Old style was inimitable, and made this my favorite web-comic by far. PLLLEASE go back to the old way, it was quality.
Spy sappin mah sandvich
over 15 years ago
You could go both ways. On long arcs like this, stay with this style. On shorter ones you could go with your full color.
over 15 years ago
Honestly both styles are fine. Just stick to whatever you choose since only you yourself will know your own style. Personally I enjoy the pace of how often these comics are being cranked out with both a edge of quality and quanity, keep up the awesome work.
over 15 years ago
I personaly enjoy this new style better.
over 15 years ago
this is probably a flashback and we'll see a red spy sapped his sentry, and find out this whole arc was actually payback against the red team sapping his sentry to begin with
over 15 years ago
how sad he make him how muck he miss his setries i think that blue eng well had red eng to kill the blue spy.
ps this make me sad when i tf2 eng when i lost my setries for the blue spy. new for eng new thing nail gun it be the one for old scout gun in tf2 trailer?
over 15 years ago
Know what your next arc should be?
STAR FRICKING CRAFT. We need more Drone-tan dangit!
over 15 years ago
Do whatever makes you happy. Draw in a style that you prefer, or make your fans happy. Whatever brings you satisfaction.
I'll keep on readin' because I enjoy it all. ^^
over 15 years ago
I just noticed this: in previous strip there were three lvl3 setries, no? Then where the check this lvl1 Lucy come from? Blu engi is hacker on steriods?
over 15 years ago
I guess the next strip will be engie-norris remembering his happy moments with Susy, lol!
over 15 years ago
I say go for the style that makes you the happiest. At the end of the day, it's your comic and your choice, and either way people will still complain. So do what style you like, prefer and above all, enjoy. People will still read it regardless.
over 15 years ago
who cares
over 15 years ago
it's his comic, he can do what he wants, all of you are babies CRY SOME MORE
over 15 years ago
Keep the current style for now. To other readers, just remember this style doesn't disinclude females, only the arc does. I love seeing updates so often. That, or maybe switch off on different arcs. Tell short ones in the old style, long ones in this style.
Also, poor engi. ;_;
over 15 years ago
another comment from me just since I've noticed all these people talking about the style and to be honest I like both. This style seems more serious business and the other happy go lucky I think you could get away with mixing and matching it.
over 15 years ago
Try little longer with this style. The mix quantity/quality it's pretty cool.
Whathever you do man, you are never going to satisfy everyone.
over 15 years ago
Please I beg you, get back to your old style, it was so MUCH better !
It really made your webcomic unique and great...
over 15 years ago
Go back to the old style, it may have been slower but it was more fun :)
BLU Lurker
over 15 years ago
Ditch both styles and create something alltogether new. You can do it, it will make you a better artist and most of us are going to bitch anyway.
over 15 years ago
Well to help us compare, give us some of the girls in this new style. Also the old team. Then we can make a fair decision.
over 15 years ago
I love this new style, don't give it up! It looks good, and if it helps you faster, all the better. Keep up the good work :)
over 15 years ago
Lloyd007 and Anon have the right idea. New for drama. Old for humor.
Copy and paste if you agree
The Duke of Quakem
over 15 years ago
Both formats looks pretty good.
As for the next arc, do the X-Com. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of stories to tell from that good ol' game... specially from those damned rookies XD
over 15 years ago
I don't really get why people see the new style as more "serious". Look at "There she is!" movies, they have a similar style, yet they're positive and lighthearted (some of them...). I do personally prefer this style. I would find it interesting to see it evolve.
Wealthy Hobo
over 15 years ago
Lloyd007 and Anon have the right idea. New for drama. Old for humor. Let's do it.
over 15 years ago
If possible, both is better; but if I had to choose, I would prefer the new sparsly colored style. It feels more original / less derivative, IMO.
over 15 years ago
I concur; old style for humor, new style for drama.
over 15 years ago
I like the old style for the light hearted stuff but this new style certainly works for this arc. So my vote would be to use the old for the humor and the new for the drama.
over 15 years ago
2-3 new style comics and 1 old style comic a week
over 15 years ago
To defeat your enemy you must become just like him... DO IT!!!
over 15 years ago
Either style is fantastic, really. And as for new story, I say go for the X-Com! Any of the three would be awesome, really!
over 15 years ago
Maybe you can put up a poll somewhere to let us vote.
over 15 years ago
Hey, if you can do the Tans in this style, I'd be glad to have a lack of color for more updates.
My only question is:
This style seems to be oriented for more drama than comedy.
Can you pull off funny in it?
over 15 years ago
Stay strong, Engineer. If Lucy could talk, she would tell you to go on without her,
because she would rather be sapped than become a burden to you.
over 15 years ago
I'd rather go with the old style. Not only because of the chicks (lol) but also because of the funny, light, cartoon faces they had, such as the scout.
Njittie :3
over 15 years ago
I like both styles, but the style you used in the beginning is still my favourite.
over 15 years ago
i like the other one better just because its awsome (i bet some people will say old cause of the chicks XD)
no but the old way is funnyer and cooler
over 15 years ago
I like both styles.
The old had familier characters and a fun, lighter tone.
The new one is more serious for a more serious story.
Do whichever you feel like, but I'd say use them both.
over 15 years ago
Old style was better its drawing looked a lot better than this imo.Maybe drawing like old style but keeping the less color mode of new style would be great you should try that with a new page.
over 15 years ago
I enjoy both styles myself. Seeing as you're the almighty maker of teh awesome comic, choose what suits you best! =D Either way good job on the win and keep it coming! :3
To the Author
over 15 years ago
Don't Hate, Alternate.
