What people are saying about "Family Reunion"
Family Reunion
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about 10 years ago
Omigosh! That is just adorable. LoL
about 10 years ago
So do we get to name engie or is that already decided.
about 10 years ago
Ah yes the slap slap hug relationship. Better than punch punch restraining order relationship.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355611]@Greener[/url]: Try to say that when you pay your own bills and supporting a family.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355642]@Argothin[/url]: Engie is her name! It´s short for Engielina
about 10 years ago
Wait so miss spy was related to engie-chan?
about 10 years ago
So is Engie getting a name for Christmas? =3
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355589]@Hellser[/url]: Only if we will be able to see her eyes under glasses.
about 10 years ago
I really like her new hairstyle :D
about 10 years ago
She bleeds money.
about 10 years ago
Just look at engie in last panel! She looks like a freaky japanese spectre.
I like it.
about 10 years ago
dont change Engies style ever again EVER!
Wanta loves Mayu
about 10 years ago
I don't really dig the new look on Engie :( Too much hikikomori and doesn't seem to care about how she looks and dresses anymore, compared to the other characters. She became a recluse but I hope she'll turn back to the way she was before
about 10 years ago
Engie face at third panel...

about 10 years ago
I SOOOOO much love how new Engie looks... :3
about 10 years ago
Don't you usually need three drinks in you before you do this on Christmas Day?
Seductive Hobo
about 10 years ago
could just be nitpicky, but what about the rest of the tf2 comic characters?

its been a while since mini medic,pyro guy, medic, heavy, and sniper girl got attention
about 10 years ago
two more photo notes and we can have a star
about 10 years ago
But I do not selebrate X-Mas, cause I am follower of FSM
about 10 years ago
Engie looks oddly hot with the long hair. Won't say a word about the glasses though since any girl typically looks hot as hell with them IMO...
Mister Jay
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355608]@Bellar[/url] From the photo comments- Wed need a scout sniper and medic too. But The girls murdered Scout Tan after listening to her talk for 5 minutes. Minimedic is always with one of the guys. And god knows where Sniper is probably visiting Boone in New Vegas. Anyway LOVE YOU ENGIE!
Mister Jay
about 10 years ago
Engineers get edgy if they dont attack a Spy every now and then just like Spys get edgy if they dont Backstab enough. Pure TF2 biology.
about 10 years ago
Noooooooot sure if I'm going too get used to pale skin, glasses engine. Oh well atleast she's back!
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355601]@lacedemonian[/url]: Is Morgan wearing a hasty photonote hat? Or an absent dialogue hat?
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355589]@Hellser[/url]: I agree and also guessing she mad Annie sold the game
about 10 years ago
Spies and Engineers have a love-hate relationship...
about 10 years ago
What Engie really should be doing is slapping Jo for all of the unnecessary hurtful bullshit he put her through.
about 10 years ago
Anne-Marie must be THAT sibling. XD
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355588]@Preaplanes[/url] yes my friend Engie is back
about 10 years ago
about 10 years ago
Please keep Engie's hair long, and the glasses too! She's rather cute like that. :3
about 10 years ago
Is Engie back?
about 10 years ago
So... Engie's gonna keep the long hair right? It looks great~