What people are saying about "1 Like = 1 Prayer"
1 Like = 1 Prayer
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about 9 years ago
Avatar the last Airbender is pretty good, first season starts a bit slow, but it soon grows its legs. I'd stay away from the sequel, Korra though.
about 9 years ago
ok lol
about 9 years ago
Does people seriously only know about a triangle with one eye as something from Gravity Falls? It is in the fucking Dollar bill! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_Providence
about 9 years ago
The ability to control the various elements seems....overpowered
Air: Crush your opponent's head by changing the air pressure, or just generally screw their balance by blowing out their ears
earth:opened the ground and then crushed you in it, or fling small rocks
about 9 years ago
why does ann look like a kid?
about 9 years ago
If you kill literally every enemy, you can skip the puzzles of undertale, but you cant spare anyone and must fight until the game says
"But nobody came"
Also you gotta get within the first 3 bars with each attack.
about 9 years ago
You watch that show, Jo
about 9 years ago
Wait, the God of Abraham in the NerfNow univers is Bill Cipher?? Koo-razy, man.
about 9 years ago
@Brian Smith: Welp, he didn't specify. Aang was good with "My honour!" and "Uncle I don't know what I feel about my feelings towards my unknowledge", yet setting looked pretty unbalanced. Like you are an airbender so you can just move air from enemy's head till he passes out or something. UNCLE HELP
Brian Smith
about 9 years ago
You've never watched Avatar?!! You poor, poor, deprived soul...
(@Seventypum He is talking about Avatar: The Last Airbender right?)
about 9 years ago
Ahh yes sure Avatar. I really liked the animation, and the heroes were pretty good also. The "villain"'s story is quite interesting. Main hero learning his powers was also nice. Still feel like final battle was unbalanced because humans didn't even drop nukes on Eywa. Good film otherwise, great 3D
about 9 years ago
@Snadzies: No, she isn't, but in a one-on-one match between her and god, I'd still bet my money on the blind bandit, aka the Melon Lord.
about 9 years ago
Toph is god.
about 9 years ago
So... jo is about to play homeworld, Undertale and is gonna check the avatar series...

*nods sagely* I am proud of you jo...
about 9 years ago
What I want to know from people who have played Homeworld. Is the skirmish AI as bad as TotalBiscuit claimed it to be? From what I seen in his video, the AI acted like an idiot, and is possibly bugged into not attacking.
about 9 years ago
Anne looks soo cute in the second frame :3
about 9 years ago
@The14th: Avatar aired in a specific time table which made it very hard for me to see it.
about 9 years ago
You seriously haven't seen any Avatar series yet?!?
about 9 years ago
I predict TLA comics soon.
about 9 years ago
Spoiler Alert: Korra is bi.
Mr. Al
about 9 years ago
I have yet to finish LoK but while it's not bad, I indeed preferred TLA. Which is why book two in LoK was the best one in the sequel, as it was the closest to TLA in theme. At least IMO.
about 9 years ago
Avatar legend of Korra. Sequal of the previous, but then it went into bisexual scale
Avatar the movie tells about blue Disney pocahontas
about 9 years ago
There’re several Avatars, which are we talking about:
Avatar, the biatch Bender. Tells about a ±30y old bald guy how to seduce a water tribe girl in 20min.
Avatar last Airbender. Pretty the same, but then without the +18 sciene, and seperate this into 50episode
about 9 years ago
You reminded me I still have to finish it. I watched it until the third season and stopped. Gotta get back to Avatar then. I can tell you, it's good. Maybe not stellar but I'm enjoying 100% of it.
about 9 years ago
@Mr. Lemon:

You really should give LoK another chance, the show really picks up after the second season, and you will like to know that they ditch the romance as the seasons goes on.
about 9 years ago
I loved Avatar TLA. It was a great journey of exploration, friendship, and overcoming your own weaknesses all in one fun packaging of a cartoon with a great theme and artstyle.
LoK on the other hand... I watched first season and hated it. The massive emphasis on romantic relationships was too much.
about 9 years ago
Deserts of Kharak is a good game in itself, but being in the same universe as Homeworld and not having its staple spaceships, it can only suffer by the comparison.
Hence, why I can honestly tell you if it's proper good or not.

"It's Homeworld, it's good"
"It wants to be homeworld, it sucks"
about 9 years ago
Here's waiting for the avatar's strips after you watch it.
about 9 years ago
Have fun with Avatar. You're in for a great ride. :)
about 9 years ago
Rush through Undertale? That game is short enough as is, isn't it? I swear you could finish it in one good afternoon without rushing a thing.
about 9 years ago
Don't rush, Homeworld will still be there. I say this as a huge Homeworld fan with the Remastered collector's edition and everything: Deserts of Kharak is good, but it's not QUITE as good as Homeworld 1 or Undertale. You'll still like it, but don't rush Undertale.