What people are saying about "New Look"
New Look
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almost 9 years ago
Excellent, now my "just fallen out of bed look" fetish is satisfied.
almost 9 years ago
@Jonathan Sanctous Forbes: I agree, it looks good.
Jonathan Sanctous Forbes
almost 9 years ago
I actually quite like the middle panel style. Casual but not a complete slob.
almost 9 years ago
It sounds odd, but I'd like to see a "clean" messy look, Where she keeps the messy look, but the random strands don't stick out. That's just me, though.
almost 9 years ago
Oh crap, is that actually a thing? I didn't make that connection either
almost 9 years ago
Today is a day for celebration across the lands. All of us can unite in glorious outcry, for today is the day @dreziv finally got the joke.
almost 9 years ago
Has no one mentioned how weird it is that the TF2 class based on being invisible and hiding is the camgirl character?
almost 9 years ago
this meta, so tite
almost 9 years ago
@T: A borderline sociopath with no sense of shame (and possibly a french accent) in her own spinoff? A million times yes. Jo, please do it.

There could be a few spinoffs actually. Morgan and [soldier girl], Alek and the kid, Angie and Jo

Side-note: hey jo, does Anne have a french accent?
almost 9 years ago
@T: Agreed. Anne is definitely a scumbag, but like James Bond, no one can deny her ability to get shit done. She'd be a cool anti-heroine.

Also, dat hair.
almost 9 years ago
Out of all girls I think Marie would be the one to make the most interesting spin-off comic.
almost 9 years ago
As said with the previous comics. I also enjoy the messy look.

And she's indeed like a spy, she adapts well!
almost 9 years ago
That's Anne-marie for you. Always listening to the fans.
almost 9 years ago
Nothing about the hearthstone nerfs? Everybody is going nuts because of them!
almost 9 years ago
What they should have do was make 1 more Superman Movie where he faceoff with lex Luthor (and find a better actor) then 1 more batman movie where Robin die in Joker hand in that movie, that will tie this BvS together. But WB is WB and WB is known to not have patience as a virtue.
almost 9 years ago
the problem with BvS is DC and WB is too impatient to try to tackle Marvel. They tried to do what Marvel do with more than 10 Movie in just 1 Movie and fail spectacularly.
almost 9 years ago
Ugh, i found that Luthor completelly unpallatable... first of all, he's too young... second, he's a complete joker tryhard nutjob, and third, his 'plan' didn't even make sense to begin with: "hurr, superman is a manace, so i'll create an uncontrollable monster to kill him".
almost 9 years ago
for me, this is my plight!"). Batfleck was good, though his part as Bruce really sold him for me, I'd love to see him in a James Bond-esque spy movie.
almost 9 years ago
I love how often the scenes with Superman came off as an amateur art student's film project (him bringing the girl down while a bunch of people dressed like the dead outstretch their hands to him, him longingly nuzzling his shoulder during the court scene where you can almost hear him saying "Oh woe
almost 9 years ago
And so, my tomboy fetish is, once again, validated.
almost 9 years ago
Agree with you on many of your points regarding B v S, but still enjoyed the hell out of that movie. Was worth all of it for the bad-ass Wonder Woman. Also, thanks for the cheesecake, 10/10 enjoyed, would gaze longingly again. ;)
almost 9 years ago
What a massive comb.
almost 9 years ago
@Eragon Zidane Trible speak for youself, i realy do like the i dont care anne look, those old hair points made no sense to me it looked so weird its defently not a hair stile id reconise or that i could picture
almost 9 years ago
It's less about the "we like the new look" for me and more about "progressions of characters during an arc that dramatically changes the situations that they're in"
almost 9 years ago
the movie was focused on having a bunch of cool scenes and moments. which it did and they were great! Afleck was a fine batman. But the motivation for the fight, the story surrounding them, Lex Luthor... and then the constant over-selling of the future DC Verse? URGH.
almost 9 years ago
Thanks joe i love anne new look :)
almost 9 years ago
I really do prefer Anne's new look. And hope that she'll also change the way she dresses !