What people are saying about "2 pixels"
2 pixels
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about 9 years ago
Saying Undertale is bad because of Graphics is like saying food tastes bad just by looking at it. Eat some of it before saying it's crap.
about 9 years ago
The last one still needs the Nerf NOW! tag.
about 9 years ago
Noticed some issues with the latest comic, decided to fix them here:
about 9 years ago
Nice add hominem, well played. I'm still waiting on an actual point counter to what I said.
Most of these people never even picked up a good piece of classical literature or watched any of the older films because they have the attention span of an infant.
about 9 years ago
Undertale is a good game, but it is overhyped just like OFF was. Now it's a meme to hate it.
about 9 years ago
@Frankly Hilarious: Whoa!

Calm down, i mean, i am with love with the game, but before i thought was another rpg maker game without much stuff, only after i saw the crew from Steven Universe talk good stuff about it, i went to play, i understrand Jon point there.
about 9 years ago
haha wow, i signed up just to tell you how stupid your blog post is, undertale doesn't have good graphics because the trailer doesn't want to spoil too much of the game.

i used to love nerfnow, but now the graphics turned me off. too much fan service
about 9 years ago
Wow, he can still edit the uploaded pages.
about 9 years ago
@Zacsi: "highly overrated because socially inept people think it's the best"

Such irony.
William Nelson
about 9 years ago
*Complains about the art style of Undertale*

*Doesn't get the borders right on his own comic*

about 9 years ago
Hrm... Okay so, Undertale and graphics.
I am going to state that Undertale actually has amazing graphics, it just knows the style it wants to use.
about 9 years ago
Undertale is simply amazing, and I suggest anybody who likes video games play it
about 9 years ago
You should try Undertale anyway, I don't even like Earthbound and loved it
about 9 years ago
Undertale is literally one of the best videogames ever made in the history of gaming. If you don't play it now, you'll end up playing it later when everyone and their mother recognize its value as a fucking masterpiece.
about 9 years ago
No matter how hard they try, they'll never beat patricia wagon's ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

seriously go buy msf its a great game
Chris Baker
about 9 years ago
You really shouldn't diss Undertale based on the graphics alone. The game is very much like Earthbound in that the graphics aren't the main focus, but the story is. There are times where the feels become real.

Honestly, at least try the demo. The game has a rather nice style to it.
about 9 years ago
@Jstar300: When Jo finally plays MGS V.
about 9 years ago
I've never been interested in Undertale. My backlog's so godd*** long that I don't want to add any more that doens't explicitly piques my interest. XD
about 9 years ago
@Jo Pereira Still think theses two strips need the Nerf NOW! tag
about 9 years ago
Oh man, thats 2 strips with pixelization
about 9 years ago
Lot's of people like undertale FROM TUMBLR.

Ie. it's not a bad game but it's highly overrated because socially inept people think it's the best thing because they never experianced anything better.

So be atleast a bit cautious when going into it.
about 9 years ago
When's Morgan with an eyepatch coming?
about 9 years ago
Dat 8bit fan service! I like!

about 9 years ago
I like the estetic of Undertale, i mean, is personal and stuff, so i understrand that.

But, try the demo at least,the humor is really good, Earthbound kind of thing, the characters are great, and i liked the combat stuff.
about 9 years ago
@Jo Pereira: but you did a few strips about Dwarf Fortress for example, one of the ugliest popular game.
about 9 years ago
@Jo Pereira: Not to mention games where the graphics are just so bad it ruins the experience. Bonus points if it causes motion sickness.
about 9 years ago
@ArteAlen: I'm a huge graphic whore in games, however, I don't care about high polycount.

Unless the word of the mouth is very good, I'll not give a game I think it's ugly a chance. I mean, how the game looks is most of the time all information you have about it.
about 9 years ago
Are you the one who turns down games based on graphics? :< Don't be like that Jo!