I would say loaning. But donating also sounds pretty right.
@Everyone who mentioned TIGSource after the first time it got mentioned: Learn to read? >_>
over 15 years ago
She's not selling, she's donating.
over 15 years ago
An awesome one.
what the
over 15 years ago
what kind of fucking mom sells her daughter to an ugly monster
over 15 years ago
All that monster needs is a business suit pants shoes and gloves
over 15 years ago
a couple of links to check out
Edmunds Dev Blog for gay nerds: Made Gish
2Dboy: made worldOfGoo
and a 4 page article on indie games
over 15 years ago
wow talk about hivemind on asking jo to go to TIGsource eh?
over 15 years ago
such a polite monster
over 15 years ago
You might want to check out tigsource.com for indie game news, as well as its forums. It's the center of all Indie Gaming... stuff.
over 15 years ago
Matt hazard brother's family dealt with causal outings but can they deal with "the ancient tradition!"
over 15 years ago
Just watch as the Princess hits it off with this guy's son.
The resulting awkwardness would be tremendous.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
iji might be what daughter might want to look up to.
if she want to follow a cyborg who past time is smashing lights with her head.
over 15 years ago
I don't think these are so much indie games as CLASSIC games. The mother is obviously 'The Princess' and the devil is 'The Bad Guy', from games with the plot 'save the princess from the bad guy'? Apparently, it was a something like a courting ritual, which I find amusing.
over 15 years ago
the monster takes the princess and any hero that can beat him is worthy of her. obviously the battle is part of it, the hero will be like "hello monster, i am her for the princess so we must battle" and the monster will say "indeed we must, congrats on getting here by the way. now, have at you!
over 15 years ago
"So Im going to steal your princess now."
"When you going to rescue her?"
"Thursday at three?"
"No good. In-laws coming over for a visit."
"Friday at 2?"
"Deal. See you then."
"I'll just get my things..."
I've always thought that was how these things worked.
over 15 years ago
Hidden Path created Defense Grid: http://www.hiddenpath.com/
The devs are also very willing to communicate with the community as well.
over 15 years ago
Relevant indie games links: http://tigsource.com and http://playthisthing.com . That is all.
over 15 years ago
Look up a game called Yume Nikki, indie game by some Japanese guy. Really weird.
over 15 years ago
I lol'd at the Fallout 3 reference.
over 15 years ago
The TIGSource forums are good for learning more about general indie game development.
If this means you will make some comics based off of Cave Story and Spelunky, I couldn't be happier.
over 15 years ago
indie games you say?
and my personal favorite indie
over 15 years ago
Check out Micha? Marcinkowski’s blog http://mm.soldat.pl/ He's the creator of Soldat, and is working on a sequel of sorts called Link Dead
Also the Mount&Blade developers were pretty active in their forums: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php
over 15 years ago
If the monster was that courteous, you wouldn't need to fight it, you'd just have to reason with it and hope he's feeling nice.
over 15 years ago
I sense the more jo gets into indie games the more confuse his (tf2)fans get. On the other hand more Nerf NOW!! style comics on games, that no normal Game webcomics* would know or touch due to constant fear of making a joke that no one would get.
*three panel soul does not count.
over 15 years ago
Who is Edmund? And who are the 2 ladies in the picture?
over 15 years ago
yes, yes they do. Or on an elevator to hell.
over 15 years ago
You mispelled mysterious.
G guy
over 15 years ago
Really who are those girls?
over 15 years ago
well the part about selling her off to some one was right, wait do they live in hell?
over 15 years ago
Adult/edu compo winnner edmund...
over 15 years ago
on the edmund subject it's not a rape game, just a game about a rapist that has a sex scene depicting rape from the content of the script... your better off reading the thread up to the part about editing the script to before playing it the rest of the game is completely tame.
over 15 years ago
How did this thread derail into bizarre sex fantasies?
Some random guy
over 15 years ago
TIGsource forums is your friend jo
splunkey old arcade style gaming and damsel abuse too.
noitu love 1 and 2
dwarf fortress for a good reason to hate elves, carp, and cats all at the same time!
hell edmund for uhh well editing the script to suit some bizarre sex fantasy as some yellow muntant
over 15 years ago
Well anyone who attempts to make a game is an indie developer, so really it could go along the lines of anything from randomA opening his copy of Game-Maker to a very official process run by a startup company who have no financial backing.
I'm an indie developer, nothing to show yet (except bugs)
over 15 years ago
Wait, second.
Um...I don't have anything constructive to say ^_^'
over 15 years ago
O-kay, Miss Distress obviously has more than a screw loose. At least the beast has some class.