What people are saying about "Ruler"
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over 8 years ago
Whoever suggested HotS, thanks it's great, tried it and it's like Dota without all the bs.
Jared Dela Cruz Kalaw
over 8 years ago
Hey Angie What Happened to the Female engie with the orange hair you dont feature her anymore or did she like change hairstyles?
over 8 years ago
@TheManOfMeat: To be honest, LoL nowadays has a new method, in which you pick the lane you want to play beforehand, so that there's less discussion about who goes where.
over 8 years ago
team game, team communication and adapt to needs of team and counter enemy is important....
over 8 years ago
I just had a game where we had a Windranger say they were going mid and someone went, picked a Storm, and stole the mid. The Windranger decided that she wasn't going into any lane, but instead just went into the jungle and stacked camps. She bought all the support items and gave them to us. We won.
over 8 years ago
And this is why DOTA sucks.
over 8 years ago
Were the kings purposely drawn phallic?
over 8 years ago
Let's be honest here, you can replace DOTA 2 with any MOBA and it would still work.
over 8 years ago
As someone who usually goes support, sometimes it sucks being the underdog in a team of assholes. I tend to fill whatever role my team needs (being 90% of the time: support), but there's a limit of how much I can put up with losses due to a subpar carry. I couldn't care less about lane however.
over 8 years ago
I'm happy this doesn't happens so much at my mmr range, but still sucks hearing a lot of criticism if I don't pick whatever they think it isn't good in current meta.
over 8 years ago
Dota 2 reporter did it better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNyToB3MlFo
over 8 years ago
cont. Abaddon to Shadow Fiend and scream "I go mid" when someone else marked mid from the start of the picking phase, no one's going to respect your wishes.
over 8 years ago
cont. the picking phase you'll just have to accept being placed in whatever lane is seemed fit for you by the people who are able to communicate, while playing the role that we tell you to play. Rule of thumb, if it's 2 seconds before the picking phase ends and your hero icon suddenly switches from
over 8 years ago
I play with the rule that whoever marks their hero and a lane on the minimap first during the picking phase gets first priority simply because they gave information that could be worked with in a timely fashion when planning what we're going to pick. If you don't mark a lane on the minimap during
over 8 years ago
Welcome to hell- I mean 'competative' gaming.
over 8 years ago
@quenquent95: as well as squishy fighters expect a tank to dive in and make a distraction, when tank except squishies to cover him and benefit from his dives.
over 8 years ago
@quenquent95: Not quite. In a game, when you chose a hero, and game finds you a match for your role, it's a bit different. If you pick a support, you expect to follow someone and support him, not lead him.
over 8 years ago
This kind of situation isn't restricted to Dota or even MOBAs. As long as there's a bit of cooperation needed and you have a small group of randoms playing together, it will go that way.

Just see Mann Vs. Machine or the future of the TF2 competitive matchmaking.
over 8 years ago
@Wojtek In HotS every hero is supposed to have "secondary" role. So even if you pick 5 "supports", you can end up with good DPS and tanks, as long as you pick right talents. As long as enemy team don't have high AOE burst you will just outheal them.
over 8 years ago
@Claudio Périco: far as factorio goes, it's basically a constantly changing logistics "puzzle". you will almost constantly be running low or out of something, which is the main loop and the only real challenge atm. the space-bugs are too stupid to pose an in-game threat imo anyways.
over 8 years ago
Hey Jo, unrelated question for you, have you played Factorio yet? (top rated game on Steam right now). Can you please play it and make comics about it??? Pretty please :)
over 8 years ago
That's why i love HotS, no meta whatsoever. 4 tanks with 1 sup? 3 sups with 2 assasins? Practically everything works, plus its short so its not a big deal to lose.
over 8 years ago
@David Messner: That's what I mean, just don't bother with the meta. Pick whoever but don't force the whole team to follow your preferred strategy.
over 8 years ago
I usually end up picking a support because at least three of the other people on my team will have picked carries, and I usually don't mind. But sometimes I want to play as a carry, and I wish I could pick one without hurting my team's chances of winning.
over 8 years ago
Its because this is how the DotA Meta works. You have one Hyper Carry and 4 people who work around thishyper carry. 2 of your team permanently protect the Hyper Carry so he can farm and become strong, sacrificing their own farm for that, 2 other farm to protect him lategame.
over 8 years ago
Just pick whoever you want and don't bitch if the other player does the same.
over 8 years ago
@Darius Düsener: You can pick whatever you want, as long as it's a "meta" hero.

Pick a hero perceived as bad, and people will shit-talk you.
over 8 years ago
Everyone is allowed to pick and play what however he wants, as long as he thinks it'll bring victory. If you expect enraging your teammates by picking a second midlaner will win you the game, go ahead. Do whatever you want, as long as it brings victory for you and your team.
over 8 years ago
Personally as long as we have 1 carry, I don't care which lane I go, I don't recall someone ever complained which hero I picked, as I sometimes go for random.