What people are saying about "R8"
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over 9 years ago
@Raxyz: It's no longer a one shot kill with a body shot, but is basically a desert eagle that is crazy accurate while running
over 9 years ago
@Runic SSB: I don't play CSGo for quite a while, haven't even seen the R8, how it's nerfed now?
over 9 years ago
So Jo, as for the girls, Anne-Marie seems to a reporter/anchorwoman now, Jane is a wage-slave for Icefrog, Morgan works for obscure games developers; what jobs do Angie and Alex have now?
over 9 years ago
@Runic SSB: Oh come now, people are extremely versatile when it comes to finding things to bitch about.
over 9 years ago
Got nerfed, now all they have left to complain about is the slot machine hearthstone RNG spread.
over 9 years ago
They finally released a revolver, or a new gun alltogether?
Gunzerker: THAT IS AWESOME!!!
over 9 years ago
Welp, it's Nerfed Now...
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
First TF2, now CS:GO, watch your back, Dota :3
over 9 years ago
Not quite the whole team, but how about 4 kills with 2 rounds? http://gfycat.com/BoilingSevereGreatdane
over 9 years ago
Release 6.68 already!
over 9 years ago
Any doubts the game is just a blatant cash grab by now with no thought given to balance?
over 9 years ago
For the few lucky ones that don't know: R8 is a bigass revolver that oneshots everything but legshots and has so little spread it's ludicrous even with hipshots while moving. So like a much more precise AWP with no sight and that counts as SIDEARM... Yep, broken as shit.
over 9 years ago
Next patch already? It's the best pub patch with more or less retarded but balanced shit and you want to REMOVE THAT? COME ON THERES NO WAY THEY DO IT BETTER. EQUATION SAYS
LIM (updatenumber#-> infinite) (DOTA2) = MARIOPARTY
over 9 years ago
Valve's time-honored tradition of ruining their games with random balance shifts and refusal to playtest. It happened to TF2 (though Gun Mettle salvaged it for the most part), it's happening to CS:GO, and eventually it'll happen to DOTA.
over 9 years ago
The worst thing is, the third panel is actually true! I don't even play CS nowadays, but even i saw it and thought it was potentially imbalanced as phack... kind of like a one-handed, sightless AWP... i mean, it DOES one shot everything, (except for leg shots), and it is very precise as well!