What people are saying about "ZNN 3"
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over 8 years ago
Is that a diablo reference at the end? Props if yes.
over 8 years ago
@Aaron Chan: Abuther actually commented about this. It is a fact that zergs are allergic to lemon juice and he's trying to fix that XD.
over 8 years ago
But you know what I value more than materialistic things? KNOWLEDGE.
over 8 years ago
Those inflation fetishists are gonna have a hay day with this...
over 8 years ago
@Grey: The first pannel say 'rush', as it is what the zerglings (type in the first pannel) are most known for, the 'zerg rush'. In the three other pannels, the zergling has evolved into a baneling, an explosive unit. Thus the 'boom' corresponds to the comin' explosion of our lil' ex-zergling.
over 8 years ago
First panel says "rush" and even the uninitiated should have at least heard the phrase "Zerg Rush" the second panel there is an obvious change in the zergling doing the talking, and now says "boom" so what is likely to happen to this zergling has been made fairly clear. I've never played starcraft.
over 8 years ago
@Aaron Chan: Anything's better than the UNN and their bullshit propaganda spewing. They're like the Fox News of Starcraft.
over 8 years ago
You should take some time to explain the reference of your comics some before ambling on about something entirely unreleated, lol.
over 8 years ago
I don't get this, is it supposed to say '...we, Zerg, are...'?
over 8 years ago
Way better than UNN.

Up next, Zerglings allergic to lemon juice: old wives' tale, or new super-weapon in the fight for humanity?
over 8 years ago
@Jo Pereira: Ooh.
over 8 years ago
I haven't played StarCraft in so long. I wish I had the time to play a little right now. :'(
over 8 years ago
@ZeeKusa: Zerglings can be evolved into Banelings which explode. Our little ling there learned her lesson...
over 8 years ago
i dont get it
*Im sorry i dont play starcraft ;~;*