I don't really dig the new look on Engie :( Too much hikikomori and doesn't seem to care about how she looks and dresses anymore, compared to the other characters. She became a recluse but I hope she'll turn back to the way she was before
Engie looks oddly hot with the long hair. Won't say a word about the glasses though since any girl typically looks hot as hell with them IMO...
Mister Jay
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_355608]@Bellar[/url] From the photo comments- Wed need a scout sniper and medic too. But The girls murdered Scout Tan after listening to her talk for 5 minutes. Minimedic is always with one of the guys. And god knows where Sniper is probably visiting Boone in New Vegas. Anyway LOVE YOU ENGIE!
Mister Jay
about 10 years ago
Engineers get edgy if they dont attack a Spy every now and then just like Spys get edgy if they dont Backstab enough. Pure TF2 biology.