What people are saying about "Na'Vi is Back"
Na'Vi is Back
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Espen Grinde
almost 9 years ago
The last year has been hard for Navi, but it is still the most successful and consistant team in dota2 history. Everyone just lives in the present, and forgets about the past.

Now that this team is in a period of struggle, even NERFNOW make an illustration of Navi as a patch team. Sad.. :|

almost 9 years ago
@Whsostolemyidentity Kowalska: I read "Na'vi" and remembered a headline I saw earlier about James Cameron making a bunch of Avatar sequels...

So, you know, it could be worse than just more MOBA E-sports strip
almost 9 years ago
Everyone in Starladder right now has something to prove. OG has gone flat since Frankfurt, the Chinese teams are completely fresh, VP was split in half and need to prove that they're not Virtus Throw, Alliance have to not draft Warlock, and Navi...is riding high on crowd support and it is showing.
almost 9 years ago
almost 9 years ago
I have no idea wtf is going on. But probably and unfortunately it's NOT about Zelda series.
Taimerlane Sadiq
almost 9 years ago
almost 9 years ago
Watch this
almost 9 years ago
teams have changed a lot but majority of fans not
yesterday dendi fan boys, today miracle fan gays.
almost 9 years ago
Navi/Alliance is back is actually a meme since forever. Alliance is back to tier 2. Navi? Not so much.