What people are saying about "My Dad Can Beat Your Dad"
My Dad Can Beat Your Dad
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about 8 years ago
What GPU did you go with? How is it?
about 8 years ago
@???: Nah, they're fine. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
about 8 years ago
...Wow. How has nobody else noted the "old gods" look like giant penises?
about 8 years ago
I'll have to take your word on it Jo. I've just been playing Handlock now that the meta has slowed down again.
about 8 years ago
@Sheason Fisher: ah man DISTRACTION "INSERT SCARY THING HERE" was always a blast i played guard so id just load up a squad of Lemons in the center of my army and then go nothing but blob guard with copious amounts of HWP. had 344 models on the board once, was pretty neat rolling shooting phase for m
about 8 years ago
I use C'thun in my deck, but he's merely a distraction. Kind of like a Distraction Carnifex.

No, the main attraction? The same smug cunt with the shit eating grin that I've used ever since I got him: Reno "We're gonna be rich!" Jackson!
about 8 years ago
The Disciple of C'Thun in the background is just jeu magnifique.
about 8 years ago
I've actually been getting more mileage out of a Midrange Shaman that doesn't run any old gods. Just goes for value minions and evolving to preserve board presence. It's faring pretty well against everything except rogue, where it really comes down to who draws the answers for the other guy's bull
about 8 years ago
@Maphysto: As you can see from these comments, other people do. And they're not coming off as bitter old farts.
about 8 years ago
Pulled out a golden Yogg from, like, a fifth pack. The most fun I've ever had in this game. PRAISE YOGG!
about 8 years ago
Me: "C'Thun is warping the format! All anyone is doing now is playing C'Thun decks!"
Little Voice Inside My Head: "You pulled two solid legendaries out of your free packs and you're winning for the first time in ages."
Me: "In that case, praise C'Thun!"
about 8 years ago
I wander when people will get bored of Yogg's failfests x)
about 8 years ago
Remember when people cared about Hearthstone?

Yeah, me neither.
about 8 years ago
What is it with you and tails, Jo?
First you give Elise one, now Malfurion, both tailless Night Elves.

P.s. Nevermind. I realized that this is supposed to be a tentacle coming out of the house's door.
Doesn't help that it is the same color as Malfurion, though ^^'
about 8 years ago
Most of the new cards revolve around C'thun summoning... or new hero bulrush like shamon magic murder face. C'thun is an easy card to build around that works for most decks instead of having to come up with a new plan for each hero that you have. If you hate one hero you can C'thun him to be useful.
Project Mars
about 8 years ago
Buff it* and Since it*
C'thun has no need for gender to make your heart explode.
Project Mars
about 8 years ago
Sorta. Basically C'thun decks play a bunch of minions that buff him over the course of the game, which can lead to a OTK depending on board control since he has a battlecry that deals damage equal to his power randomly split amongst all enemies. Best Old god is Yoggy, the Casino master.
about 8 years ago
Looks like the old "My dad can beat your dad" argument
about 8 years ago
Soooo...it's a giant dick-measuring contest?