So I missed yesterday's NN and we got a new character already? I thought she's Engie's daughter with TentaJo. Since I noticed her eye colour is purple, she's wearing purple coat and wearing big button on her neck.
Good to know Mann Co. crates can be used for cover.
about 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357918]@AlephTTM[/url]: I just downloaded the SWF file and once finished dragged it into chrome to open it as a new tab and played. Also it does not seem to require patreonage as some people claimed on the last comic.
[url=#user_comment_357911]@A5PECT[/url]: Your analysis reminds me of "Joe Mathlete Explains Today's Marmaduke"
about 10 years ago
Between the amount of useless trash I collected and the myriad of boxes I get dropped week after week, mostly containing useless trash as well, this would be an appropiate use for those "lol pay monez" boxes.
about 10 years ago
So before you start complaining about having to pay money to understand the story, let Jo tell the damn story first.
about 10 years ago
2) In today's strip, Angie is putting forth great effort to avoid the little girl. Meanwhile, Alek - unaware of the relationship between the two of them - encounters the little girl and leads her to Angie, believing they're friends. The humor in the comic is based on situational irony.
about 10 years ago
There's enough context within these two strips to start following the story here.
1) The previous strip shows Angie encountering the little girl, and having a negative reaction to her. The strip's function is exposition, and little girl is established as the antagonist.
about 10 years ago
As far as I can tell, this little girl is 'Maggie', the main antagonist in Engie's Game. For reasons unknown in the demo, she teleported Angie to the dungeon, and kidnapped her hard-hat, Mr. Hat.
Speaking of jokes that don't make any sense because I have never played the game. What do these last two suppose to be about? We know that's Engie is scared of her and that's it, but there is a strong lack of context as to why. *Insert this is why this sucks comment*