What people are saying about "Mark Of The Genie 2"
Mark Of The Genie 2
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almost 10 years ago
Remember, boys and girls: Sex appeal is a valuable tool in the art of distraction.
almost 10 years ago
Jo, ACTUALLY GOUGING YOUR EYES OUT will probably be a better use of ones time then watching naruto.
almost 10 years ago
Dancer and ninja combined, now that's very hot.
almost 10 years ago
Watch Narutaru instead. it will be an *experience*
almost 10 years ago
@Nerf Now!! Not bad but just by the video seemed to me like Tenchu flash version. Like how Portal flash version was a nice game but not as good as the original.
almost 10 years ago
ayy lmao
almost 10 years ago
1979 is the year the Shah fell to the Iranian Revolution. Because of this Kunoichi Exchange Program, the Iranians now train their own female ninjas. The also explains the origins of Kagami jishi. YES this is the true history!
almost 10 years ago
2d Tenchu sounds great!
almost 10 years ago
why do people think that girl with obvious boobs and girly figure and being called "female ninja" (literally what kunoichi means) is a male?
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_359693]@T[/url]: The way you say it, it's like a 2d Tenchi is a bad idea. :P
almost 10 years ago
Wait, the only female ninja I recall from MotN was Ora (pictured, obviously), but... Well, not to spoil anything for anyone, but those who've completed the game know exactly what I'm talking about...
almost 10 years ago
Let's be fair: a swift kick in the nuts also beat watching Naruto.
almost 10 years ago
So I watched a speed-run. Why does people like this game so much? Seems like a 2D Tenchu.
almost 10 years ago
These two crossovers are hilarious! xD
almost 10 years ago
Kunoichi = Female Ninja
Samurai-ko = Female Samurai
almost 10 years ago
almost 10 years ago
It will all be worth it when he can shapeshift into a monkey.
almost 10 years ago
It's not silly, ninjas should be flexible!