What people are saying about "Blöd"
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over 8 years ago
Overwatch, didnt even know that lol and dota have ranks
over 8 years ago
@Lampenpam: Talking about lol, starcraft, dota, or overwatch?
over 8 years ago
similar thing happened to me too, Joe. One win away from Diamond, all I want to reach, then team mate crashes and comes back way too late. Then loose streak and I'm so tilted that I was so fucking close to Diamon but now so far away
over 8 years ago
Reinhard that walk with thier shield out are slow as hell and thier shield getting rect, id rather sneak past the shield and flank
over 8 years ago
My guess is "Poop."
over 8 years ago
Oh, and the title of the comic? "Blod" means... blood. In Swedish. In German it would be "Blut" I believe.
over 8 years ago
"Blöd" also means bleed in Swedish. With that particular spelling it is basically commanding a person to bleed. So in Swedish Reinhart is basically saying "I want you to bleed for me!". Jiikes.
over 8 years ago
@Jo Small English mistake: "What does 'Blöd' mean?" doesn't get an "s" at the end of "mean".
Mnemonic: in third person singular you get one "s", and it's already spent on the "does".
over 8 years ago
This is too damm true
Felix Nombert
over 8 years ago
@Kostyazz: Lucio has a big frog theme, Suwako is the frog goddess. Seems like a sensible connection to me.
over 8 years ago
iirc you get ultimate charge for healing, so in order to min-max your ult gain you have to go in front and take small amounts of damage.
over 8 years ago
Is that Moriya Suwako oh Lucio's shirt? Why?
over 8 years ago
By the way: "Blöd" means "Stupid" in german.
over 8 years ago
My theory is if you're skilled enough (and those who stayed), you still can win the match. Just have some tedermination, and an unending hope for victory. At least this gave me gold rank in LoL, and plat in Hots. Of course don't know if this is possible in OW.
over 8 years ago
I know that feeling Jo, Im trying to get master rank in Heroes of the storm.
I end up having losing strike whenever i hit diamond3...Today I will defend my diamond4.

All i wanted was just a master rank T.T