What people are saying about "Get Lucky"
Get Lucky
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about 9 years ago
Writing from my sis account:

They all are looking for Sengoku Rance game, it seems.
about 9 years ago
So, no one (other than dreziv in the Photo Notes) noticed Angie's zipper is mysteriously gold now when it was previously metallic-grey?
about 9 years ago
Am I the only one that thinks "an RPG with "romance" scenes", "deep and complex" and with "new hats to wear" would be f***ing awesome?

As in, a 2d RPG based on graphics and story where the clothes of the character are based on the class, so that stats are given by hat and weapon only.
about 9 years ago
Meant comic#1615 *derp*
about 9 years ago
Anne: Product advertisement
Jane: Customer support (evil)
Alek: Child care
Morgan: Programmer
Also Morgan's skin tone is off compared to previous versions.
And remember Comic#1637 - Choice.
about 9 years ago
Why don't they just pimp Anne Marie? I mean she's already practically a stripper.
about 9 years ago
Well they could try Hatfall. The whole object of the game is to get hats. Yahtzee could use them as distractions.
about 9 years ago
Never lucky
about 9 years ago
Konami won't make another Metal Gear. They won't make another AAA game. From here on out it will all be IAP Micro-transaction skinner box Mobile games, and themed Pachinko Machines.
about 9 years ago
@Thelonius Dunk: Um. I'm not sure I like that. Their first actual appearances showed them fighting in TF2, and when they showed up to replace Angie they all still had their TF2 uniforms on. To say that they were never real TF2 mercs is a retcon, and in general I'm against retcons.
about 9 years ago
Try some nuclear wasteland MMO game, girls.
- Newbie/PK/Thievery/Sneaker/Forum/Harsh Wasteland Drama
- Scavenging
- Crafting
- Heavy Weapons
- Hard work
- (b)Romance
- no hats. HELMETS.
- Old school Fallout setting.
- Deep and complex
- F2P
about 9 years ago
I keep waiting for Mini-Medic to come in, drop a months worth of cash in front of every one. Then walk into the master bedroom while saying something about how surgery pays so well.
She's been missing since Joe tried turning the the heavy into a zombie. :-(
about 9 years ago
After that... well... let's hope they got a talent who's been hiding in the company this whole time, who can step up, and is far too scary for Konami to fuck with. Does anyone know if there are any highly intelligent Gorillas with a talent for video games at Konami?
about 9 years ago
Metal Gear Rising 2 should be fine, as long as they let Platinum do what Platinum do. Course, they'll need to bring in someone else to do the story, if it's gonna be any good, cause Platinum only did story good that one time. But fuck it, just play Rules of Nature over all the cutscenes and it fine.
about 9 years ago
metal gear rising 2 is upcoming after phantom pain

Konami will milk every single dollar out of that franchise.
about 9 years ago
RPG with romance, new hats, deep, complex... I'm thinking of Dragon Age, Guild Wars 1&2, Witcher, Elder Scrolls (but not Online), just to name some off the top of my head.
about 9 years ago
Those are specific examples, and Jo wasn't obligated to include them exactly as I described. But as I stated, I've been noticing this as a recent trend in the comic's writing and I can cite a few other strips that conspicuously forego detail or even entire narrative substructures.
about 9 years ago
How and why they failed to get into those games could've been a nice bit of commentary on the gaming industry from Jo.
about 9 years ago
@TheMiscGamer: I'dve liked to hear what games they attempted to work on, as that information would work well in fleshing out the characters. Building those characters is important, as this switch to a stand-alone narrative means they're even more significant as driving forces behind the plot.
about 9 years ago
@Thelonius Dunk: Er...what details are you expecting from "they failed to find jobs", really? It's not necessary to the story to have to describe in full each interview they went for. You could do it, but it would be pointless filler.
about 9 years ago
I believe his specific example at the time was Anne-Marie being an actress.

P.S. Starting to wish these comments supported spoiler tags.
about 9 years ago
For those wondering where this is going, Jo mentioned awhile back (maybe it was on Twitter, but I forget where exactly) that when he first created these characters, he imagined they had real-world civilian jobs that were related to/inspired by their TF2 class.
about 9 years ago
@Thelonius Dunk: Ah okay, thank you!
about 9 years ago
Yellow green red white and blue is there some kind of powerranger stuff coming up? also color change on Annes hat and engis top D=
what you planning jo?
about 9 years ago
Why and how they failed at this task isn't described. This lack of detail is something I've noticed for awhile now, but I'll save my criticism for after the arc is finished...
about 9 years ago
@Kilgore: It's a visual trope seen often in anime and manga to denote that a character is physically and/or emotionally exhausted.

For this comic specifically, it's apparently showing that the girls weren't able to find a new game to "work" at.
about 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: I'm not sure either but I'm guessing it's because what each likes is incompatible with what the others like.
about 9 years ago
Mgs is good...
and thus make money...

about 9 years ago
It looks like I'm now the person who needs jokes explained to me, instead of the one explaining. How come everybody is white and featureless in panel two?
about 9 years ago
@Rukifellth: Don't forget pachinko machines.

Fuck Konami.
about 9 years ago
Can be fun to see a Nerf Now visual novel, just to laught. A cheap, easy to use tool to make VN is Tyrano Build Visual Novel Studio.

Maybe Jo can make something to incentive the patreon donations or just sell directly in the steam. Just for fun.

about 9 years ago
Konami is only going to be doing mobile games from now on they said. Even if there are more Metal Gear games, nobody's going to care if it's just a mobile money sink, and just like with Megaman X4, which is the last one Inafune worked on and went to MMZero, fans will just consider that the end.
about 9 years ago
I think the only Metal Gear sequel without Kojima that would be acceptable is a straight up reimagining of Metal Gear 1 and 2.

Trying to smooth over the plot points and make it as coherent as possible since the Phantom Pain has sent the canon into a spin with its twist ending.