What people are saying about "Out Of Stock"
Out Of Stock
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over 9 years ago
Just make abbadon gold and white, so we can determine, who not to focus in a team fight
over 9 years ago
I understand this completely and it's still not funny...
over 9 years ago
New color contrast for Abaddon? I'm in!
But should it be blue and black or white and gold? ;)
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358645]@Pussy_Destroyer[/url]'s photo note in panel two: Calm down, CM; Broodmother is on YOUR team, so the spiders are on YOUR side this time.
over 9 years ago
Um, isn't that good? I mean, she can get euls, tranquils and SY for maximum b8 now :^)
over 9 years ago
To think. I just read 1501 comics in a period of 1 and a half days. That's a victory for me in itself.
over 9 years ago
Just name them after Dota 2 characters, you know you've thought about it.
over 9 years ago
[cont.]Still, it would be nice if you could either destroy a ward you put in the wrong spot and have a replacement available, or pick the ward up and move it. Not that everybody screws up as bad as I did there, but sometimes people do ward the wrong areas.
over 9 years ago
Something that happened recently was that I went to use a tango on a tree. However, I was used to using a particular key for tangoes, and in this game I had the wards in that slot. So by mistake I ended up putting a ward in the trees instead, wasting it. Thankfully my team didn't get mad.
over 9 years ago
Name one of the cats "Hobbes," like the tiger from Calvin and Hobbes
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358667]@Lectricanman[/url]: Yes but imagine if instead of however many wards a team is allowed, it's "one ward per player".
over 9 years ago
@Ancel De Lambert: I wouldn't say that. The job of supports is just really different in Dota. Since supports in the game tend to be underleveled, they have really high damage abilities for the early game. Either that, or their utility makes them relevant no matter what.
Ancel De Lambert
over 9 years ago
This is why I play League of Legends, I never have to worry about this. LoL is so much friendlier to supports.
over 9 years ago
If you have 3 cats, you MUST name them Bernard, Laverne and Hoagie.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358653]@vonBoomslang[/url]: observer wards cover a larger portion of the map than wards in other mobas. The consequence of having many wards out would be that it would be impossible to gank.
over 9 years ago
Power outages are a son of a bitch. I used to live out in the woods with only one power line--it seemed like all you needed was to go "A-CHOO!" and some tree would fall over and cut everyone's power.

Would a UPS help?
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358653]@vonBoomslang[/url]: It's just one of those mechanics differences, I suppose. Maybe it's because wards are somewhat more valuable in Dota 2, due to them giving you both minimap and FoW vision.
over 9 years ago
huh, DotA has a limited stock of wards? Didn't know that. SMITE lets you buy as many as you want but you can only have 2+1 out at one time, per character.
over 9 years ago
Explanation: wards monitor the area around where they are planted, so you can see if an enemy is there. This helps you avoid dying, since you can see if an enemy is trying to sneak up on you. But there is only a limited supply of them, and sometimes you need to wait for the shop to get more.
over 9 years ago
I don't understand anything D:, I'm not a PC gamer. No comment on the Pokemon Shuffle thing nintendo released? , no comment in Sega going to Smartphone games full now? :/
over 9 years ago
Soul Diffuser adds some nice color to Spectre
over 9 years ago
"CM, y no wards?" *Facepalms.*