@shadow50011: lol, there was a match I was in yesterday where we had one guy tell us we needed a Rein so he could show off his "sweet Bastion tactics" or somesuch. I don't recall him even getting one kill as one guy kept countering the hell out of him. XD
@Tyler Wang: He is actually the worst hero in the game. I have not seen him used in competitive since Season 1. Lowest I went was Rank 51 in s1 and any time he was picked the game became a 5v6. Everyone but Winston can easily destroy Bastion.
Jeff Kaplan is bad at balancing and Over Watch will never be competitively viable as long as he keeps refusing to buff Bastion/Torbjorn/Symmetra/Widow just to please the new/bad players. It shouldn't matter how angry a character makes new players,balancing from the lowest tier is always a bad idea.
The problem with Symmetra is that her Teleporter is too strong (full-team ressurrection/speed boost) AND too weak (easily destroyed with only 200 HP, make more noise than a jackhammer, enemy team telepathically know when you place it). Yet, my Symmetra rocks. Good thing about being only Gold tier.
Have you thought about donating during Summer Games Done Quick? All money goes to MSF/DWB, and you get to make speedrunners do silly things, like DEMON CHOCOBO
Bastion does not need a rework. Just because you can't play him, doesn't mean he is under powered or needs to be reworked. Learn to play before you claim something is trash.
I may be a rank 50-ish only but I tend to win consistently with both Symmetra and TB on offense, although the latter I only win with him on Volskaja because of the turret delivery system. Symmetra with her M1 is like the Pyro that has to play like a Scout, deadly but you can't let them focus you!