What people are saying about "Episode VII"
Episode VII
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over 9 years ago
@Brandon Madigan
If I feel I already know the story and plot twists, than I won't see a movie in cinema.
So yes, spoiler free trailers increase the chance of me going to the cinema.
(Usually I go when people with similar tastes to mine in the specific genre say they like it)
over 9 years ago
Darn, I'm a few hours late to try claiming Slave girl Anne-Marie as mine. Then again again that means I don't get slapped by her for such a rude gesture.
over 9 years ago
Eyepatch for Morgan?
over 9 years ago
I completely agree with you. I hate spoilers in movie trailers. Two of the worst that come to mind immediately is How To Train Your Dragon 2 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
But even if it did have spoilers, I'd still watch the new Star Wars movie... probably twice.
over 9 years ago
Han Solo dies.
Chewie gets to see it all happen.
Ergo bad movie.
over 9 years ago
AntiHype train-All aboard to enjoy movies for what they truly our instead of giving out unrealistic expectations!
Jo you going skitso?
over 9 years ago
#Brandon Madigan
Not really. I can watch most of this stuff online, but I get to it barely once a month. And usually end up with Lego Marvel/DC movie. I still have 2 seasons of Legend of Korra to watch, and still can't get to it. Star Wars? I'll get there in 2019...
over 9 years ago
Query to all... Do you feel you would be more willing to see movies that gave away less about what the movie was about if going to the movies didn't cost so much money?

over 9 years ago
I like these "tell the whole damn movie in the trailer" trailers, means I don't actually have to watch the movie, saves a lot of time. Star Wars now I might actually have to watch, on the other internet will probably swarm with spoilers soon, in which case I won't have to watch it after all.
over 9 years ago
I'll just wait till it comes out. Even though, according to Disney, Kyle Katarn "never happened", episode VII still might end up being good...

Except that lightsaber... Really hating on the new lightsaber! -__-"
over 9 years ago
Here comes! Here comes the hype train!
over 9 years ago
Morgan continues to be my favorite. These are pretty much my exact thoughts; I'll wait and see once it's out to make a judgment. And it's not like SW is a dormant series which has gone years without -anything- new like some franchises..
over 9 years ago
This have potential to be the worst thing that ever happened to Star Wars. So far, the facts that Disney ditched the entire EU in the trash bin, wants to film a episode every year, and they put JJ "lens flares everywhere!" Abrams in director seat, make me fairly pessimistic about all of this.
over 9 years ago
I wonder if he messed up the text a little.
over 9 years ago
I hope this dosent end up as another episode one
I wont get my hopes up...
i am a bit hyped though...