I've seen some potgs with everyone, but the one that still bothers me was when Mercy was using her Ult, got killed halfway through the first word of her activation, and just lied there, dead, for play of the game. It was pretty absurd.
Also managed to get plays of the game as Mercy and the other supps for some chain kills.
I still think Chacal/Pharah/D.Va get 'play of the game' more easily, as they have huge cleanup ability, if their ults hit right =/
I got a few plays of the game as Tobjorn. Usually when ulting. Or getting some kills without the turret. But still managed to get one just by ulting just after rezing, my turret getting 3 kills (was on Hollywood).
And if Viscera Cleanup Detail told me one thing, the only people you'll ever have to worry about are other janitors... they are watching closely... waiting... if you're not careful, you'll end up in the incinerator. And the machine gods will be most displeased.
Don't go with the long face Jane, being a janitor isn't so bad, I work as one. It may be seen as a low job but someone has to do it. Who has the guts and will to clean all the messes? Certainly not the people working in the offices. Without maintenance personnel, nothing would be standing today.
If you throw the flashbang up at the spot just above the shield, it will still affect Reinhardt. It's a bit tricky to get right, but I've pulled it off before.