Yeah, Tinyfins are a bit too derpy rather than cute. Saplings though, these are just adorable.
How could you kill lil' Groot?
@Thelonius Dunk: Well of course, and it's just as humorous whether the strategy is optimal or not, and furthermore by nerding over whether it was or wasn't, we're taking the joke and running with it, which is also humorous.
Ever think that Jo intentionally made Morgan use a non-optimal strategy against her opponent because this is a friggin' COMIC STRIP? That's supposed to be, y'know, HUMOROUS?
Of course, a paladin who spent his blessing of might turn 2 against a warlock that passed turn 1 must have no idea what he's doing, which is why I initially found the lategame push for lethal with the big anyfin combo a more likely scenario as well as a more dangerous situation for Morgan.
@ProfNekko: Oh indeed, if the paladin is playing some ultra-aggro style and dropped turn 2 blessing of might against an empty board then it's definitely not siphon. In that case mortal coil would be an excellent play, and waiting to coil until after the blessing of might would be an excellent punish
seems like too early in the game for a syphon soul to be played since a Tinyfin getting BoM would be somewhere really early like turn 2. I can however see it being mortal coil used on it.
I hate it when my opponent summons one of these. I'm like "Damn it, do I have to?" Not a problem I have with other cute minions like, say, Novice Engineer.
The downside is that any paladin who knows what he's doing wouldn't drop a blessing of might on a 1/1 just to hit face unless he was pushing for lethal very soon, and any paladin running tinyfin is also running anyfin, which means she has to try to win or be out of realistic combo range on turn 10.
Look on the bright side; by saving the hard removal until after the tinyfin got buffed, she removed two cards with one, thus gaining card advantage at a cost of just 3 extra hero hp, the minimum possible effect of a blessing of might.
Yeah I agree, Refreshment Vendor is the one card I always feel bad about when watching Hearthstone vids. Not helping that when removed he says "But I have... more cakes" Poor guy, he just only wanted to sell his wares :(
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