I love playing warlock, but almost never get it as a quest. Mlrglrglrgl keeps getting put aside...
almost 10 years ago
Err.... Priest daily quests are easyest shit imo. I got my special "force ragequit" deck with freaking classic cards ... I always drop shit what i want to sacrifice and in the end if they still are alive i will just f***ing steal their cards. Slow and painful death....
Psst, Alek. You realize you can hit the little red "X" in the upper right corner of the daily quest and get a new one right? At least once a day that is.
That said, I had a great duel a little bit ago. Redemption + Sneed's Old Shredder + Rusty Horn = Deathwing and Ysera. XD
For a warrior deck, look up Worgen Warrior. It's very inexpensive (especially compared to the typical Warrior decks) and relatively easy to play. It also feels incredibly awesome to drop a worgen and make it a 13/4 windfury charge monstrosity.
It's alright, one day you'll learn to have a love/hate relationship with these classes you like least. You're gonna have to honestly in my opinion .
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358223]@Raxyz[/url]: Hearthstone doesn't suck!
Well unless you compare it to Toss the Coin... But that's unfair! Tossing a Coin has so much more complexity and depth, and rewards players for their skill and tactic... Hearthstone simply cannot compete!
almost 10 years ago
You could always play Infinity Wars, Jo. It's a much more interesting game.
I didn't really had a problem with any given deck on the short time I've tried this game, but hey, you can reroll the quest, maybe you'll get a more entertaining one.