a lot. Not everything has to be a one panel joke even if they are good jokes :)
over 10 years ago
Jo, requesting hot and heavy Morgan-Jane R34, probably with strap on as this arc continuity :p
over 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: probably a cache issue, your PC still has the old version of the comic.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352056]@Twilightdusk[/url]: Huh, well this is odd. It says the same thing when viewed on my PC, but when I looked at it on my phone the text IS different, with the terms being that if Morgan loses she has to be Jane's bitch, and if Morgan wins Jane has to be hers.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352056]@Twilightdusk[/url]: I just did. Jane says in that comic "I'll pick a strategy game and if you WIN, I'll be your bitch for the week." She doesn't say anything about Morgan having to do anything if Jane wins, or if Morgan loses.
over 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: He edited the text in that comic, go back and look again.
over 10 years ago
at the very least its not as random as playing as void or ogre magi in dota 2.
over 10 years ago
I dont think settler of catan is that much RNG, as with two dices the chance is not equal for any number, so you can gues which land will give you the biggest benefit. also the expansion packs implement a lot of strategic debth, especially the knights one (dont know the english name).
over 10 years ago
Forums are a pain to maintain, I agree, but I believe there are more than enough fans, and I am sure at least one of them is a forum moderator wannabe. Won't any of you other fans open a real forum and give Jo a mod position?
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352049]@Gringos[/url]: Nah, Morgan didn't bet anything. Jane bet that if Morgan was able to win against her in this game then she (Jane) would be Morgan's bitch for a week, but Morgan had nothing to lose.
over 10 years ago
For comments you could link to reddit. Many artists regularly do that on r/comics to get exposure and feedback. Or you could make your own subreddit and link to that.

For this comic: I thought Morgan would be a slave for a day if she lost? I'd expect Jane to capitalize on that.
over 10 years ago
Won the battle. Lost the war.
over 10 years ago
How about a thread on the Steam group discussing the comics? I was thinking of making one before this one was posted, since it would give everybody more space to write their thoughts.
over 10 years ago
Aren't the photonotes more than enough feedback Jo? It's the highest form of Nerf NOW!! audience commentary, what more could you want?
over 10 years ago
Whatever you may do I'm sure you'll do fine with.
over 10 years ago
Little does Jane know she's just been roped into one of the most brutal RNG fests possible.
over 10 years ago
So what kind of feedback? On the art,writing,coloring,poses,story arcs? I mean there are a ton of things we could give our opinions on but without directions it would be kinda pointless.
over 10 years ago
Feedback? Surveys and stuff?
over 10 years ago
Jo, please give us Engie back :(
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352024]@Calamity[/url]: There's a digital version on Steam, if that counts. As for the comic: I like that Jane got too distracted to remember the bet X3
over 10 years ago
Settlers? Oh dear...

Jane cannot possibly fathom how badly she is about to get rekt.
over 10 years ago
Whatever you do, don't put a star-rating system on the site. Please. It's only gonna be food for trolls.
Also, is there a Settlers of Catan avaible to play online? That would be really fun.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352016]@Anonymous[/url]: Forums are a pain to maintain. Not an option, really. Plus I wanted something more direct like streaming.
over 10 years ago
I dunno what an easier way to get feedback would be. Set up a forum?

I like the interactions between Jane and Morgan, but I feel like there could be a bit more you could delve into with Alek and And Anne. They sorta haven't really had time to be fleshed out, I think. Good mini-arc all the same.
over 10 years ago
Well, you could try to create an account on tumblr or something like that... that way, people could contact and give their feedback to you directly, not to mention share fanart of your characters and such