What people are saying about "Early Access"
Early Access
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about 10 years ago
As a game developer myself, I can tell you that early access players are EXTREMELY valuable. Aside from the obvious "supporting the funding of the game" part of it, it's early access players who give the most valuable feedback and suggestions for making the final game better.
about 10 years ago
@Nathaniel Smith: Yeah, two years later. The new update is impressive, no lie. It just should've happened quite a while ago.
about 10 years ago
Starbound actually just got a massive update that's been in the works for about a year now. It's very complete now. Only missing end game content :)
about 10 years ago
torrents help you try before you buy
about 10 years ago
i was going to write a lot, but i'll shorten it to: i like Jane
about 10 years ago
Engie needs Prescription Safety Goggles!
about 10 years ago
I only ever bought into one Early Access game:
Chaos Reborn, they had a long open Beta which already had a game worth paying for, they now have a fully functional Game up on Early access just adding more and more features which are not essential.Even if it stayed like this it'd be worth it.
about 10 years ago
@Terraform Trent: I thought you were complimenting the art lol
about 10 years ago
Jo seriously. If you do the glasses like you are doing now I COMPLETELY support it I just didn't support the early glasses drawings when they looked weird
about 10 years ago
God is she ugly with these new glasses... She now looks like a faty
about 10 years ago
Actually, looking at everything again...
The art's been poor since Jo left.
Let's face it, Engie isn't as great of an artist as Jo is.
I was actually happy to have Engie back, but I didn't know it meant poorer art.
about 10 years ago
What the heck happened to the art on this one?
Is this by a different artist??
Morgan's "terror" face is absolutely terrifying, Engie's even MORE sexualized than she was before with the sheer enormity of her breasts...

What's going on?
about 10 years ago
@Darius Düsener: Never buy a Survival Game Period. No one has ever made one that wasn't completely broken (besides Don't Starve and Minecraft, but those aren't just survival games).
about 10 years ago
Seriously though, ever since Angie's return, she seems to have grown quite a bit bustier.
about 10 years ago
I Agree that early access is a problem, but darkest dungeon was diferent for me. I watched streams before buying it, an even in early i'm already happy with what i got. Can't deny that starbound is FOREVER in early and i made a huge mistake with other early acess. I belive there are exceptions
about 10 years ago
Rule #1 of Early Access: You don't buy early access.

Sometimes games go out of early and are still not finished (looking right at you Blade Symphony, with lackluster tutorial, lots of lags and half-finished characters.)
So far the only Early Access title in my library is SolForge, and it's free
about 10 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Don't be modest; you're good at fighting games when you have the right incentive! ;)

about 10 years ago
As someone who supports a bunch of artists I like (Sorry, but this one's not getting $$ until it goes back to silent arcs), I like Early Access.
about 10 years ago
Early access is the two edged sword. Some games turn out really good to play... and with comments updating some of the problems and getting and idea of what the players ACTUALLY want then it turns out really good on release. Of course some stay in early access never finish taking all your money.
about 10 years ago
I hate Early Access. You either wait until the game is done and everybody has finished talking about it or buy a game that is inferior to what it will be by the time it is done. Regardless of what you do, you lose.
about 10 years ago
JANE STOP! The 13th Amendment says you can't do crap like that.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357643]@Shareazu[/url]: Typo'd shmup, I'd assume. In case you don't know what those are, shoot em ups. vertical/horizontal scrolling 2d games where you control a ship, shoot enemies, get powerups and dodge bullets. They're fun, but many of them are extremely difficult (especially the bullet hell type).
about 10 years ago
I have a simple rule: I buy a AAA game as soon as there is a "All-in-One" release for less than $10 (Total War, ARMA, Skyrim). I might slightly change this for really great games towards $15 (eg GTA5). And I have time. Lots of time. A good game is a good game even five years later.
about 10 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: What's a 'shrump'?
about 10 years ago
I have the feeling that the bigger joke - even when unintended - is the fact that Darkest Dungeon has a releasedate for the end of this week, ending its Early Access phase.
about 10 years ago
Starbound's latest update is practically a whole new game, and seems to have hit the point where there won't really be any save-wiping changes from here on out. I like dropping into the Nightly builds to see what's new, and the blog is updated almost daily as well.
about 10 years ago
Starbound just had a massive massive patch. They went live with all their test server stuff they have been working on for over a year. It's a pretty solid sandbox game now.
about 10 years ago
Do what I plan on doing and buy Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty until that game is finished. It looks pretty good and playable from what I've seen so it might not be so long... hopefully. Also if you haven't play any of the Oddworld games they will keep you entertain for quite a while. =D
about 10 years ago
I pledged for Dakest Dungeon on Kickstarter myself. I can't wait for my Steam key to finally arrive.
about 10 years ago
Early access is not perfect. I say if you're a fan and you think the game will be good, then go for it.
about 10 years ago
@Dan Sidney: There are some genres I don't play not because I don't like, but because I'm terrible at it: shrumps, fighting games and rhythim games are those
about 10 years ago
What are your feelings for Crypt of the Necrodancer? The community is in touch with the creator itself too, I see him around in twitch streams and he answers questions, while also deliver about weekly updates for his game.

You never drew Cadence either! She's so badass!
about 10 years ago
Well after watching several streams of Darkest Dungeon and even more videos I decided this game felt like a full release and it honestly does. My advice is: Wait at least a month and check if the hype is still alive. Also: Never buy any Zombie Survival Early Access Games.
about 10 years ago
Yeah, EA is really annoying to deal with, development often progresses at a snail's pace and the iteration tends to mean that you've overplayed one part that you need to get to the new part...
about 10 years ago
@Darth Biomech: My fear is simple: The game may never seen the light of the day, or a patch may erase all my progress. I disagree I may pay for it EVENTUALLY. I will only pay IF the game is releaaed in a reasonable complete form. Some games just never reach this point.
about 10 years ago
Starbound does support controls rebinding.

And also it is still actively developed and updated even though it's been in early access for fucking ages. There are games that were released in poorer state and have been never updated since.

Also comment length limit is stupid.
about 10 years ago
Just get DD already. It's one of the few gems that I feel is worth the early access, and I don't often say that.
about 10 years ago
So your choices are "not to play" and "not to play" then? It doesn't matter if you pay for finished or unfinished game, you are gonna to paid for it eventually. So it is better to play a game AND have chance to help developers a bit, right?
about 10 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Pretty sure key-binding is implemented in the newest update, I can check for you tomorrow if you'd like.
about 10 years ago
Or like Cube World? -.-
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357617]@Doc[/url]: Left hand support?
about 10 years ago
Jo, Starbound is bloody amazing, even in its beta state. In the past week, I have 89 hours in, have had 7 characters, and am not even done. You should totally try it.

Seeing Jane as a Floran would be amazing too.