Do both styles one after another so you can have arcs with high coloring followed by arcs of epic fast storytelling and so on
over 15 years ago
i think you should do what you enjoy and ill love it anyway :3
But i think i need to see tf2-tans in this style before i make my own call :)
over 15 years ago
I agree with Pimorte. Old style for more cheerful TF2 goofy (the usual) stories and new style for serious busines/4koma stories.
over 15 years ago
To Mr. Author:
I think YOU should decide what format to take on next arc. I'll certainly enjoy any way you decide to take.
over 15 years ago
Can't you go back to old style :?
over 15 years ago
The best way is, if you go the way YOU like.
I like both ways, so i would say, that you make sometimes this and sometimes that. But this is your desicion.
over 15 years ago
I sense that the engie is going to sacrifice himself to prevent this other engineer's sentry from being killed or something along those lines soon.
over 15 years ago
I like this style, but yes, people need their hot girl fix
over 15 years ago
New style. Adding in the old style for pages you thing need the extra epicness
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
I have to say that I am enjoying this format less than the original format. However, alternating between styles is, like many have said already, a good idea. Just keep that inspiration coming and never stop! :P
over 15 years ago
I suport the idea of different styles for different stories.
over 15 years ago
I vote for different art depending on the mood of the scripts. This style suits the more serious tone of the current arc, but the original full colour style should be kept on for -tan arcs.
over 15 years ago
Old school nerfnow please. I really liked your artstyle.
THis one's pretty cool too though... howabout you mix them up depending on creative needs blah.
This one for story arcs, the old one for engy-tans etc :D
Common spy lobster
over 15 years ago
The spy is too French to live, he must be eliminated.
Also despite what most people are saying I enjoy the style, I also enjoy the class-tans so whichever you're in the mood for I say.
Rare DEADLY Spy Crab
over 15 years ago
KEEP THIS STYLE! PLEASE! ... This allows me to look forward to something every singe weekday!
Also... please don't kill the spy... he's too french to kill!
over 15 years ago
Keep this style, but with moar preety laydees!!!
over 15 years ago
I'd suggest that you have different arcs with the different art styles.
For instance, this arc works well with this art style because it is a much more dramatic arc. The classic colour works well with more fun arcs and the random comics.
over 15 years ago
Do this style, but with less updates. People get the same ol' Nerf Now they've been getting and you get to be lazy. Everyone wins!
over 15 years ago
To be honest, I prefer this style for story arcs because of the speed at which you update. The story is more in-depth because you can move at a slower pace.
However, for filler or non-story arc, the old style is prefered.
So, both.
over 15 years ago
I have to say, I really prefered the old style better, this one just seems too...serious...
However, it's entirely your choice what style you pick, just please don't abandon the old style completly.
over 15 years ago
Guys, he is destroying his sentry to move up. Why else would he be crying? Also this style is good, I like updates every day.
over 15 years ago
Well, the "switching styles" idea has my vote. Pick a style based on what you feel like writing, I suppose. However, given my personal taste, I really like the old style more.
over 15 years ago
Oh, by the way, the reflection in the goggles should be mirrored. Lol.
over 15 years ago
The female characters suck.
There, I said it.
over 15 years ago
Red Spy comes to try to sap Lucy.
The Red Engineer stops him.
Then leaves.
Called it.
over 15 years ago
Obviously, I agree with many others...
Peppy and Happy Comic: Old Style
Dead Down Serious: This Awesomeness
over 15 years ago
Personally I like both of them, and you can just switch on and off of which one you like
Maddness Factory
over 15 years ago
i prefer the fast updating comic
over 15 years ago
I completely agree with ladymage, alternating between styles retains versatility as well as gives you a way to reinforce what the general mood of an arc will be (though this could be good or bad if you're trying to keep the audiance guessing).
over 15 years ago
why not pick the style based on the arc you are writing at that moment, more intense arcs like this one: this current style is perfect
the more happy and funny arcs: the old style works for it
don't just go one way and stick with it when its obvious that you can do two different things
over 15 years ago
Why not use both styles, depending on the comic? Restricting one's self only breeds contempt.
over 15 years ago
Dammit Engineer, don't forget the pain and suffering that Spah caused you and your Sentry!
Even if innocents must be harmed, there is retribution to be had! Revenge to be sought!
over 15 years ago
Alternate between styles. It's always good for an artist to experiment!
over 15 years ago
I'm not sure why everybody hates this style so much. I guess they just need their "hot" chibi girl fix or something >_>. I mean, I liked your old style, funny and sometimes emotional, but I really like this toned-down color scheme yet increased awesomeness. My vote goes to the new style.
over 15 years ago
old style please
over 15 years ago
I agree. It would be awesome if he could, like, swap between the two every other storyline.
over 15 years ago
Susy was the name of red's sentry
over 15 years ago
I like both styles. If you could hop back and forth every other week that would be great.
over 15 years ago
both are good, as long as you update :P
Onoz Lucy betrayed Red Engie :0
Now he goes all emo!
over 15 years ago
I prefer the old style. And what happened to all the female characters?
The Indomitable Branchman
over 15 years ago
I can't even tell what you're writing about right now. Granted, may be because i never actually played the game, but the past few strips have as much of a story line to me as if you'd just mixed together random images that have nothing to do with each other.
Dr. Obso1337
over 15 years ago
Less QQ more pew pew.
I think this style give quantity and quality.
BLU engie
over 15 years ago
I like this style. With this I can come home everyday and see a comic.
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