What people are saying about "Genji Nerfs"
Genji Nerfs
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over 8 years ago
over 8 years ago
fun fact, Dva just asks to be nerfed with each ult
over 8 years ago
I wonder if you own Nerf guns. Not the metaphysical nerf guns that you shoot things and they suck more I mean the air and foam nerf gun.
over 8 years ago
@BowlerHatMan: I guess that must be it... don't get me wrong, i liked her skill set, it's just that she seemed to be annoying as hell!
over 8 years ago
@Jay Cordeiro: I'll almost guarantee the trap evasion part won't be removed though. And honestly at 8 seconds his Dragon Blade seemed like an eternity, even more so when boosted by an Ana (RIP team).

Me? I'm still dancing at the fact that Mei's ulti projectiles will go through Zarya's shields now
over 8 years ago
Blizzard with questionable balancing? I'm shocked.
over 8 years ago
@Shareazu she has the lowest win rate of any hero in the game at every level of play. She "annoys" people in the same way that some people are annoyed playing against Mono Blue Control in Magic: The Gathering, but "annoying" doesn't always mean "strong".
over 8 years ago
@Jo Pereira Rebalancing isn't necessarily set in stone if it's on PTR; Mercy didn't get that 50% damage boost buff. It's entirely possible things will still be held beck or lessened.
over 8 years ago
over 8 years ago
Why the effs would they even buff Mei? i don't even play the game, but from what i've seen, she's already pretty strong!
over 8 years ago
Forget Overwatch!
Join Evolve Stage 2!
over 8 years ago
Go to hell Blizzard.
over 8 years ago
I'm coming back for season 2 where the new ranked system sounds interesting!
over 8 years ago
@Delta Pangaea: The PTR is more for stability (read, exploits) testing.

Balance is already decided afaik, putting it on the PTR is just to see if the patch will not crash any computer basically.
over 8 years ago
Honestly all his nerfs hit things I didn't even know about, barring the ult duration.

Also, aren't these changes only on the test server right now? Y'know, the place they go to TEST THINGS?
over 8 years ago
Nerf Now!
over 8 years ago
F*ck Mei, i always hated her, I posable to kill, and still good damage at ranged
over 8 years ago
I was only expecting a nerf on his ult. Good Night Sweet Prince
over 8 years ago
Goodnight Pro Genji, may you rot in hell.