What people are saying about "The Rise and Fall of FaceHunter"
The Rise and Fall of FaceHunter
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over 9 years ago
I don't think this is going to make people stop playing Facehunter. These people do not like playing the game anyway. The only thing that is going to make people stop playing facehunter is if the hunter class gets removed from the game.
over 9 years ago
@Rafał Perkowski: Epics are 400 dust, not 800, so 2 legendaries if you include Boom.

Now, if someone can make a good (or at least good enough) face hunter without mad scientist......
over 9 years ago
Have you played Ratchet and Clank? Please make a Ratchet and Clank comic page next time.
over 9 years ago
@Aaron Chan:
2 force of nature
2 fel reaver
1 dr boom

Already cost of 3 legends.
over 9 years ago
yep. 2 fel reavers along with fon combo. Dust price same as dual combo druid.

Nope. Demonlock =/= zoolock
Zoolock is old deck from release of naxx times and requires 2 or 1 wing.
Demonzoo is next lvl of this and highlander demonlock is pinacle of handlock design atm.
over 9 years ago
And while I'm not as familiar with aggro druid, according to Tempostorm it also includes boom, as well as double fel reaver and double force of nature. Still, I'm sure you're right that there are other options for someone who's still saving up gold for the adventures.
over 9 years ago
@Aaron Chan: All versions of zoolock I've seen (including the one currently on tempostorm) also require five adventure wings for voidcaller and imp gang boss. Even if you consider both Dr. Boom and Mal'Ganis "optional", facehunter is still much cheaper.
over 9 years ago
@EnragedFilia: Face hunter also requires 3500 gold, which is roughly the cost of 2 legendaries. In that aspect, aggro druid is cheaper. So is zoolock without mal'ganis.
over 9 years ago
@Alan: except Reno is better in heavy control decks.
over 9 years ago
@Ribusprissin: Nope, 30 and other signs are current hp left of hunter opponent :P Reno Jackon heals the player to full
over 9 years ago
Of course hunter will come back once the extreme control decks start dominating the meta and push out reno jackson.
over 9 years ago
I get it. <s>batman</s> Hunter is climbing the ranks to Legendary, but there's an actual Legend at the top which prevents him from getting there.
over 9 years ago
Reno just makes me so happy.

Even outside of his effect, as a character he appeals to me, and his intro is awesome.
over 9 years ago
And even if losing to a Reno drop is a little discouraging for the facehunter player, it's hard to imagine the deck's popularity dropping simply because it's the only deck above tier 4 that costs less than 3000 dust (at least according to tempostorm)
over 9 years ago
Reno healing for 25+ against a facehunter on turn 6 is clearly the best possible scenario, but if your first five turns aren't good enough the game is probably over before that.
over 9 years ago
Idk. Reno is catching on, but Facehunter is still pretty effective. More times than not, Reno hides in the bottom 10 cards in my deck and never shows himself until it's too late.
over 9 years ago
I'm surprised he's worked as well as he has. I didn't think Reno Jackson would catch on....clearly, I was mistaken. A deck of one-hit wonders with a full-heal can make certain decks extremely tenacious, even against other mid-range/late game decks.